9 minute read

State Retailers' Convention

(Continued from Page 15)

Convention Committees

M. B. "Nick" Carter, Hogan Lumber Co., Oakland, general chairman.

Ladies' Entertainment Committee: Mrs. T. P. Hogan, .Jr., chairman.

Exhibits Committee: H. "Abe" Lincoln, Jr., Lincoln Lumber, Inc., Oakland, chairman.

Finance Committee: Richard Keller, Hogan Lumber Co., Oakland, chairman.

Ticket Committee: M. A. Freitas. Smith Lumber Co., Oakland, chairman.

Entertainment Committee: V. J. Herrman, Tilden Lumber Co., Berkeley, chairman.

Decorations Committee: Frank Teakle, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Oakland, chairman.

Registration Committee, Thos. Jacobsen, Piedmont Lumber & Mill Co., Oakland, chairman.

Publicity and Program Committee: Jas. B. Overcast, president, Hoo Hoo Club No. 39, chairman.

Advisory Committee: F. Dean Prescott, Valley Lumber Co., Fresno; Charles T. Lund, Henry Hess Company, San Rafael; F. L. Dettmann, Allen & Dettmann Lumber Co., San Francisco; J. O. Handley, M. J. Murphy, Inc., Carmel.

Ladies' Program

Ladies were welcomed at all business sessions. On Thursday evening the ladies were guests of the Association at a dinner held at the Yerba Buena Club on Treasure Island. Many ladies attended the U. S. C. vs. California football game at Berkeley on Saturday afternoon, October 28. Saturday was Lumbermen's Day at the Golden Gate International Exposition.

The ladies entertainment committee was as follows: Mrs. T. P. Hogan, Jr., chairman; Mrs. H.. Lincoln, Jr., Mrs. Richard Keller, Mrs. M. A. Freitas, Mrs. R. W. Shannon, Mrs. George T. Gerken; Mrs. Merle D. Bishop, Mrs. M. B. Carter, Mrs. V. J. Herr'man, Mrs. Frank Teakle, Mrs. A. D. Hill, Mrs. Thos. T. Branson, Mrs. Thos. Jacobsen, Mrs. Cleme,nt Fraser, Mrs. C. I. Speer, Mrs. C. R. Buchanan.

Annual Banquet

The annual banquet, dinner dance and floor show drew a large crowd on Friday evening. The entertainment was under the direction of Lane Productions, Oakland, and the music was by Jess Stafford and his orchestra.


The convention committee acknowledged the generous financial support of their exhibitors, advertisers and the other firms listed as follows: American Lumber & Treating Co., Noah Adams Lumber Co., Armstrong Cork Corporation, Atkinson-Stutz Company, Bookstaver-Moore Lumber Co., E. L. Bruce Company, California Portland Cement Co., California Wire Cloth Corp., Calaveras Cement

Company, California Plywood Company, California Builders Supply Co., The California Door Company, Certain-teed Products Corp., Henry Cowell Lime & Cement Co., Columbia Steel Company, California Redwood Association, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., Hammond Redwood Company,

Hobbs, Wall & Company, Ilolmes Eureka Lumber Co., Monterey Bay Redwood Co., The Pacific Lumber Co., IJnion Lumber Co., Celotex Corporation, Coos Bay Lumber Co., Donovan Lumber Company, Douglas Fir Plywood Association, DeWalt Electric Saw & Tool Co,, Eastern & Western Lumber Co., El Rey Products Company, Fir-Tex Sales Corp. of Northern California, Fleishman Lumber Company, Gamerston & Green, Gorman Lumber Company, Lloyd Harris, J. E. Higgins Lumber Company, Hill & Morton, Inc., Hoffmeyer Belting & Supply Co., Hogan Lumber Company, Johns-Manville Sales Corporation, Sisalkraft Company, C. D. Johnson Lumber Corporation, I-amon-Bonnington Company, MacDonald & Harrington, Ltd., Maris Plywood Corporation, Nicolai Door Sales Co., O'Neill Lumber Company, The Paraffine Companies, Inc., Paramino Lumber Company, Pope & Talbot Lumber Company, J. E. Peggs, Riverside Cement Company, Redwood Manufacturers Co., Red River Lumber Company, Pacific Manufacturing Co., Roll-Away Window Screen Co., Shevlin Pine Sales Company, Schafer Bros. Lbr. & Shingle Co., Santa Fe Lumber Company, Strable Hardwood Company, Schumacher Wall Board Corp., Southwestern Portland Cement Co., Sudden & Christenson, The Upson Company, U. S. Gypsum Company, IJnion Oil Company, WendlingNathan Company, Western Door & Sash Company, White Brothers, E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Wholesale Lumber Distributors, I,nc., Weyerhaeuser Sales Oo., Wood Products, Inc., Pyramid Lumber Sales, U. S. Plywood Corporation, West Oregon Lumber Company, Long-Bell Lum- ber Company, Smith Lumber Co., Pacific Portland Cemend Co., A. B. Johnson. Lbr. Co., Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, Paramount Built-In Fixture Co.

