1 minute read
Septic Ta nks
Max Cook engineered the septic tank for a hard iob. Long experience had taught him the specially selected grades of Redwood which are adaptable to underground use. The Palco Redwood Tank contains only these grades. Correct design is factory built-in.
Your ability to sell this highly serviceable tank so thorcughly pre-fabricated that an unskilled laborer can set it up in an hourts time is good nen's! LJse your demonstration model of the tank. It tells the story so simply anybody can understand it fully. Dealers rc' port the models are short-cuts to sales.
Poultry F eeders
The Sectional Poultry Feeder, as well, is a highly en' gineered product of a modem factory. Existing designs were thrown into the melting pot and only the best salvaged. Recognized authorities were consulted. No compromise was tolerated until a feedet was created to satisfy the hen, the retailer and the buyer's purse.
Ag"ir use your demonstration model to show t'he prospect how six types can be made with standardized, interchangeable parts. The prospects particular needs can be constructed with the model. He SEES the whole story so clearly that there is no room left for doubt.