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Random Editorial Ramblings
(Continued from Page 6)
Tell then that at the present rate of production and regrowth the forests of California will last forever. Tell ttrem that the forests of California have already produced more than twice as much wealth as have the mines of California, and the mines are'about gone, while the forests are almost untouched. Tell them that California consumes about twice as much lumber as she pro{uces, but imports 90 per cent of her consumption, shipping most of her own lumber outside the state for special uses. Tell them that California consumes more lumber than any other state. Tell them that Cdifornia will be a great lumber producing state in years to come when most of the states of the Union haven't a comrnercial tree.
Gaines D. Whitsitt, of Amarillo, Texas, the new Snark of the lfniverse, of Hoo Hoo, is a typical West Texan, a big, strong' sturdy' gallant gentleman, who thinLs with an honest mind and speaks with a straight tongue. He loves and believes in. Hoo Hoo, and in helping to make his administration a success the lumbermen of the nation will be helping themselves, and helping this rnighty fine old boy from Amarillo.
"People easiest to sell are hardest to collect from," says a business authority. Wrong t It depends, of course, on
Chas. S. Keith, president of the Central Coal & Coke Co., Kansas City, recently arrived in Portland to visit the company's western office, and their sawmill operation at Vernonia, Oregon.
C. D. Terwilliger, general manager of the Clover Valley Lumber Co., Loyalton, left on October 22 Lor a business trip to Chicago, where he will visit the companyl5 eastern office.
what you mean by the word "sell". An article is not SOLD until it is paid for. People easiest to deliver goods to may be the hardest to collect from. But that isn't selling. It's justdelivering.
ltleyerhaeuser's Four Square merchandising campaign goee brilliantly on. The lumber is packed so that it is easily identified by the packages, the attractive packages being likewise fine advertising. The lumber yard carries the attractive sign of the Four Square dealer. The consumer learns the merits of the Four Square stock through the consumer advertising they run, and the retail lumberman is educated through the trade press. Thus Four Square be. comes a known quantity in the home and lumber yard both. With generations of timber supply behind their mills' the Weyerhaeuser campaig" t; .*t"ldamentd one.
Business exists to give service. And if it doesn't come up to the mark in that particular, it is a failure, whether or not it makes money for its owners. \)l/e've all seen plenty of cases of business that made money by keeping out com- ,/ petition, yet denied its trade territory the kind of service v those people had i right to expect. Success isn't always measured in dollars, by any means. In fact, that's a mighty poor yard stick, generally speaking.
Charles R. McCormick, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Company, San Francisco, recently made a short business trip to the company's Los Angeles office.
Harry Hanson Visits San Francisco
Harry Hanson, California Panel & Veneer Co., Los Angeles, recently spent a few days in San Francisco on business. While in the Bay District he called on many of his lumbermen friends.