1 minute read
Every Salepf Weyerhdeuse{ Drt cedar siding brings tepuatbug"1ts
LI-ERE is siding so lar above the ordinary I I that it sells on sight. And then sells Iuture siding orders Ior you.
It is made extra fi.ne to begin with. Then we dress up the packages to make it look as good as it is.
The wood that goes into this improved siding is the lamous slow growth Snoqualmie Cedareven textured, uniform, long lasting.
Only selected parts of the log go into this brand. Each piece is expertly sawed, correctly seasoned and carefully surfaced. Both ends oI each piece are trimmed even. Rigid grad' ing, rechecking and inspection result inIOO/o salable and usable material.
Bundles are neatly and securely tied. To each bundle is attached a colored label bearing the Weyerhaeuser Brand, the grade mark and trade mark. Order a trial shipment in a mixed car of popular Snoqualmie items.
Sizes: Bevel Siding, '/ inch by 4, 5,6 and 8 inches; Bungalow Siding, s/ inch by 8, 10 and 12 inches.