2 minute read


Bv Jock Dionne

Ag" not guaranteed---Some I have told for 20 years---Some less

He Had Nothins to Howl About

Sam Johnson was a waiter in a colored eating place that catered to a particularly rough element along the water front. It was a rough, tough place, and the food was in keeping with the surroundings. It was Sam Johnson's duty, just at twelve o'clock noon, to go out on the front porch and ring the twelve o'clock dinner bell. Seeing it was just twelve by the eating house clock Sam grabbed the bell,


More than 30 members of the group of lumbermen rvho attended the Parson Simpkin Memorial and meeting of Hoo Hoo CtrlU No. 62 in Calaveras State Park on September 25 and 26 were entertained by the Calaveras Cement Co. on the way home Sunday at their club house, the famous Kentucky House, which is linked with the early mining days in the region associated with Bret Harte, Mark Twain, and the bandit celebrities, Black Bart and Joaquin Murietta. This made a most enjoyable ending to a unique outing and pilgrimage to the famed Sequoia Gigantea region of California.

Lumbermen have happy memories of the several former occasions when large groups have been generously entertained at this headquarters of the Calaveras Cement Co.


Lamon-Bonnington Company, San Francisco, recently became a member of the National-American Wholesale Lumber Association walked out to the front porch and started swinging it vigorously. Instantly an old hound dog that was lying in the sun on the front sidewalk raised his head and uttered a long, mournful howl.

Sam Johnson looked at him in astonishment. "Floun' dog," he said, "what you howlin' fo'? You don't have to eat it."


California's flying lumberman, George W. Gorrnan, San I,'rancisco, general manager of Trans-Pacific Lumber Company, made a round trip by air to Los Angeles a couple of weeks ago in his private plane, a four-place cabin Stinson. He was accompanied by Mrs. Gorman, who also likes to fly. The trip south was made in Zft hours. Headrvinds on the joumey north made the time Zr/a ho:urs.

George says the scenery tvas perfect, but business only fair.

Calls On Mills

Hugh M. Handley, sales manager of Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San Francisco, recently made a trip to Humboldt County and Oregon Coast mills.


Frank H. White, sales manager of Hammond Redwood Company, San Francisco, is back from a business trip to Southern California.

Named Member of Exposition Commission

Carl W. Bahr, president of the California Redrvood Association, has been named by Governor F. F. Merriam of California to a place on the California State Exposition Commission, which will administer the $5,000,000 appropriated by the 1937 state legislature for the Golden Gate International Exposition in San Francisco in 1939. The commission includes 25 public ofificials and business leaclers of the state.

Prior to his affiliation with the redwood industry Mr. Bahr was an executive of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association in Washington, D. C., and served as executive officer of the National Lumber Code Authority under the National Recovery Administration in 1933 and res4.

The commissioners were inducted into office in Sacramento October 4 and held their first business meeting in San Francisco October 11.

Oregon Lumbermen On Trip

Carl Schultz, manager of A. F. Coats Lumber Co., Tillamook, Ore., has returned to Oregon from a combined business and vacation trip to California, where he was a caller at the offices of MacDonald & Harrington, San Francisco ancl Los Angeles, representatives for his company. Mr. Schultz was accompanied by Mrs. Schultz, and by his brother Max and his wife, who went on from Los Angeles on a tour of Mexico.

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