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Sash Doors Mtllwork
Lumber Salesman Wanted
Wholesale lumber concern wants a salesman to cover Northern California selling Douglas Fir and Hemlock. Must be experienced and well acquainted with lumber dealers. Address Box C-696 California Lumber Merchant.
Capital Wanted To Start Yard
Seasoned Southern California lumberman; bookkeeper; millman; knows paints, hardware and plumbing; reads and draws plans; can figure general contractor's costs. Has good tentative clientele of contractors in good country territory. Tentative yard site at $90.0O per annum. Needs backing of about $10,000 for merchandise. Address Box C-692, California Lumber Merchant.
Position Wanted
Lumberman with 20 years'experience in Lumber, Hardware and Paint business desires position as retail yard manager. Southern California experience. Local references. Address Box C-694, California Lumber Merchant.
Retail Yards For Sale
Los Angeles yard doing $10,000 monthly business. Real estate, buildings and all equipment $5,700. Stock at inventory.
Yard in active Coast city doing $10,000 a month, real estate leased. frnprovements $6,0O0, including one owned lot, equipment $4,000, stock $8,000.
Both these yards are exceptionally good buys.
Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
Ten Years Ago Today
(Continued from Page 45) tober 19, to attend a "get together" dinner sponsored by San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club No. 9. Frank O'Connor was toastmaster. Short talks were made by Clem Frazer, Bert Johnson, Bob Grant and Fred Roth. Entertainment was Who" sketch of Fred Roth in this under the leadership of Russell Gheen.
California Retail Lumbermen's Assoc,iation will hold their annual Convention at the Hotel Alexandria. Los Angeles, November 10, ll and 12.
There is a "Who's issue.
Loomis Lumber Company, Loomis, construction of new lumber sheds. has completed the
The Little River Redwood Company had the formal opening of their Madera yard on October 2l and 22.
E. L. Bruce Co., Inc., announces the distributing warehouse in Los Angeles.
Superior Lumber & to Carl D. Hagge and Fuel Co., Sacramento, has been Frank H. White. sold
The "West Calera" was the first Cddwallader-Gibson's new wharf brought a cargo of hardwood from steamer to tie up at at Long Beach. It the Philipgines. new The Independent Lumber Company of National City has been sold to the Century Lumber & Mill Co. of San Diego. openlng oI a
J. E. "Eddie" Peggs of W. R. Chamberlin & Co., San Francisco, reports the arival of an eight-pound boy, born October 15.
The Yost-Linn offiice from Santa (Robertson Blvd.), recently moved its to 674 Preuss Road
Lumber Company Monica Boulevard Sherman.
J. A. Christensen, formerly assistant manager of the Barr Lumber Company yard at Whittier, has been appointed manager of its yard at Orange.
Nearly one hundred Bay District lumbermen gathered at the San Francisco Commercial Club, Wednesday night, Oc-
The Redwood Sales Contest entry shows that Redwood was used in Mississippi before the Civil War. This was proved by an affidavit received at the office of the California Redwood Association, San Francisco, from The Pacific Lumber Company of lllinois, Chicago office, which was submitted to them by Charles B. Crothers of Memphis, Tenn.
Considerable interest has been created by the Wesco Weightless Window Lock, manufactured by the West Coast Screen Co., Los Angeles.
Modesto Lumber Company will build a new plant at Turlock.