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Western l)oor & Sash Oo.

LAkeside 8400


Glass - Mouldings

Ironing Boards

Medicine Cases

Buffelbn Front Doors

Raised PanelRaised Mould Vertical Grain Fir

Philippine Nlahogany

(\[rrite us TODAY for pictures of these doors)

Exterior walls are thoroughly insulated. Over the wall studding and under the Redwood siding and shakes Sisalkraft Tuffcoat paper is used.

The living room, dining room and upper and lower main halls are paneled in high grade Philippine Mahogany, finished in Walnut tone. The master bedroom, alcove and dressing room are finished in light Mahogany. The second bedroom is finished in "Art-Ply" plywood. This room and all the other rooms are finished in natural red Philippine trim and doors. Mahogany top rails are used on the sun deck, providing an effective appearance. The third bed room is finished in knotty Pine. Clothes and linen closets are finished in Tennessee Red Cedar.

The home is entirely modern in every respect. It will undoubtedly receive considerable publicity as an outstanding example of fine home construction.

The whole lumber industry owes a debt to the sponsors of this all-wood home, which may well be the forerunner of a new trend in home building.


Owen Lockard Gibson, 61, passed on in San Francisco, October 11. Mr. Gibson was in the employ of White Brothers, wholesale hardwood dealers, San Francisco, for 40 years until his retirement a short time ago. He started as office boy and worked his way through the various departments, and for some years was secretary-treasurer of the concern' He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Elizabeth Schott Gibson, and a sister, Mrs. James Alfred Gray.

Woods That Wear Pants

Apitong is no wctll-0ower. Sure, it would do lor trim but this hcndwood works lor c living.

Apitong is cui in ihe Philippines from mtrn size logsJ0 to 80" through, up lo 40' long. f,ogs thcrt cut ecsily into lough, thlck, wide, long, cnd Clecr Lumber. Excmple: Stcnton's iust bought 4,OOO, ol 6xl2*28' FAS f,pitong lree oI hecrl. Could thie be done in cny other hcrdwood?

Apitong is slroag cg a bull, crs tough cs lough Ash. The interloclcing grcin preventg serioug checks or honeycomb. While it isdt rot-prool it tckeg to creosote like cr duck lo wcterJff lrectnent gives 100/. penetrction.

Apitong hcrs been cclled Philippine Teck' untrue. It iE c grood tough wood wilh remcrkable rridths cnd lengths. It's cheap crnd works well on clmost any kiad ol congtructioa.

Becommend it lor quto-body, oilwell work, aldds, 'mosl cny tough iob,

And get it ctt-


t's Profitable Business to Push


C.alitornia Scles ' Ofices

Alvia N.

1938 Buyers demcrnd bigh quality in building ncterialsl Give them qucrlity in c shingle thctt is cr good cs otd growth, high cltilude red cedcg rnodern ncnulqcture cnd strict grcding ccn mcke it. Tell your customerE lhe cdvor' lcges ol using the best in sbi!' gles lor new rools, over'roolingt, side wqlls, elc. Stregs durcbilitY, qtlrqclive cpPecrdnce.

All siues cnd gttrdes-clso Nu-Cut Shclea

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