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Lumber Dealers Inspect Victorville Cement Plant
The members of the Orange Belt Lumbermen's Club, together with otlrer lumber dealers from various sections of Southern California, were the guests of the Southwestern Portland Cement Co. at their Victorville plant on Saturday, October 12.
During the afternoon the dealers made an inspection tour of the plant where the process of manufacturing cement was explained to them in detail. An excellent turkey dinner was served in one of the company's ware-rooms and during the dinner hour musical selections were rendered by a Los Angeles orchestra.
Following the dinner, Ilarvey Hall, president of the Orange Belt Lumbermen's Club, presided over the meeting. Addresses were made bv R. D. Mundell. Secretarv of the Orange Belt Lumbermen's Club; E. H. Case, Secretary of the Pomona Vallev Lumbermen's Club: Dee Esslev. Man- the Valley Club; Dee Essley, aser. California Retail Lumbermen's Association ag'er, California I Association; and L. V. Robinson, Superintendent of the Southwestern Portland Cement Co., Victorville plant. Ninety-five attended the meeting.
Code Prospectus Ready for Distribution
A complete prospectus on the Uniform, Building Code and the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference, prepared by J. E. Mackie and A. C. Horner, former secretaries, is now being distributed by Conference headquarters. Copies have already been mailed to the Conference active and subscribing membership as well as to a number of other interested individuals. Professional and associate members are receiving copies with this issue of the "Bulletin."
Answering briefly a set of 21 questions commonly asked of the Conference, this prospectus is designed especially for the use of cities and persons interested in a general history of the Pacific Coast Building Ofticials Conference and the Uniform Building Code. The booklet gives a general idea of the contents of the Code and includes the list of cities which have adopted the Code, together with the names of several organizations having indorsed the document. Additional items given in an appendix include a list of organizations having participated in the development of the Unifrom Building Code, a suggested form of ordinance for adopting the Code, the text of the enabling act which legalizes adoption by reference in the state of California, and the Articles of Association of the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference.
Copies of the prospectus may be obtained free of charge from Conference headquarters, 19 Pine Avenue, Long Beach. Calif.
Snark Wark Announces Nine
H. A. Wark, Building Material Arcade, San Diego, the new Vicegerent Snark of the San Diego district, announces the following members to serve on the Nine during the coming Hoo Hoo year: Senior Hoo Hoo, Jesse O. Bacon, Klicka Lumber Co.; Junior Hoo Hoo, Chas. D. McFarland, Dixie Lumber & Supply Co.; Bojum, Merle L. Baker, Miller-McDermott Hardwood Co.; Scrivenoter, R. M. Bowen, Herriman Lumber Co.; Jabberwock, John F. Lupton, Sullivan Hardwood Co.; Custocatian, C. L. Roberts, Benson Lumber Co.; Arcanoper, Cy E. Irving, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co.; Gurdon, F. S. Mason, San Diego Lumber Co.