1 minute read
r.P. H0GAN co.
_, In both instances, the car was rbuted via C. & NW. and Uhion Pacific and was loaded with IXL maple floorins. Secretary Roy E. James of the W. E. Cooper Lumber C6. states "this is something we do not think will happen again in many moons, as this car must have traveled minv t[ou- sands of miles during the intervening eight montlis."
B. E. Bryan, general manager of the Strable Hardwoo<l Company, Oakland, returned on October 23 from a business trip to the Eastern states, tvhich occupied about three weeks.
While in the East Mr. Bryan visited the plant of the pptol Co. at I akeport, N. Y., and a numbir of Maple Flooring mills in Northern Michigan. He also attended a meltjng of the Maple Flooring Manufacturers' Association at Chicago.- an_d visited Shrevlport, La., on his way back to the Pacific Coast.
Philippine and Fir Doors and Panelr Office, Yard, Mill and Doclc
2nd & A,ricc s'. OAKLAND cb:1";"6s6r
Pbone Keamy 388