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A bigger murgin? CnRTAII\LY!
Contractors pay more to grve small homes this extra-$1,000-look
VOU\IE something more to sell than l. just another door when you show a contractor Philippine Laminex. Vir. tually you're oftering him a way to givo small jobs an extra-91,000-look!
That elender ribbon grain of Philippine Laminex is the grain of hardwoode that only builders of mansions could heretofore afrord-the grain of mahogany and teak!
But in Philippine Laminex doors antl trim, this aristocratic grain is inexpensiveo even after you've added on an unusually bigmargin.You can price Philippine Lam. inex scarcely higher than doors of com- gladly
This interesting "modern" d.oor is based on a prize winning design in the Philippine Laminex competition. Weuill makc. it on your order -ask lor De,sign 109 mon domestic hardwoods, and still make far more money on these fine new doors! Contractors ever)'where are getting excited about the new beauty of this wood. They are asking for the handsome new designs, including the prize-winning modern styles in which Philippine Laminex doore now come. And they are demanding in such doors, the warp-proof qualities of Laminex construction.
Ilere'e a chance to build up a substantial volume on really profitable doorcfour opportunity is largest right todaybefore you've competition on it.
Get ahead of the other Iellow this time: Send ftrr the Philippine Laminex Manual now. If you'll tear ofr the coupon and the above designs you like, we'll have a near. by jobber quote you. Do it now.
Vithout obligetion to mc, have r ror by jobber quotc Ee price or the above iloon i! the quntitie. indiqted. Aleo gcad me, fre, you lcw Philippiae Iaminer Muual.
Will not shrink, naell, or warp