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Room andBath sr- )
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greatpons of the world. Kobe, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore and you are free to stopover where you like, as long as you like. Your ticket is good
From Los Angeles and San Francisco: Weekly sallings for Honolulu. Japan. China, Manila-thence on fortnighdy schedulcs to Malaya, Ceylon-with easy .ccess ro India-Egypt and Round the World.
From NcwYork and Boston: Fortnightly sailings for California via Havana and Panama, thence Round the !7orld. (f1370 farc includes room, privatc bath and meals, also rail fare from any direct line point in the U. S. to Los Angeles or San Francisco and back to staning point from Ncw York. ) for rwo years. Nc other plan of world travel oIlers you such freedom and comfort,iuch consideration for your personal wishes.
Atk lor lartbet ialormation ltom any steamtbip ot ,osrit, agnt.
Take a trip around the world! And go, not as a scheduled tourist, but as a traveler-with all .the freedom of a private crulse.
Steamship Lines
We Carry a complete stock of both 'kiln dried and air dried PORT ORFORD GEDAN Let us take care of your orders with our
Austin L. Black.
Austin L. Black
Advertising Manager of General Paint Corporation
Austin L. Black, formerly advertising manager of the California White & Sugar Pine Manufacturers' Association, San Francisco, has been appointed advertising manager of the General Paint Corporation, San Francisco, a consolidation of nine successful paint manufacturing companies, which includes the following California concerns: HillHubbell & Co., and Magner Bros. Paint Co., San Francisco; California Paint Co., Oakland; Brininstool Paint Co., Technical Oil & Paint Co,, and the Bradley-Wise Paint Co., Los Angeles.
Nils J. Blagen
Nils J. Blagen, prominent Northwest lumberman, builder and contractor, died in Portland on October 16, after an illness of several months.
Mr. Blagen was born in Dehmark in 185O, and came to the United States in 1870. After engaging in the building and contracting business for many years he purchase4 a controlling interest in the Grays Harbor Lurnber Co., Hoquiam, in 1905, and later took over the Davies-Johnson Lumber Co. at Calpine, California.
Retiring from business about ten years ago, Mr. Blagen remained-president of the two lumber companiet, -yh!g!t are operated by his three sons, Clarence G. and H. W. Blagen, manager and sales manag'€r, respectively, of .the Hoquiam mill, and F. N.'Blagen, in charge-of operations at Calpine. Three daughters also survive, Mrs. Florence Staigei, Portland; Mrs. Emma Blackburn,. Bullin-game, Calii. and Mrs. Celeste Westenhaver, Riverside, Calif.
Installs Additional Dry Kilns
The Western Plywoods Company, Martinez, California, are making considerable improvements in connection with their Redwood plywood operation. The increased demand for high grade Ridwood panels has made it necessary for them to install additional veneer drying capacity, also woodworking machinery. Two Moore's Cross Circulation Veneer KilnJ are now being constructed' These driers are difierent from the usual type of veneer drier in that they employ relatively low temperatures.and fast air circulation for'drvine the veneer. The wide sheets of veneer will be stacked oi iacklift sleds and by employing special stacking system wide sheets of veneer can be dried uniformly without checking and sPlitting.
The marklets for-Redwood panels are being extended to many foreign countries where Redwood is used for interior trim.