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Retail Acceptance
Already close to one hundred retail lumber merchants have been set up as distributors for Palco Redwood Pre-fabricated Products. Already the vision of larger gains thru greater service has come to them. It has been clear to prospective dealers that they and their problems have remained in the foreground while the Palco Redwood Pre-fabdcated Pr6ducts program t""" in the making. For years folks have been safng that things were wnong with retail lumber buying and selling. Pacific has dared to light a beacon. Yards up and dorvn the State are heralding it with enthusiasm.
Consumer Accepta nce
The consumer has been quick to place his con. fidence in the trade marked article. The accompanyrng Palco Redwood cross-banded pyramids are the symbol that identifies the organization back of the product. It is the makeds guarantee of satisfaction. ft assures selected materials. scientific engineering, standardized manufacturing-everything the prospective buyer wants to be sure about. Little wondet that such assurance coupled with easy-to-see utility of the finished product creates confidence. No pile of boards was ever half as convincing.
U. S. Government Accepts
Not only has the Sectional Septic Tank been built to California State Board of Health spaffications but to meet thos€ of the Federal Governnrent as well. The United States Forestry Service has, to date, placed orders for over 3O tanks for California alone. This is the last word in acceptance.