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Orange County Lumbermen's Club Hold Annual Meeting and Golf Tournament A. C. Bowers Elected President
The Orange County Lumbermen's Club held their annual meeting and golf tournament at the Santa Ana Country Club on Tuesday, October 18.
The golf tournarnent got under way at 1:00 P. M. The following golfers participated in the tournament: L. King, Bill Wright, H. F. Moore, H. Adams, A. E. Fickling, Bill Tway, J. Gammon, Ed. Seward, Ed. Culnan, Dee Essley, Ed. Martin, H. M. Shattuck, R. A. Emison, W. Spicer, Verne Whitson, E. Steffenson, I. Ott, Ross Hostetler, H. Westover, C. Chapman, Jess Ainsworth, Earl Galbraith, J.
the Secretary's Cup, donated by E. Steffenson, for having the low gross score. Mr. Spicer will have possession of the Secretary's Cup until the next tournament, as this prize will have to be won twice for permanent possession. The low net prize rvas rvon by Ross Hostetler and he was awarded a nut borvl and set of candlesticks donated by the Hammond Lumber Co. The above two prizes were open only to the members of the Orange County I-umbermen's Club.
The winners of the other golf prizes were as follows: low g'ross, Jess Ainsworth, a dozen golf balls donated by R. A. Emison; second net, Dee Essley, a $10.00 order donated by the Schumacher Wall Board Corporation; third net, Bill Wright, a dozen golf balls donated by the Pioneer Paper Co.; fourth net, E. Steffenson, a dozen golf balls donated by the B'lue Diamond Co.; fifth net, J. L. Green, a dozen golf balls donated by the Riverside Portland Cement Co. and sixth net, Stanley Clem, a driver, donated by the California Door Co. I. Ott was the winner of the booby prize and was awarded two golf balls.
Paul Hallingby, Mrs. J. E. Fraser, Paul E. Overend, A.C. Baker, C. W. Pinkerton, E. Steffenson, J. E. Martin, A. E. Fickling, Henry Adams, Ed. Culnan, Bob Holden, A. C. Bowers, Harry Westover, O. H. Barr, Frank Gibbs and Mrs. Vefne Whitson made short talks. The principal talk of the evening was made by J. W. Adams, San Francisco, who gave an excellent address on "Personality in Business."
The following directors were elected for the ensuing year: A. C. Bowers, C. H. Griffen, R. Nelson, E. R. Walker, Jack Collins, R. A. Emison and Guy Tyler. At a meeting of
W. Heinecke, G. Gearhart, L. 13. Eyer, R. G. Holden, J. Green and Stanley Clem.
L. the directors A. C. of the clu
At 7:00 P. M. rb6ut 75 sat down to dinner which inclullfil the members of the club, their wives and guests.
R. A. Emison, president of the Orange County Lumbermen's Club, acted as master of ceremonies. He introduced Stanley Clem who had charge of the entertainment program. Miss Daniels and Miss Faustjne Lucerio, who represented Southern California at the Sesqui-Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia, accompanied by a three piece string orchestra furnished the entertainment during the dinner hour.
Following the dinner, President Emison announced the winners of the golf contest. W,alter Spi..n ryas awarded is the dean of the lumbermen in Orange County and is connected with the Adams-Bovvers Lttmber Co. of Anaheim and the Skidmore & Bowers Lumber Co. of Downey. Mr. Bowers has been associated with the lumber business in Orange County for over fifty years and is one of the founders of the Orange County Lumbermen's Club.
E. Steffenson, secretary of the club, acted as chairman of the arrangements committee for the meeting. Bill Clemeril, C. H. dhapman and Jess Ainsworth arringed for the golf tournament. Stanley Clem had charge of the entertainment and Henry Adams rvas chairman of the nominatirrg committee.
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