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lncorpcated udcr thc lawr of Callfornla

J. C. Dlonnc, Prcr. ud Tnar; J. E. Mtr6n, Vle-Prcs.; ,{- C. Mmym, Jr., Sccy. Publtghed the lrt sd lSth of each month at 3rt-lt-20 Central Building, lOt W$t Slxth Strug Lc Angelcr, Cal., Tclcpbc, VAndltrc 45!l Entcred s Secod-clus mtter Scptcmber 8, 19t2, at thc Potoffle'rt Lor Angclce, Callfomle, undqr Aot d March 1 lEil9.

sr";r.-6;;i.; Ei;l/.I;'[. Y'- Los ANGELES, cAL., NoVEMBER t, | 93 | *:Tiili,Ia::

Subrcriptior Pricc. 32.1X

How Lumber Looks

The California situation shows no definite changes. The volume of business and prices remain about the sanie. Lath continues to be scarce. Cargo atrivals and unsold lumber at San Pedto for the week ended October 24 were the lowest oll r€G. ord; unsold stocks totaled tr9g2roo0 feet, and seven cargoes of lir -carryilg 5r444rOOO feet were received. Sixty lumberlessels in the California service are laid up, with one-vessel, the Missoula, operating ofi shore; the previous week 59 vessels were laid 1n. Loo_ Angeles building-permits for the first twenty- four days of October totaled $217501965.

d<rF*rN<****rt total of 344 mills reporting to the West Coast Lumbermen'e Association for the week ending Ocober 17, operated at 31,'.t per cent of capacity, as compared to 31.8 per c_ent of capacity,for the preceding week, and 47.8 per cent for the same week last yeat. For the first 41 weeks of 1931 these_ mills have operated at 39.8 per ceqt of capacity as compared to 56.7 pet cent for the sami period of 19i0.

Lumber Manufacturers Association. Shipments were 6 per cent above their productionn which amountedio 173,869,000 feet for the week. The previous week 834 mills repotted orders 3 per cent below, and shipments 9 per cent above a combined pre duction of. 175,799,O00 feet.

The Southern Pine Association for the week ended Octob€r 17 reported production ftom 134 mills as 28r534rOOO feet, ehip. ments 30r807rC{JlO feet, and new business ,21046.1000 feet Ordcrs were 72 pet cent above productiono and 4 per cent above shipments.

_ Douglas _Fir-A

Producion, orders and shipmenti reported to the Association by 224 identi'cal mills for the week ended October 17 vtere as follows: Production, 8l'r822rt6l feet; Shipments, 8318851318 feet; Ordersr77r025r497 Leet. Orders w.re -5.9 per cent under production, and shipments for the week 2.5 p.r cent over the cut.

Lumber orders returned to a favorable telation with produc. tion for the week ended October 17, and. were approiimately I pet cent ab_o-rre the ,cut, it is indicated in telegraphic rcports from 811 leading hardwood and softwood mills io the National

The Vestern Pine Association reported production from 86 mills as 20,1111000 feet, shipments 21r394rflX) feet, and ordets 19,210,fi)0 feet

The California mills of the Vestern Pine Association reported production fuom 24 millg as 2I.r4gSrOOO feet, shipments t7r657.000 feet, and orders 181069,000 feet.

Reports f.torn 257 hardwood mills for the week give neru business as2116771000 feet, shipments 20J91'OOO feet, and production l5r482ro(X) feet. Orders were 4O per cent above, and shipments )3 per cent above production.

For the month of September, t{re California Redwood Asrociation reported production ftom 12 millc as 12r841r(XX) feef, orders received tr926r00{J feet, orderr on hand l5299r00/J feq and shipments 1316891000 feet. Distribution of ordets for the month were as followe: Northern California Tr04lr0flo tee/,, Southerrr California 216321000 feet, Vestern .114000 feet, Eartern 3r906,(X)0 feet, and Foreign 233r0O0 f.et

Timber Conservation Board Urges Remodeling Redondo Bcach Yard

Lumber Curtailment

Extensive curtailment of lumber production urged by the Timber Conservation Board as a restoring stability to the industry. The board port submitted on October 27 to Secretary Lamont on the needs of the remainder of the year and the first half of 1932, stated that there has been a material reduction of stocks throughout the country. However, the report said, there was an excess of stocks over anticipated requirements of 4,500,000,000 board feet on October 1.

has been means of in its re-

Floyd Dernier Calls On Northern California Dealers

Floyd Dernier, Lumbermen's Service Association, Los Angeles, has just completed a three weeks' trip calling on the retail dealers in San Francisco, Oakland, Sacra-mento and San Joaquin Valleys, Coast territory, and other Northern California points.

The Patten-Blinn Lumber Co. are remodeling their Redondo Beach plant and are arranging for an attractive retail yard where all their stock will be under shed. The mill and dry kilns at this plant will be discontinued and the machinery will be moved to their Wilmington plant where they have extensive mill and dry kiln operations.

Walter Kelly Flies

J. Walter Kelly, district sales rhanager of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco, is one of those busy lumber executives who travels by air to save time. He recently had occasion to make a fast trip from San Francisco to Sacramento, and accomplished this by traveling by Air Ferry and Varney Speed Lanes planes, arriving at the Senator Hotel, Sacramento, 67 minutes after leaving his office.

The Symbol of unconditional high quality

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