4 minute read
There's No Such Word as Fail
Tunc--Battle Hymn of thc Republic
We've enlisted in an army that is out to win the day, And we follow with assurance where our Captain leads the way;
And we'll drive old man Depression from the land without delay;
There's no such word as. fail !
ChorusPut the eagle in the window, put window, the eagle in the no such word as,
Put the eagle in the window, there's fail !
We are fighting for the glory of the years that are to be, And the eagle is our symbol as we march from sea to sea; We will neither rest nor falter till we've gained the victory; There's no such word as. fail !
ChorusPut the eagle in the window, put the eagle in the window, Put the eagle in the window, there's no such word as, fail !
There's a rift in clouds above us, and the sun is smiling through, Hearts oppressed by fear and sorrow, feel the thrill of hope anew;
So we'll still be pressing onward with a purpose firm and true; There's no such word as, fail !
ChorusPut the eagle in the window, put the eagle in the window, Put the eagle in the window, there's no such word as, fail ! -A. Merriam Conner.
Bob Leishman with Holmes-Eureka
R. R. (Bob) Leishman will be associated with the Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., redwood manufa,cturers, starting November 1. He will carry on trade promotional work for the ,company calling on the architects and engineers. For the past two years, he has been a fieldman for the California Redwood Association working out of their Los Angeles office, and prior to that was connected with the Redwood Manufacturers Company at Pittsburg, Calif.
New Yard at N.pa
D. G. Penzotti recently opened a new lumber yard at Napa under the name of Napa Builders' Supply Co. Mr. Penzotti is a well known retail lumberman who was for some years secretary of the Peninsula Lumbermen's Club, with headquarters at Palo Alto.
Will Sacrifice
Owner will sacrifice clean, well established yard. Good location. Attra'ctive leads. Small investment. Address Box C-495, California Lumber Merchant.
\vANTED materials. Also C-497, California
Commission salesman for lumber and solicit building prospects. Address Box Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Yard For Sale
Los Angeles and Southern California lumber yards for sale. Address Box C-480, Care California Lumber Merchant.
Accountant Wants Connection
Competent Lumber Accountant with 24 years successful record, including management of large yard in Middle West, seeks connection in either capacity in California. Highest references. Address Box C-498, California Lumber Merchant.
Retailers' Annu.l Convention
(Continued from Page 23)
S. Lindroth, Capital Lumber Co.. ..Sacramento
A. N. Lofgren. . .San Francisco
E. S. McBride, Davis Lumber Co.... ...Davis
E. V. McClintock, Redwood Manufacturers Co.. Pittsburg
J. B. McKeon, Sacramento Lumbermen's Club. Sacramento
A. McNair, McKinnon-McNair Lumber Co.. St. Helena
P. G. Maier, Roth-Maier Lumber Co........San Francisco
J. H. Martin, San Carlos Lumber Co.. . San Carlos
W. O. Mashek, United Lumber Yards Modesto
Paul M. P. Merner, Merner Lumber Co.........Palo Alto
O. H. Miller. Knox Lumber Co. Sacramento
Earl D. Minton, Minton Lumber Co.. Mountain View
Roy H. Myers, Peoples Lumber Co.... .....Ventura
N. E. Nelson, Hayward Mill & Lumber Co.......Hayward
Frank J. O'Connor, Calif. Wholesale Lumber Association ....San Francisco

Frank T. Olson, Olson Lumber Co.. . Alhambra
J, W. Pearson, Redwood Manufacturers Co.. Pittsburg
F. K. Peil, Hammond Lumber Co. San Francisco
W. E. Peterson, Bakersfield Building Materials Co. .. ...Bakersfield
