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Dewalt Woodworker is Popular Machine With Lumber Yards in California
The DeWalt Woodrvorker has become a Yery popular machine in many lumber yards throughout the country, and there are now several hundred used in California alone.
The machine was originally designed for a small carpenter shop with a rf h.p. motor and manufactured on a small scale, but with the demand for direct drive machinery came the demand for more and bigger DeWalts. It is now frequently found working 8 and 16 hour shifts rip- ping two to four inch material with ease. One mill near Los Angeles is equipped with four DeWalts, and has been working two eight-hour shifts on quantity production for several months.
The yoke carrying the motor moves back and forth on a slide block in a covered track. Motor raises and lowers, tilts to any bevel, swings to any mitre, and is rigid in any position.
Dadoing at any angle with the layout lines always in plain view has won for this helper a place in the most modern plants. Detail men who want an overhead high-speed machine that cuts cleanly and accurately without vibration find it an answer to their cutting questions.
Diamond Match Company Will End Logging North Of Mill In November
Logging operations of the Diamond Match Company north of Stirling City, which have been in progress for 12 years will cease some time in November, when all timber in that area has been cut out, according to a recent statement by W. B. Dean, manager of the company. Preparations for extensive logging operations west of Powellton will be made, and logging in this section will begin next March or April, depending on the weather.
Reforestation experiments are being conducted by the company, Mr. Dean said.
If the yard manager or mill superintendent could anticipate his orders far in advance he would know just what kind of special machine he would need most, but he is always confronted with surprise rush orders, sometimes ripping, sometimes cutoff, gloughing, gaining frames or one of a hundred other cuts. It is in Beael Ripping such cases that the DeWalt has proven to be a friend in need. It moves right in line of production on the job that is getting behind.
Some prefer it stationary, others attach it to one end of a 100 foot drop cord and work right ofi the pile onto the truck. Every dollar it saves in handling means an added income that may mean the difference between success and failure. Every job on a direct drive ball-bearing machine is a cheaper job to figure. Every job done quicker means more satisfied customers.
The machine is sold by the DeWalt Machinery Co., 613 E. Third St., Los Angeles, of which C. L. Anderson is manager, and by the DeW-alt Sarv Agency, 8n Franklin St., Oakland, F. C. LeDoux, manager.
Paul Penberthy Takes In Football Game At Palo Alto
Paul Penberthy, Los Angeles, sales manager for the W. E. Cooper Lumber Co., motored to Palo Alto to attend the Southern California-Stanford game on Saturday, October 15. Paul is a great football enthusiast. Mrs. Penberthy made the trip with him.
Mr. George Burnett, president of the Burnett Lumber Co. of Tulare, spent a couple of days in San Francisco during the latter part of October.