1 minute read
o[ the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, Del Mont e, Del Monte, California. and Friday, November 4 and 5,1937
Where Are We Heading?
Meeting of the Redwood Relations Committee.
Thursday-noon. Luncheon.
Thursday Afternoon
Annual Golf Tournament on the Del Monte links.
Thursday Night
Joint meeting of the Association l)irectors and Secretaries of the Local Groups.
Annual Stag Dinner and entertainment.
Friday-Business Program
George C. Burnett will preside at the morning session, and Paul Hallingby at the afternoon session.
How Can Our State Association Help You Make a Better Profit?
By E. C. Parker, President.
What Has the Lumber Relations Committee Accomplished?
By Wm. Kendrick, Chairman.
What Effect Will the New Selling and Supervisory Program of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board flave on Selling Practices of the Retail Lumber Industry?
By Austin Moore, Deputy Regional Reconditioning
Supervisor of Home
Loan Corp., San Francisco.
Explanation of the much discussed "Federal Home Building Service Plan."
What Can the Lumber Industry Learn From the Waterfront's Experiment in Collective Bargaining?
By Almon E. Roth, President, Waterfront Employers
Association of the Pacific Coast.
By Leonard Ii.
Read, lVestern Manager, Chamber of Commerce of the United States, San Francisco. lVhere are legislation and competition leading us ?
What Are the Fair Trade and Unfair Practices Acts?
By J. Wesley Cupp
of l-os Angeles. F-ollowed by a question and answer session as to the practical application of these Acts to your business. Can they be used to get a profitable price on cement? On roofing? Can they be used to maintain uniform lumber prices? Industry Forum.
(Juestiorr and Ansrver session. Questions to be handed in, in rvriting, either be{ore the Convention or at the session and answerecl by the best qualified person in attendance. \Vhat do you want to know about the Wagner Hottsing Act? Unemployment reserves? Sales tax? Transportation Tax? Grade Marking? Selling the proper grade for the use to which it is to be put? Insulation? Air conditioning? Lorv cost housing program in California ? Distribution ?
After 35 Years !
By FI. S. Patten. Why I believe supporting Associations is a good investment. Based on 35 years' experience as a member of retail lumber associations.
Friday Night
Annual banquet, dance and entertainment.
Ladies Entertainment
The committee in charge of the ladies' program is making special arrangements for their entertainment.
All wholesalers and their families are invited to attend the convention.