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Pregident of
in Lumber Code Mining Company in Philippines
Washington, D. C., Oct. 7.-President Roosevelt today approved two amendments to the lumber code, thereby bringing the many concerns engaged in the manufacture, importation and distribution of plywood and commercial veneers under the provisions of the code.
Wages and hours are the same as for the face veneer manufacturers, already under code jurisdiction. Employees are limited to a maximum of forty hours per week, and wage scales run from a minimum of 23 cents per hour in the South to 4212 cents per hour in northern congested areas.
A nelv division, called the "Veneer and Plywood Division," is created under the Lumber Code Authority, taking the place of the present veneer division, which becomes the Face Veneer Subdivision of the new group, and which will continue under the administration of The Veneer Association, 616 South Michigan Ave., Chicago. The Plywood and Veneer Association, 176 West Adams St., Chicago, has been named to administer the code for the plywood subdivision, while the administrative agency for the Commercial veneer subdivision will be appointed by a committee to be named later. The three subdivisions are to name a co-ordinating committee, which will be designated as the administrative agency of the Lumber Code Authority for the entire division.
H. J. Ford Appointed Secreta ry oj San Joaquin Lumbermen's Club
H. J. Ford, who has been in the insurance business in Fresno for the last two years, and for eight years prior to that was associated with the Sugar Pine Lumber Co., Pinedale, has suc'ceeded Forrest K. Peil as secretary of the San J,oaquin Lumbermen's Club, with headquarters in Fresno.
The friends of B. W. Cadwallader, formerly well known Philippine mahogany manufacturer, will be interested to know that he is back in the Philippines in the mining business. He is President of The Florannie Mining Company, in Manila, and is engaged in mining Chromite ore for export to the United States. His company have extensive holdings of this ore a few miles from Sabanag. The ore is shipped to the U. S. for refinement. From this ore Chromium Steel is made, and newspapers in the Islands predict a great future for the mines being developed by Mr. Cadwallader.
He founded the Cadwallader-Gibson Company in the Philippines 34 years ago, and was for thirty years engaged in the business of manu{acturing Philippine hardrvoods.
Annual Golf Tournament Nov. 15
The monthly golf tournament of the Orange County Lumbermen's Club was held at the Hacienda Country Club, Whittier, on Wednesday afternoon, October 18, with a large attendance. C. C. Barr, Barr Lumber Co., Whittier, had the low net score, winning a leg on the "Blue Diamond" cup. C. C. Barr also tied with Ross Hostettler of the Costa Mesa Lumber Co., Costa Mesa, for low gross. Ross Hostettler was the winner of the Blind Bogey.
The annual golf tournament and final play for the "Blue Diamond" cup will be held at the Santa Ana Country Club on Wednesday afternoon, November 15. All lumbermen are invited.
Joins Hammond Sales Force
Forrest K. Peil, formerly secretary of the San Joaquin Lumbermen's Club, is now a member of the sales staff of the Hammond Lumber Co., San Francisco, covering the East Bay and Coast Counties territories.