1 minute read

Bob Leishman Returns From South American Trip

Robert R. Leishman, manager of the millwork depart- ment of the Redwood Manufacturers Co., pittsb,rrg ,e_ turned on October 8 from a two months, vacation trio" during- which he visited points in Central America, p;;;, and S_o_uth America, and on the way home visited'Cuba and New York.

Mr. Leishman says that business in South America seemed to him to be_just as highly competitive as i" tt;. country, and he found most tradis ire now organized there, even the lumber trade, and that to a South Arierican " *.rrj tleman-'s agreeme_nt is j'1.1 as binding as a signed .onti".t, with the result that trade associatiois *ort -o"t for all concerned.

.In one of the South American countries Mr. Leishman discovered when asking questions about their li";- i;;;, that while a man can't 6e put out of a house on account of an unpaid lien, there is no law-against taking th;h;;; down around him and selling the-materiat to'saiisfr-ihe lsry lien.


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