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How Lumber Looks
Douglar pi1;-ff,g trend of lumber production, which during the lart week in Septernber grd the 6ret trro weekr in October declined eharply, took an upward tun during the week ending October l9r'according to reportr received by the Wert Coart Lumbermen's A*ociation from 219 mills in Oregon, Warhington and Britirh Columbia.
Production for the week war about l7rOOOr0(X) feet greatcr than war reported druing the previour wec&, brt conriderably below the notrnal production for thir dmc of the year. Orderr received for the week ending October 19 were 14.69 per cent under tte output. New burinerc received for the rail market war almort 6'(X)OTOOO feet greater than that received during tte previous week. The domectic cargo and local rnarketr shorved a decreare in orderr.
The California demand continues lighl Clears continue to rhow rtrength. There has been finther reductionr in the unrold *ockr at San Pedro; rmrold rtockr at thir port on October 3O totded l3rSOOrOOO feet, a reduction of narly two million feet drring the past two weekr. There are 39 vecrelc laid up and 2 veerelr are op€rating ofr rhore. Cargo receiptr at San Pedro for the week endi-g October 26 totaled 13r178,(X)O feet, which ia extremely low. lt ir reported tbat further drartic curtailment at tfie millr, particularly on tte part of the largcr openaton, ir being contemplated.
Califonia White and Sugar Pine pricer are 6rm and there ir a good volume of busine*. The Redwood market rhorvr a good average bueiners with prices holding up weIL i?**satr*igsa
The current relationrhip of rhipmentr and orderr to prodnction for the fitst 42 weekr of 1929, according to the rcport of the National Lurnber Manufac{urcrc Asociationt baled on reportr from the regional asrociation, ig at follorur:
West Coart Lumbermcntr Agociatioa-Produc{ion, 7r378,433 M feet; Shipmente, 7,412,8A5 M feet; Orderr, 7,455,638 M feet.
Cdifornia White and SWar Pine Auociafisll-p;q{sstiori, 1,166,270M feei; Shiprnents, 111311213 M feet; Orderr, 1r14or(Xl M feet.
Cdifornia Redwood Agociation-Production, 31 4'E31 M fea; Shipmentr, 318r51O M feet; Orderq 3321213 M feet.
Southejn Pine Arrociation-Production, 2r826rffig NI feet; Shipmentr, 2,849,549 M feet; Orderc, 2r832rl70 tet.
Total Hardwoodr-Production, 211431966 M feet; Shipmentr, 2,088,630 M feet; Orden, 2,087,193 M feet.