4 minute read
California Dealers Will Hold Annual at Del Monte
The California Retail Lumbermen's Association in arranging for its annual convention at the Hotel Del Monte, Del Monte, Calif., on the Monterey Peninsula, Thursday and Friday, November 4 and 5, 1937, is preparing for a splendid opportunity to discuss problems and excharrge ideas with fellow lumbermen.
Thursday morning will be devoted to registration ancl renewing acquaintances. Thursday afternoon there will be a golf tournament for the men with suitable prizes, and in the evening the annual stag dinner is scheduled with escellent entertainment. Thursday night there will he I separate dinner and entertainment for the ladies.
The business program will be on Friday and subjects of immediate interest to retail lumbermen will be discussed. The ladies are invited to the business sessions if thev clesire to attend.
Cash attendance prizes will be awarded at of both business sessions on Friday.
The annual banquet and entertainment, dancing, will be held Friday night.
the opening followed by
Particular attention is being given this year to the entertainment of the ladies attending the convention. There will be no registration charge for the ladies.
The exhibits which will be housed in the Copper Cup Room will be unusually attractive.
Those who wish to attend the California-Washington football game on Saturday can easily reach Berkele'r in time for the kick-off. Fans who want to see the StanfordU.S.C. game at Los Angeles, if traveling by automobile, can leave Del Monte early Saturday morning, and if traveling by train the convention ,committee will arrange for transportation to Salinas Friday night where the train leaves at 11 o'clock, arriving at Los Angeles the following morning at 8 o'clock.
The convention program appears elsewhere in this issue. Convention Committees: J. O. Handley, general chairman.
Registration: George A. Good, chairman; Dee C. Essley, Locklin Dernier, Henry }fansen, C. S. Tripler.
Ladies Entertainment: Mrs. C. S. Tripler, chairman; Mrs. M. J. Murphy, Mrs. Franklin J. Murphy, Mrs. J. O. Hand-' ley, Mrs. T. A. Work, Jr., Mrs. Stuart Work, Mrs. James Greenelsh, Mrs. George A. Good, Mrs. Harold Prince, Mrs. A. L. Hansen, Mrs. F. A. Witmer.
Golf : Peter Hay in charge.
Finance: J. O. Handley, chairman; F. A. Witmer, C. S, Tripler.
Exhibits: F. A. Witmer, chairman, and all Monterey Peninsula dealers.
Attendance: All State Secretaries.
Thursday Program and Friday Banquet: J. O. Handley, chairman, and all Monterey Peninsula dealers.
Friday Business Sessions: E. C. Parker, chairman; Paul Hallingby, Earl Johnson of Pasadena, Kenneth Smith.
George C. Burnett, of the Burnett Lumber Company, Tulare, president of the California Lumbermen's Council, will preside at the Friday morning business session, and
Paul Hallingby, of the Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles, will preside at the afternoon session.
Dealers will be interested in the background of the three leading speakers. Almon E". Roth has been for many years comptroller of Stanford University, prior to his present association with the Waterfront Employers and is an able man and a vigorous speaker.
Leonard E. Read has been associated with the Chamber of Commerce of the United States for many years and is regarded as one of the best speakers on the Coast on the subject assigned to him. Dodd-Mead & Co. have just published a book written by him relating to this fieid under the title of "The Romance of Reality."
J. Wesley Cupp is an attorney of Los Angeles, .n'ho has been active for years, both in the Legislature and the courts on the California Unfair Practice Acts and is regarded as the best posted authority in the State on this subject, which is of widespread interest to all dealers. His presentation is not legalistic but is presented in the language of business in a very forceful and practical manner.
These three speakers alone will make the Convention outstanding, but in addition to that, the Industry Forum is going to cover a wide variety of subjects in r,vhich the California dealers are interested, but which it is impossible to handle by a formal presentation in a one-day session.
President Roosevelt Receives Attractive Souvenir of the Northwest
Au attrqctive souveuir ol tbe Northrpest-a book mcde entirely ol Douglce Fir Plywood crnd Veneers-wce received by President Eooseveli ctt T<rcomc, Wcrshington, in his recent tour ol the region. Harold Allen, President ol the Tccomq Ghcrmber ol Commerce, with Senqtor Homer T. Bone ol Wcshington, mcde the presentction. The boo} itsell in cddition io serving cs crn impreasive collection ol plywood scmpleg, ccrried q request lor Governneni support ol the propoaed Ncrrows Bridge crcross Puget Sound. Wide notice has been given in the newspcpere ol lhe country.
Will Inspect Company's Sales Operations
Alfred Bell, Jr., plant sales manager of the Hammond Redwood Companv in Samoa, California, for the past trvo years, has been transferred to a tour of inspectiori of the sales operations of that conrpany in the middle westerlt, eastern and southern states. His tour will extend for at least nine months, after which he rvill return to the San Francisco offices.
Mr. Bell, the step-son of I-. C. Hammoncl, presiclent of the company, attended Harvard College and entered the lumber business four years ago. He has rvorked in the rnanufacturing. shipping ancl sales divisions of the company. On his present assignlllent he will contact not onlv the division sales of6ces but all rvl-rolesalers and commission men representing Hammoncl Redu'ood Company.
Elected Director
J. E. Higgins, Jr., J. E. Higgins Lumber cisco. was elected a director of the National sociation at the annual convention held in tember 16 and 17.
Co., San FranHardwood AsChicago, Sep-
Continuous year round production. Kiln dried or air dried lumber. Straight cars or mixed cars of lumber and plywood products.
Salec Ofice: 715 Western Pacific Bldg., 1O31 So. Broadway
Varehouse: L. C. L. Wholerale, 7o2 E. Slaugon Ave.
Saler OGce: 315 Monadnoc& Building