Gordon Pierce. Boorman Lumber Co... . ...Oakland
J. L. Pierce, Pacific Mfg. Co. Santa Clara
C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier Lumber Co.... ..Whittier
H. A. Porter. Patterson Lumber Co.. Patterson
F. Dean Prescott, Valley Lumber Co.... .....Fresno
Nils Quist, Quist Lumber & Mill Co. Hayward
E. T. Robie, Auburn Lumber Co.. . ..Auburn
S. P. Ross, Central Lumber Co.. Hanford
A. J. "Gus" Russell, Santa Fe Lumber Co.. San Francisco
E. P. Ruth, Reedley Lumber Co.. Reedley
A. L. Sailor. E. K. Wood Lumber Co.. San Francisco
Roy L. Sandefur, Dill Lumber Co.. . Riverside
H. M. Schaur, Good Lumber Co. .Tracy
Ray Shannon, IJnion Lumber Co.. San Francisco
J. H. Shepard, Friend & Terry Lumber Co.....Sacramento
W. N. Shifflett, Napa Lumber Co. Napa
H.H.Smith ....DalyCity
William Smith, Smith Lumber Co.... .San Francisco
Stuart Smith, Lafayette Lumber & Supply Co.. Lafayette
E. Steffensen, Orange County Lumbermen's Club . .Santa Ana
R. B. Stevens, A. F. Stevens Lumber Co.. Healdsburg
A. Stoodley, Sunnyside Lumber Co.. Santa Cruz
Jerry Stutz, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co... ....San Francisco
H. F. Suverkrup, John Suverkrup Lumber Co.... ..SanBernardino
J. E. Suverkrup, John Suverkrup Lumber Co. '. ..San Bernardino
I. J. Symons, Hales & Symons Sonora
Z. T. Thorning, Gray-Thorning Lumber Co..Redwood City
Waverly Tilden, Tilden Lumber Co.... ...Berkeley
Warren E. Tillson, The Modesto Lumber Co.. Modestb
S. G. Truitt, Pacific Coast Coal Co. San Luis Obispo
James Tully, General Supply Co.. North Sacramento
James L. Venn, W. R. Spalding Lumber Co.. Porterville
H. F. Vincent, E. K. Wood Lumber Co.. San Francisco
D. O. Wenrich, Wenrich Lumber Co.... ....Merced
A. B. Wilson, Noyes Lumber Co.... ....Napa
O. V. Wilson, Central Lumber Co.. Stockton
W. E. Wilson, Monolith Portland Cement Co.. Oakland
F. A. Witmer, Monterey Lumbermen's Club. Monterey
W. C. Woodward, Cotati Lumber Co.... .....Cotati
J. F. Wright, Brey-Wright Lumber Co.. Porterville
W. T. Wallace, Hammond Lumber Co.. San Francisco
F. H. White, Hammond Lumber Co.........San Francisco
William G. Wright, Wright Lumber Co. .. Stockton
M.y Include \(/ood Products
Under Lumber Code
Washington, D. C., Oct. ll-At a meeting of the National Control Committee of the Lumber Code Authority, in session here this week, a number of applications were received from groups of manufacturers of wood products seeking admission under the Code.
The Committee agreed that applications f rom such groups for admission would be considered and if approved presentation by the Authority would be made, after which public hearings will be held. Disposition of individual 'cases would await such development of the facts. The Committee then approved the presentation to the National Recovery Administration by the Executive Offi'cer of the Authority of the following industries : Picker Sticks, Persimmon, Dogwood and Hickory Products, Hickory Golf Shafts. Carriage, Wagon and Implement Wood Stock and Brooms and Mop Handles.
with justifiable pride to his new oak floors he sees only their finished beauty.
floor and oak flooring of unquestionable integrity of manufacture. And such oak flooring,known always by its trade-mark, is profitable alike to the dealer, the builder and the owner, for it sells and stays sold,
Efcctioe dealcr selling aids in oar scraicc incladc literztarc in color, slidcs and dealer cuts, lYe utould liAe for yon lo sec for yotrself bout ttscful tbcy ntotld hc to yoa-just uritc for tbcnt,

KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI r87, Luntbermen sinie