The Exhibits

The exhibits included those of the following firms: Douglas Fir Plywood Association, United States Gypsum Co., The Paraffine Companies, Inc., Armstrong Cork Co., The California Door Co., California Builders Supply Co., De Walt Machinery Co., Columbia Steel Co., Wood Products, Inc., Fir Tex Corporation of Northern California, California Homes, Simpson Screen Co., Roll Away Window Screen Co.

Directors Meeting

The directors of the California Retail sociation met on Saturday, October 28, a.m.

President John W. Fisher, presided. open to all officers and secretaries.

Lumbermen's Asat breakfast, B:30

The meeting was

The following were present: Directors-Norther,n California: Geo. K. Adams, Walnut Grove; A. C. Hansen, San Jose; J. O. Handley, Carmel; Carl D. Hagge, Sacramento; Fritz Dettmann, San Francisco; J. H. Kirk, San Luis Obispo; Walter Peterson, Bakersfield.

Directors-Southern California: Frank N. Gibbs, Anaheim; Gerald V. Curran, Pomona; Harry E. Whittemore, San Diego; S. J. Hathawtl proxy for Earl Johnson, Pasadena; E. C. Parker, Los Angeles; A. E. Fickling, Long Beach; John W. Fisher, Santa Monica; Geo. W. Lounsberry, Los Angeles.

Secretaries-Northern California: R. P. Davison, Salinas; Frank Sparling, Hollister; George W. Greene, Watsonville; J. B. McKeon, Redwood City; C. D. LeMaster, Sacramento; H.A. Pefley, Sacramento; Bernard B. Barber, Fresno.

Secretaries-Southern California: Geo. N. Swartz, Long Beach; Carl J. Hanson, Santa Monica; E. H. Galpin, San Bernardino; R. M. Engstrand, Santa Ana; D. C. Williarnson, Pasadena; Kenneth Smith, Los Angeles; Orrie W. Hamilton, San Diego.

C. W. Pinkerton, secretary-manager of the Southern California Retail Lumber Association, was appointed acting secretary of the State Association to serve at the pleasure of the president. The secretary was instructed to send a resolution of thanks to the chairman of the convention com- mittee fo rthe masterly way in which the convention was handled, and a resolution of appreciation to all those who contributed in the way of sponsorship and advertisements in the program.

Mr. Pinkerton gave a report on the proposed tax program that would be submitted to a special session of the Legislature sometime in the near future. It was the sense of the meeting that he attend this special session and do all things possible to attain a fair and equitable tax program.

President Fisher appointed as a nominating committee for the coming year.the following: E. C. Parker, George Lounsberry, J. O. Handley and J. H. Kirk.

Newg Flashes

Warren B. Wood, president Company, Los Angeles, was in on a business trip.

of E. K. Wood lumber San Francisco last week

Wayne Downes, formerly representative for The Celotex Corporation in the Arizona and New Mexico territory, has been appointed assistant manager to Manager L. J. Hackett and will make his headquarters in the Los Angeles office.

William R. Coats of A. F. Coats Lumber Co., Tillamook, Ore., is on a vacation trip in Califognia. He is accompanied by Mrs. Coats. They visited the San Francisco Fair and are now spending some time in Southern California.

Harry F. Vincent, vice-president and general manager of E. K. Wood Lumber Company, returned to San Francisco last week from a Northwest tr'ip that included visits to the company's offices and mills.

Bill Glenn of Wilson Bros. & San Francisco last week to see friends.

Co., Los Angeles, was ln the Fair and to visit old

J. F. Calahan, H. E. Chastain and Ethan Browning have established the North Sacramento Lumber & Supply Co. in North Sacramento.

Floyd L. Baird of the F. L. Baird Lumber Co., Redwood City, and Mrs. Baird left October 18 for a trip to the East by way of the Northwest. They intended to pick up a new car in Detroit, and after a visit to the New York World's Fair to drive to Florida and return by the southern route.

Another Drinking Song

The horse and mule live thirty years, And nothing know of wine and beersl The goat and sheep at twenty, die, And never taste of Scotch or rye; The cow drinks water by the ton, And at eighteen is mostly done; The dog at fifteen cashes in Without the aid of rum or gin; The cat in milk and water soaks, Then in twelve short years it croaks; The modest, sober, bone-dry hen Lays eggs for nogs, then dies at ten. All animals are strictly dry, They sinless live and swiftly die; But sinful, grnful gentlemen Survive for three score years and ten.


Little Agnes, aged 3, wanted to show mother that she could bathe hereelf. She got along for a little bit. Finally she called out: "Please Mur.nmn come wash my back-it's so far behind me.'


Man owes his growth, his energy, chiefly to that striving of the will that conflicts v/ith difficulty, which we call e'frort. Easy, pleasant work does not make robust minds, does not give men a consciousness of their powers, does not train them to endurance, to perseverance, to steady force of will, that force without which all other acquisitions avail nothin.-William EU:y Channing.


