5 minute read
Retailcrs' Annual Convention
(Continued from Page 20)
"IIome Financing',' was discussed by T. H. Kewin, United Lumber Yards, Inc., Modesto, who emphasized the need of cheaper money for home building, advised the organization of Federal Home Loan mortgage companies, 'and rapped the high cost of State and County government.
At the request of President Lake the entire gathering stood for a few moments as a mark of esteem for George Burnett, Burnett Lumber Co., Tulare, who has been ill for several months. The secretary was instructed to send ,flowers and a resolution of sympathy to Mr. Burnett. I Paul Overend, who for a number of years acted as field
Co., and Northwestern Mutual Fire Association; Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland; Paraffine Companies, Inc.; Ceitain-teed Co., and Johns-Manville.
The annual or"no.ll"u?il.ti:r1'lt:tion was held at 6:p p.m. Matt Harris was toastmaster, and all of the big crowd that was present can testify that he did an excellerit job.
Jack Dionne, publisher of The California Lumber Merchant, who was the speaker of the ,evening, enhanced his national reputation as an ace story-teller. He was alter-
Elected Directors
man for the Association, spoke on "Group Compensation .Insurance." Mr. Overend said that the group compensation policy written for the California Retail Lumbermen's Association through the Lumbermen's Mutual Casualty Co., had returned in dividends in three years approximately 69 per cent, or 23 per cent a year. This insurance is available to all retail yards in California. The initiative was originally taken by the State Association so that all might benefit, he explained.
The election of directors resulted as follows: San Fernando Valley District, Ross Blanchard, Blanchard Lumber Co., North Hollywood; Oakland District, B. J. Boorman, Boorman Lumber Co., Oakland; Santa Barbara District, Francis Boyd, Boyd Lumber & Mill Co., Santa Barbara; Los Angeles District, Paul Hallingby, Hammond Lumber .Co., Los Angeles; San Francisco District, M. A. Harris, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San Francisco; San Diego District, Glenn Miner, Whiting-Mead Co., San Diego; Orange County District, C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier. Lumber Co., Whittier; Sacramento District, J. H. Shepard, Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento; Central Valley District, Warren Tillson, Modesto Lumber Co., ,Modesto. These nine directors are elected for three years. The full board consists of 27 directors.
" Frank G. Duttle, Sterling Lumber Co., Oakland, and tra E. Brink, Diamond Match Co., Chico, were elected di'rectors-at-large for Northern Califorhia, and Roy L. San.defur, Dill Lumber Co., Riverside, was elected directoriatJarge for Southern California.
. A number of exhibits installed in the.,convention room in tho Ro'df Garden of the hotel attractgd the attention of thb dealers. Firms exhibiting were: Union Lumber Co., San Francisco; Elliott Bay Safus Co., O4kland; Loop Lumbet & Min Cb.; Alamedii Lumbermenrs Mutual 'Casualtv nately humorous and serious, and ended on a serious note.
Mr. Dionne said: "This nation will never prosper until the building industry recovers. The Government is now trying to put people tiack to work with a $3,30O,000,000 Public Works program, which offers money for public works at 4 per cent interest for 3O years. If they will offer money, not for 30 years, but for 15 years, at 4 per cent for home building, the depression will end quickly. For millions of citizens will take advantage of the cheap mor€/r and it will take millions of men to build the homes."
New Board Meets
Following the banquet the new State Board of Directors held their meeting instead of waiting until Saturda/ morning as has been customary in tf;e pas!. There was an attendance of 19 out of the total board membership of 21.
In accordance with a recommendation by a committee hepded by E. T. Robie, President Lake appointed a Policy and Finance Committee consisting of F. Dean Prescott, Ray Clotfelter, Paul Hallingby, Earl Johnson and the president, whose functions win be to readjust the financiil program of the Association after Jaguary I, 1934, and t9 recommend to the State board from time to time the polic| to be pursued in view of the changing conditions brought about by Code operation in the building industry.
