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How Lumber Looks
Lumber production and orders received during the week ended October 14, lgtt, were slightly above those reported for the previous week and shipments were about the same, according to reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from the regional associations covering the operations of leading hardwood and softwood mills. The reports were made by lr2l7 American mills. In addition the Vest Coast Lumbermen's Association gave figures Iu 22 British Columbia mills.
Total production of reporting Amecican mills was 183'397rOOO feet; shipments 161,718,fi)0 feet; orders 166'190'000 feet. The Canadian mills reported ptoduction, l2r7o9r0o0 f.eetl shipments 9,6851000 feet; orders 11,535,000 feet
A total of 445 down and operating millg which reported to the Vest Coast LumbermentE Association fot the week ended October 2l produced 9313531000 feet. This was approximately the same as the preceding week.
New business reported to the Association by 134 mills fot the same week was 7211491271 teet against a ptoduction of 85r201r914 feet and shipmetrts of 8018641323 f.eet. Cunent sales were under production by 15.72/s, and shipmenta were under the cut by 5.O9Vo. The orders booked dudng the week by this group of mills were under the previous week by 1016o01000 feet, ot l2.E/s.
Attend Code Hearings In Washington
Frank J. Connolly, Western Hardwood Lumber Co.; C. M. Cooper, W. E. Cooper Lumber Company; Grover C. Gearhart, Hammond Lumber Company, and Henry W. Swafford, E. J. Stanton & Son, all of Los Angeles, have been attending the meetings of the Lumber Code Authority which ,convened in Washington, .D. C., on October 16.
Lumberman Has Minor Operation
Ben Maisler, Maisler Bros. Lumber Co., Fresno, recently spent a few days in the Stanford Hospital, San Francisco, u'here he underwent a tonsil operation.
The Southern Pine Association for the week ended October 2l reported new business for 10O millg as 181731'000 feet; chipments 2lr911rfiX) feet; production 2trt09r000 feet" Orders were l9.64Vo below productio'n, and l4.1lqo below shipments. Shipfirents wete 6/s below production.
The Vestern Pine Association for the week teported new business for 139 mills as 31,E25r000 feet; shipments 3El60'000 feet; production 44g07r00/D fieet. Ordets were 2E per cent below production and 17 pet cent below shipments. Shipments were 14 per cent below production. **
553 hardwood mills give new business during the week ended October 14 aa 3116051000, or 4 per cent below production, and shipments wete 27r62Er000 feet, or 16 per cent below production. Production w* 32,837,O00 feet.
The California volume was light during t{re month of Octo$er, but some improvement in buying by the yards was reported during the last week of the month. Unsold stocl$ on the public docks at Los Angeles harbor totaled 524,ow feet o'n October 23. Catgo arrivals at Los Angeles harbor for the wee& ended October 21 amotrnted to 7r6f,4r000 feet which included 11 cargoes of Fir with 615831000 feet and 1 cargo of Redwood carrying lr021r0o0 feet. 52 vessels in the coastwise lumbet service were operating on October 18; 53 vesses were laid up.
Fire Destroys Lumber Yard
Fire of an undetermined origin destroyed the lumber yard of the Patten-Blinn Lumber Co. at 243 N. Garfield Ave., Alhambra, on the night of October 18. The loss is estimated at $25,000. As this is an excellent location and only a block from the business district, the company secure a desirable permit. For care of their business in this plans to rebuild if they can the present they are taking district from their yard at 2020 W. Main Street bra. Alham-
Lumber Code Authority Approves Minimum Cost Protection
Prices and Fair Trade Practice Rules
(Telegram to The California Lumber Mer'chant)
Washington, D. C., October 30.-Minimum cost prgtection prices and Rules of Fair Trade Practice approved by Lumber Code Authority. Prices of lumber not fixed but bottom level established with general average about the same as present wholesale prices. Forntula prescribes method by which each branch of the industry. compu-tes delivered piices. Copy of prices now being printed efiejtive ten davi after publication. Schedule B, Fair Trade Practice Rules at to* in Code effective November 1. R"y Wiess will administer Schedule B.