By Barbara Young

Beautiful in the morning of our life

And beautiful in the evening, The sound of friendly feet upon the path That leads unto our door.

More lovely far than goods and gold, The clasp of friendly hand

And the deep look of loyal, loving eyes

After long parting.

Beautiful and good,

The music of the coming of the friend, Of the unspoken word, the unbroken silence That lies like a warm blessing On the heart.

Profit And Progress

In business the earning of profit is something more than an incident of success. It is an essential condition of successl because the continued absence of profit itself spells failure. But while loss spells failure, large profits do not connote success. Success must be sought in business also in excellence of performance; and in business, excellence of performance manifests itself, among other things, in the advancing of methods and processes; in the improvement of products; in more perfect organization, eliminating friction as well as waste; in bettering the condition of the workingmen, developing their faculties and promoting their happiness; and in the establishment of right relations with customers and with the community-Justice Louis D. Brandeis.


We canot define God or any of the real values of life. What is the vague thing called truth that is worth living and dying for? Beauty, truth, friendship, love, creationthese are the great values of life. Vl/e can't prove them, or explain them, yet they are the most stable things in our lives.-Dr. Jesse Herman Holmes.

A Dark Secret

"I{ave you any children?" asked the white lady of the colored cook who was applying for a job in her kitchen. "Yessum," replied the cook, ttl got one son."

"How old is he?" asked the white lady.

"f don'know, ma'an1" said the colored one. "He nevah would tell me."

Optical Illusion

Yesterday, upon the stair, f saw a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again todayWhy in Hell don't he go away?

Distance Lends Enchantment

"Mose," said Eph, "what animile is de mos'noted fo' its fur?"

"De skunk," said Mose, positively. "De mo' fur yo' gits away fum him de bettah it am fur you."


Son: "Say, Pop, what does it mean when it says Mr. James went to the lumber convention as a delegate-atlarge?"

Father: "Son, it just means that he didn't take his wife along."

Hoo-Hoo Concrtenation Held in Oakland

An international Hoo.Hoo Concatenation, the first in several years in California, was held at Hotel Oakland, Oakland, on Thursday afternoon, October 26, at 4:39 p.m. It took place immediately following the first business session at the annual State'convention.

fn connection with the Concatenation there were 43 rernstatements of old cats. and l3 kittens were initiated into the mysteries of Hoo-Hoo.

The initiation was under the direction of Bert E. Bryan, Vicegerent Snark for Northern California and Nevada, and Larue J. Woodson, Supreme Arcanoper.

The initiating Nine were: Snark, B. E. Bryan; Gurdon, Fritz Dettmann; Arcanoper, Alex Gordon; Custocatian, L. J. Woodson; Jabberwock, R. A. Hiscox; Bojum, Chas. Lamb ; Scrivenoter, Carl R. Moore; Junior }foo-Iloo, Lewis A. Godard; Senior Hoo-Hoo. C. D. LeMaster.

Assisting the Jabberwock were R. G. Hiscox, Jim McKeon and Chas. J. Schmitt.

The membershiip committee consisted of Frank W. Trower, Jim McKeon and Chas. Lamb.

Frank W. Trower, Seer of the House of Ancients, read the Hoo-Hoo Code of Ethics to the 13 new members.

The new members are as follows:

L. D. Clare, Clare Lumber Co., North Sacramento; James G. Clare, Clare Lumber Co., North Sacramanto; Donald E. Coveney, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland; Chas. B. Cross, Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco; F. L. (Fay) Foval, Long-Bell Lumber Co., San Francisco; Edwin G. Gallagher. Aberdeen Plywood Co., San Francisco; Lew J. Hackett, The Celotex Corporation) Los Angeles; Leo S. Hulett, Hobbs, Wall & Co., San Francisco; E. J. LaFranchi, Hill & Morton, Inc., Oakland; H. "Abe" Lincoln, Jr., Lincoln Lumber, Inc., Oakland; H. Warren Moorehead, Moorehead Lumber Co., Escalon, Calif.; Jas. B. Overcast, Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland, and Geo. E. Ream, Geo E. Ream Co., Los Angeles.


Tom Branson, manager of Melrose Lumber & Supply Co., Oakland, and Mrs. Branson returned two weeks ago from an interesting trip to New York and other Eastern points. They flew to Los Angeles and from there by way of Boulder Dam and the Grand Canyon air route to Chicago, rvhere Mr. Branson attended the American Legion Convention.

They picked up a new car at Flint, Mich., and traveled into Canada, visiting Toronto, Montreal and Quebec. A few days were spent at the New York World's Fair and the journey home was made by the Southern route. They took time to hear a part of the debate on the arms embargo repeal in the Senate while visiting Washington, D. C., and saw the world famous Carlsbad Caverns when passing through New Mexico.

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