5 minute read
"Red"Wood Says.'
"I certainly enjoyed seeing you at the convention and hope you had as good a time as I did!
"Don't forget that tNoyo' brand is all you have to say to get dependable grades and unequalled service."
Who knows the farm
But he who, wandering there, On windswept hills, brown and bare, And drinking deep of early morn, Sees the loveliness of corn; Only he, calm and strong, And loving all surrounding him, Knows song of birds, knows twilight dim' Setting sun and rippling wheat; Knows the occasional plaintive bleat Of sheep passing down the lanes, Knows and loves the summer rains And lifting scent of fresh-tilled soil. He who knows the joy of the farrner's toil Through winter storm and summer calm, He, and he only, knows the farm.
-Russell Stark.
Not That
Landlady: "So that new boarder has found something fresh to complain about this morning?"
Waitress: "No, ma'am, it's the eggs."
Too True
We all admire the man who knows. But we hate the man who knows he knows.-Exchange.
"What does it cost to have your car overhauled?"
"You mean by a mechanic, or a motor cop?"
A New York retailer takes the prize for cheap advertising that brought 'em in. He put a large fish bowl full of water in his front window with a big sign that read "Invisible gold fish from the Argentine." The sidewalks were packed by the curious throngs, trying to see the fish.
My Life
My life is a wayside flower, A coqnmon, uncoveted one, But its roots grow glad for the shower, And its heart turns gold in the sun. And never in vain, oh never ! Has it held out the empty cup, But that God in some way, and ever, With something has filled it up.
-J. P. Sjolander.
"Yes sir. He's in a very bad way, poor man. We was working on the railroad line the other day and a locomotive came along and cut his legs off. It's what the doctors call locomotive attacks you, I believe."
When trouble is brewing, keep still. When slander is getting on its legs, keep still. Silence is the most massive thing conceivable, sosnetimes. There is strength ih its very grandeur. Imprudent speech has done more harm than gun powder.-"Spokes," Portland, Oregon.
The Land
Man is a land animal. A land animal cannot live without land. All that man produces comes from the land; all productive labor, in the final analysis, consists in working up land, or materials drawn from land, into such forms as fit them for the satisfaction of human wants and desires. Man's very body is drawn from the land. Children of the soil, we come frorn the land, and to the land we must return.
Take away from man all that belongs to the land, and what have you but a disembodied spirit? Therefore, he who holds the land on which and from which another man must live is that man's master; and the rnan is his slave. The man who holds the land on which I must live can command me to life or to death just as absolutely as though I were his chattel.
-Henry George.
East B.y Hoo Hoo Meet Nov. 13 Coos B.y Lumba Co. lssues Publk
H. J. Brunnier, engineer of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, will address East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39 at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, on Monday evening, November 13. His subject will be "Prosperity Via the San Fran'cisco-Oakland Bay Bridge." He will particularly deal with the manner in which lumbermen of the Bay district will benefit by the constru,ction of the bridge.
Dinner will be served at 6:09 p.m. at the usual price of 85 cents plus tax.
Makes New Connection
C. G. "Jeff" Corkran, well kn,own lumber salesman, is now representing MacDonald & Harrington, San Francisco, in the Sacramento Valley district with headquarters in Sacramento.
This firm recently installed teletype instruments, establishing direct connection with their Portland office and all other offices having teletype equipment.
Receive Many Congratulations
Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Bowe are the recipients of many congratulations from their friends on the arrival of a baby boy, James Faulkner Bowe, born at Los Angeles on October 8. Mr. Bowe represents the Reilly Tar & Chemical Corp. in the Los Angeles territory.
Hole Sale
Califomia Saleg Agcntr for
Pohon Lumber & Shinglc Co.
Hoquien, Verh.
Andenon a Middl*on Lumbcr Co.
Aberdcco, V{h.
Prcuty Lumbcr & Bor Compeny
Varrenton, Omgoa
Operrffng Steamcn lV. R. Chrnbcdin, Ja Criclet
Strnrood - Brrben C. Pbyllit
Statement Condemning Enforced Unemployment of 7OO MenEmployes Wirc Washington
The Coos Bay Lumber Company, of Marshfield, Oregon, have been vigorous protestants against any regulations of the lumber code that curtails employment. On October 21, they issued a public statement, of whioh the following is a part:
"Of course we greatly regret having been forced to discharge nearly 700 of our workmen on October 18th be,cause of the restrictions imposed upon us by the NRA lumber code.
"We have consistently opposed the provision of the lumber code allowing restri.ction of production. We have insisted all along that it can but create unemployment. Everybody now knows that it does. We have therefore refused to share any part of the responsibility for denying men the right to earn a living.
"Self presbrvation is the first law of nature. That law .cannot be repealed by mere men, even though temporarily clothed with governmental authority. Any authority that attempts to prevent American citizens from working in support of themselves and their dependents when they have the opportunity to do so, will fail."
The 4L Lumber News publishes the gist of a telegram employes of the Coos Bay Lumber Company sent to Washington, protesting against their employer being forced to lay them oft against his will, and asking what provision is being made to care for these seven hundred men and their families thrown out of employment at the beginning of winter.

The Company claims it could have secured foreign orders sufficient to have kept its mill going and its men employed.
Lopes Radio Football Chart
Manuel S. Lopes, Jr., of Los Angeles, in charge of California sales for the Bloedel-Donovan Lumber Mills Box Department has invented a radio football chart which enables radio listeners to follow the game play by play. The chart is speedy, efficient and easy to operate. The chart has a diagram of the playing field and by means of the indicators it is easy to follow the progress of the game. On the reverse side of the chart is a complete football schedule of the Pacific Coast football games to be played this season. The chart is now available in many stores throughout the state.
OAKL/WD trt Wslj{brh SL fth Flc, Ftfc Btft. Markct Sr Ptcr Gl.aqrt tlSl PonrL/rND, oREG. :ts lmde sEATr.tJ, llf Rritny.Erdup Bldj. DOutlu il?f pbr No. ! Bndmy 255r
Back From Eastern Trip
George W. Gorman, sales manager Hammond Lumber Co., San Francisco, returned to his desk October 23 from a five weeks' business trip to Chicago, New York and other Eastern cities.