4 minute read
Lamorl-Bonnin gton Oornpa,ny
16 Calilornia St. - San Francisco - GArfield 6881
Po{land Office - P:ttock Block
Washington, Oct. Z4.-Officials of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board estimated today the Federal Savings ancl Loan Associations, authorized by Congress in 1933, have aided 372,000 home owners. The 1301 associations had $781,700,000 in mortgage loans orrtstanding on September l.
Yard Changes Hands
Growers' Lumber Co., Sunnyvale, has been sold to James B. Arendt and A. A. Arendt. James Arenclt rvill manage the yard.
Retailer Visits Nothwest
John E. Morley of the Hornestead Lumber Co., Sacramento, has returned from visiting a number of mills in the Pacific Northwest. IIe was accompanied on the trip by Mrs. Morlev.
Back From Eastern Trip
Frank H. Harris, vice-president of Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San Francisco, and his two daughters, Mrs. Carlton Moore and Miss Velma Harris, arrived in San Francisco from New York on the Grace Line steamer Santa Rosa, October 26. Mr, Harris and Mrs. Moore went to New York to meet Miss Harris who was returning from Europe.
New California Redwood Bulletin
In line with its current program of preparing an interesting series of booklets on American woocls, the.Forest Products Division of the Department oI Commerce announces the release of a new publication, "California Redwood and Its lJses." This publication is more than the usual treatise on Redwood-it is a lively trade promotional type of presentation, which rvill prove valuable to wholesale and retail lumbermen.
"California Redwood and Its lJses" may be secured lrom the Superintenclent of Documents, Washington, D. C., or through any of the thirty-one District Offices of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. The 30-page bulletin, designated as Trade Promotion Series No. 171, sells for 10 cents a copy, but may be purchased at 25 per cent cliscount if ordered in lots of 100 copies or more.
Valley Springs Lumber Yard, Valley Springs, has been sold to Valley Lumber Company of Lodi.
E. L. (Ed) Green, vice-president in charge of sales for Union Lumber Company, San Francisco, spent a few days in Los Angeles, making the round trip by the air route.
Young men, life is before you. Two voices are calling you-one coming out from the swamps of selfishness and force, where success means death; and the other from the hilltops of justice and progress, where even failure brings glory. Two lights are seen in your horizon-one the fast fading marsh light of power, and the other the slowly rising sun of human brotherhood. Two ways lie open for youone leading to an even lower and lower plain, where are heard the cries of despair and the curses of the poor, where manhood shrivels and possession rots down the possessor; and the other leading to the highlands of the morning, where are heard the glad shouts of humanity and where honest effort is rewarded with immortality.-John P. Altgeld.
A Problem In Mathematics
She has-
An ermine coat
A foreign car
A Persian rug
A built-in bar
A ten-room flat
And I'll tell you, sir, She does it all on thirty p,er.
And five years back
Some teaching hick
Flunked this gal
In 'rithmatic.
The fat lady slipped on the top stair of the subway and went sliding down. She collided with a man, upset him, and down they came together, finally ending at the bottom landing with the lady sitting half-dazed on the man's chest. She was so stunned that she made no immediate motion to move, so the gentleman politely said:
Leaf After Leaf Drops Off
By Walter Savage Landor
Leaf after leaf drops off, flower after flower, Some in the chill, some in the warmer hour; Alive they flourish, and alive they fall, And Earth who nourished them receives them all. Should we, her wiser sons, be less content To sink into her lap when life is spent?
Govern the lips as they were palace-doors, the king within; tranquil and fair and courteous be all words which from that presence win.-Sir Edwin Arnold.
A hillbilly edged to the ticket window of a little jerkwater railroad station.
"Mister," he said, "I aims to go to New York to fiddle in Zeb Stewart's Kentucky band. Can you fix me up for to get there?"
"Certainly," replied the agent. "The Special goes through here in about five minutes, and I can flag her for you-but what about your trunk?"
"Trunk?" asked the puzzled mountaineer. "What's a trunk for?"
"To put your clothes in," replied the agent.
"What !" cried the scandalized hillbilly, "an' me go nekkid !"
No man lives without jostling and being jostled; in all ways he has to elbow himself through the world, giving and receiving off ense.-Carlyle.
Little Things
It's the little things that cause big wars. Harry G. Nye, a very clever business writer, puts it this way: "It's the things that don't amount to a continental that amount to a lot. My wife was working a cross-word puzzle the other night when f came in, and she said, 'What's a female sheep?' and I said, 'Ewe'-and that's how a new war started,"
It's The Service That Counts After All
Bv Jack Dionne
It isn't the COST of the home that you sell, Nor the stuff out of vvhich it is made; It isn't a question of "does it look well ?"
Or whether the colors will fade: Nor the modern conveniences you har-e "built in," Nor the paper you've hung on the rvall ; But the real thing is, did you SERVE WITH A GRIN ?
It's the SERVICE THA-[ COUNTS after all.
It isn't a question how long it will stand
The rigors of snorv or of rain; Or the roofs or the walls or the entrance so grand, Or the sash, or the door, or the pane; It isn't the paint, or the finish or floor, The bath, breakfast nook, or the hall, But there's one thing that matters each day, more and more, It's the SERVICE THAT COUNTS after all.
It isn't the place where you hang up your hat. Or the open air porch where you restWhen sleeping time comes; and it isn't tire nrat That says "welcome" and you knorv tl-re rest. It isn't the color, the shape or the style, That makes Mr. Home Buyer fall; But there's one great big thing that just makes them all Smile-
There's many a man that sells "quality stock," In shingles, and millwork, and lumber; Wtro still would require a dynamite shock, To rouse him from deep business slumber. Dig up nerv ideas, and keep up yorlr "p.p," Do your trade's business thinking-don't stallKeep hustling'-keep smiling-work hard-u'atch your step-