1 minute read


Todcy ldcrding deqlers d.emctnd. proven quolity in roofing products-beccruse it builds profits crrd scrtisfied customers. The fqmous old original P d B Roofing line, produced by The Pcnaffine Compcrries, Inc., has built into every roll+very shingleover hcrlf a Century of the finest mcrrufqcturing experience obtcinqble. The P d B Roofing line is bccked by c sound constructive advertising crnd merchcmdising progrcrm, designed to make sales cmd profits for deqlers.

The Geo. E. Recrm Compcrry "Friendly Deolers Service" will fecrture P & B Roofing exclusively. A policy of orderly distribution through recognized declers of rooling producis will be adhered to. For cr completely scrtisfoctory roofing line, demcmd P&8.

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