1 minute read
Our Gang
Great volumes are written on business, Filled from cover to cover with hints, Assuring success to the readers, Guaranteeing us incomes like mints. Some advise hiring high-powered salesmen, Whose line would cause Scotchmen to fall; While others have chapters on detail, What mileage will gasoline haul.
Now these points no doubt have their value
In buying and selling our waresBut nailed on the platform of selling We've a plank that is equal to theirs. It isn't on pencils saved daily, Nor is it our "Knock 'em dead"' line; It's just an old-fashioned friendship That we peddle with redwood and pine. This feeling don't start at the door squeak, It's something we carry in stock; It permeates through every worker And even cheers those who would knock.
Our impulse to be friendly is easy, And starts off each day with a bang. The reason ? Lean down and I'll whlsper, Our boss is just one of the gang.
E?-ch yard that.sells lumber has off days, When natures like bow strings would iwang; But our strains are lifted and steadied By our boss, who's just one of the gang.
Some days when we're not very busy And we're flirting with jobs saved for rain, Our work seems more like a visit. Though in rushes we work might and main.
Our stenographer's front name is Nita; At Stanislaus four years she's been. When her typing is all up and. finished She matches red pennies with Len.
Our accounting is done by Diana, And she untangles tangles in books. But she claims she missed part of her training, As she untangles cross puzzle crooks.
There's no place for gloom in our office; If there was, there won't be again, For we've annexed a cheer radiator, To the trade and our gang he's just Len.
He eats up the worst jobs we give him, Or out in the yard he'll load trucks. He tackles each customer grinning; His smiie is more fatal than luck. -
Now these are my reasons for thinking That when friendliness comes from within. The customer battle is easy; And-one of our gang is named JIM. _R. L. USTICK, Stanislaus Lumber Co., Modesto. California.
SUGTNE ORE: General Saler Ofice: Failing Bldg., Portlani Orc.