1 minute read
8ll shingles, ete., and therefore co-operirting with you to ffll a bigger clish for you all to eat out of. So primarily, your Iumber competitors are NOT your real competitors at all; and they should NOT be.
The fellow whom all the lumbermen in EACH town should keep their weather eye on, is the merchant in OTHTIR lines of business, who is using his brains trying to drag clollars in HIS direction, that would otherwise go to buying BIIILDING MATERIAL. That is the guy you want to watch out for, because while your lumber competitor may get some ord.ers for lumber away from you, this non-Iumber merchant is rlipping IIIS hancl into the pot that you lumber folks must eat out of, and. therefore, cutting down the rations.
And IIOW is he doing it? By advertising and selling campaigns that GET TEE BUSINESS.
And how are you to prevent it, and fight against this competition? By the same means. Antt what will you aim to accomplish? To induce people to INVEST their money in buildings and building improvements that would otherwise lie dormant, or perhaps be spent for far less necessary and less valuable commod.ities.
Don't you appreciate the fact that every time the fellow who has no home buys an automobile, the building game has been hurt?
Don't you realize that every time the fellow whose house is run down, needs repairs and a coat of paint, goes and buys his wife that diamond pin that he saw in Levinsky's window, the lumber and paint business is getting bumpecl? SUR,E!
Ancl the &nswer to the whole thiug is to increase YOIIR business activity, so that you will form a natural magaet for the dollars that are going to be spent and invested in your community, and see that you get your share of them. Xlake yourself so doggoned. useful to your community, and, so familiarly and favorably known to your townspeople, that you can talk their building need.s to them from the very best vantage point.
A.d you will enter into the Kingdon of Better Business.
W. P. Medill, sales manager of McKay & CompoDy, San Francisco, wants to go on record as saying: "Nothing is too good. to say about THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT. It is a live journal and keeps us thoroughly posted on lumber happenings throughout the state. Everybody in our ofice reads,the paper from the Boss down to the Office Boy."