1 minute read
Here is a Complete Direct Mail Campaign For Retailers
The Consolidated Shingle Mills of British Columbia, Limited, have prepared a complete Direct-Mail Campaign which will be supplied FREE to retail lumber dealers. It consists of re-roofing, re-modelling and insulation folders; a beautiful four-color letterhead; two attractive foldwell letters, carrying interesting informa. tion to home-builders; form-letters to architects and contractors; and an interesting and informative book for prospects who are contempliating building a new home, re-styling the old home, or re-roofing. All this literature will be supplied and imprinted with the retailer's firm name absolutely FREE. Write for Sample Campaign. A list of British Columbia mills who manufacture EDGEWOOD British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles will be supplied on reguest.
There' s Money in this K.itchen for YOU
THE modern way to sell casework is to handle it com, plete, just as you would doors.You never sell just the material for a door-why sell just the material for all new built,in conveniences? Sell them complete.
The Peanuss line of built,in furniture consists of more than 8o dilferent units. Every one of them is popular and a gmd seller. We give exclusive agencier 'W riu for r9z6 Caulog and &aler proposition.