H. M. Adams, Henry Adams Lumber Co. ,..... .Anaheim
Geo. K. Adams. N,oah Adams Lumber Co. ..Walnut Grove
Noah Adams. Noah Adams Lumber Co. .. .Oakland
Wm. L. Aisthorpe, Aisthorpe T. umber Co. ....Chico
W. H. Anderson, Brentwood Lumber Co. Brentwood
O. H. Barr, Barr Lumber Co. . Santa Ana
R. C. Barr, Lumbermen's Mutual Cas. Co...San Francisc,g
Chas. G. Bird, Stpckton Lumber Co. . . Stocktoh
M. D. Bishop, Coast Counties Lumbermen's cldb
W. T. Black, The California Lumber Merchant .... San Francisco
B. J. Boorman, Boorman Lumber Co. . ..Oakland
Berton Boyle, Cross Lumber Co. Coalinga
Tom T. Branson, Melrose Lumber Co. Oakland
Ira E. Brink, The Diamond Match Co. . . Chico
Roy E. Burnett, Tracy Lumber Co. ......Tracy
Roscoe L. Burns, Fox-Woodsom Lumber Co.. Glendale
R. J. Bryson, Hammond Lumber Co. ....San Francisco
E. A. Carlson, Santa Fe Lumber Co. .......San Francisco
O. W. Carr, W. R. Spalding Lumber Co. Exeter
O. H. Carter, Palo Alto Lumber & Roofing Co.. Palo Alto
W. M. Casey, Redwood Manufacturers Co. Pittsburg
Fred Chapin, Chapin Lumber Co. San Bernardino
Mrs. Fred Chapin ....San Bernardino
C. H. Chapman, C. H. Chapman Lumber Co. Santa Ana
William Chatham, Loop Lumber Co. San Francisco
Isador Cheim, Union Lumber Co. ............Marysville
C. P. Christenson, Linden Lumber Co. . Linden
Mead Clark, Mead Clark Lumber Co. Santa Rosa
Ray Clotfelter, 'W. R. Spalding Lumber Co.. Visalia
H. M. Cochrane, Cochrane Lumber Co. . Petaluma
C. E. Colburn, IJnion Supply Co.. . Monterey
E. D. Connolly, Spring Valley Lumber Co.. San Francisco
John Creath, Central Coast Lumber Co.........Morro Bay
H. M. Derr, Derr Lumber Co. Elk Grove
F. L. Dettmann, Allen & Dettmann LumberCo... ..SanFrancisco
H.J.DeVries... .SanFrancisco
Jack Dionne, California Lumber Merchant...Los Angeles
Destruel Elie, Mead Clark Lumber Co. Santa Rosa
Elmer Ellis, Peninsula Lumber Club Palo Alto
Clarence Ellsworth, Martinez Lumber Co... ... .Martinez
R. M. Engstrand, Pasadena & San Gabriel Valley Lumbermen's Club. .Pasadena
W. H. Enlow, Hammond Lumber Co.........Watsonville
Booth-Kelly Douglae Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your cuetomere the quality of the stock you handle. Builders quit guessing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what they're getting.
D. C. Essley, California Retail Lumbermen's Assn. . ..Oakland
W. H. Falconbury, San Joaquin Lumber Co......Stockton
H. J. Ford, San Joaquin Lumbermen's Club Fresno
Frank L. Fox, Fox-Woodsum Lumber Co........Glendale
J. R. Freeman, Holmes Eureka Lumber Co.. .San Francisco
Herman Freese, Acme Lumber Co.. . San Francisco
R. P. Fuller, Home Lumber Co.. Manteca
R. S. Fuller, Valley Lumber Co.... .....Lodi
Paul Galle, Western Lumber Co.. . Reedley
General Saler Oftce: Eugene, Ore.
Millr: Wendling, Ore., Springfield, Ore.
California Representatives
Northcra Celifornie
Hill & Morton, Inc.
Dcrniron St. \[/harf
ANdovcr 1077
Southcrn California
E. J. Stantoa & Son
2I,50 E. 3Eth St., Lor Aagcler
AXridge 92lt
Chas. Garrison, Two Rock Commercial Co... .. .Two Rock
Lewis Godard, Hobbs Wall & Co.... .San Francisco
Geo. W. Gorman, lfammond Lumber Co.. San Franlisco
C. H. Griffen, Jr., Calif. Redwood Assn.. San Francisco
J_. B: Hall, Owens-Parks Lumber Co.. Los Angeles
Paul llallingby- Hammond Lumber Co.. Los Angeles
H'ii ",1:l,tl'#1f,?,;;"L-ri"iii.'L;;;;' Los Anleres Co. ...;San Francisco
Lloyd Harris, Elliott Bay Sales Co.... .....Oakland
Jas. A. Harris, Jr., Hebbron Lumber Co.. Santa Cruz
Matt Harris, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co. .. ..San Francisco
S. J. Hauge, Redwood Empire Lumbermen's Club . Santa Rosa
Arthur Hayward, Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co. .. ..Salinas
S. T. Hayward, Hayward Lumber & Investment Co. .. .....Los Angeles
W. F. lfayward, Pacific Mfg. Co. Santa elara
C. Hexberg, IJnion Lumber Co.. . San Francisco
Henry M. Hink, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber

M. L.
C. V.
T. L.
H. M: Co. ...:.... ....San Francisco
W. B. Jefferson, Greater City Lumber Co....San Francisco
A. R. Johnson, Johnson Lumber Yard. Benicia
Earle Johnson, Independent Lumber Co.. Livermore
Earl Johnson, Johnson Lumber Co.... ....pasadena
J. E. Johnston, White Brothers San Francisco
W. P. J_oq-e., O_wens-Parks Lumber Co.. Los Angeles
A. A. Kelley, Santa Fe Lumber Co. .......San Franiisco
T. H. Kewin, United Lumber Yards. Modesto
E. W. King, King Lumber Co.. ...Bakersfield
$o1l^ Klinker, ^Henry Hess Lumber Co. Sebastopol
H. A. Lake, Garden Grove Lumber Co.. Garden Grove
Ed F. Larson, San Jose Lumbermen's Club. San Tose
Henry Laws, Henry Laws Co.. ...Santa Fosa
C. D. LeMaster, Northern Counties
Lumbermen's Club Sacramento
(Continued on Page 26)