1 minute read

New Rail Rate on Hardwood Shipments Into California From Three Southwestern States

A reduction of ten cents a hundred pounds has been granted to mills in three Southwestern stafes on rail shipments of Southern hardwoods into California. under a decision of the Interstate Commerce Commission. The new rate will go into efiect on November 15.

The new rate will be TO.cents and covers shipments from all Texas, all Louisiana west of the Mississippi River and

New Orleans, and a few western points in Arkansas. The present rate is 80 cents.

These producing points are embraced in the territory known as the Southwestern Group. They applied for a reduction to 621 cents to give them the sarne rate as freight moving east from California. As a compromise, the 70 cent rate was fixed. The rate on water shioments out of the sam.e territory is 45 cents.

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