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Daniels Named President o[ Harbor Plywood Corporation

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A Man and a Mule

E, W. Donielg


production and operation.

The board of directors of the Harbor Plywood Corporation, Hoquiam, Wash., has announced the election of G. R. Birkelund as chairman of the board of directors, and E. W. Daniels as president. Huber F. Wise was re-elected secretary - treasurer. Mr. Daniels assumes the duties of president, in addition to his responsibility as general sales manager. Mr. Wise takes on the added responsibility

Mr. Birkelund will continue his principal active association of many years as vice-president and treasurer of Baker Frentress & Company, Chicago, which for more than a generation specialized in the financing and management of companies engaged in the production of forest products, lumber, pulp, and naval stores. He has devoted his business life to this field and is an ofificer and director of many well-known companies operating in the timbered regions of the West Coast, Middle W'est, and South.

Mr. Daniels is known nationally in plywood, lumber and building material circles, having been in the forefront of practically all forward-looking developments that have taken place in the industry. As vice-president and general sales manager of the company, he initiated and successfully pioneered the introduction of numerous improvements in plywood grades and types, such as outdoor plywood used for exterior paneling and siding in buildings, boats, railroad cars, etc.

Mr. Daniels has been an industrial and community leader in the Northwest for many years, and is a practical natural resource conservationist. In 1925, after several years as manager of the Knox & Toombs plant, he con- ceived and helped to organize the Harbor Plywood organization and became its original secretary-treasurer, later having been elected vice-president in charge of sales. Under his sales direction, the company's products have become favorably known, and distr,ibuted throughout the United States and its p.ossessions, and to the principal countries of the world.

When a Webb-Pommerene Act export sales agency for plywood was organized, he became the president of its Pacific Forest Products Industries, Tacoma, Wash., which ' position he holds today. He is chairman of the Management Committee of the Douglas Fir Plywood Association, Tacoma, and has inspired its successful promotional program and participated in its standardization of grades, counselled on reciprocal trade matters, etc. He was a member of the Housing Committee of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, and in the NRA days was a member of the Code Authority.

Mr. Daniels has served as president of the Hoquiam chamber of commerce, and held var.ious offices in civic organizations and social clubs. He was a major in the U. S. Quartermaster Corps, seeing active overseas duty. Mr. Daniels enjoys the fullest confidence and loyalty of his organization.

Mr. Wise is a corporate structure authority, and an organization and finance expert of w,ide experience, having participated in the organization and fiscal set-up of several national concerns. His executive experience includes the vice-presidency in charge of operations of a holding concern engaged in a large urbanization project, two sawmills, and a construction company in Colombia, South America. He has been an officer of the Harbor Plywood Corporation for several years. He is a close student of business, business law and industtial economy, also he takes an energetic interest in the furtherance of wood waste utilization.

With Mr. Daniels' recognized capacity for coordinating policies and personnel and the objectives of a large manufacturing plant, the Harbor Plywood Corporation is expected to further its program of finding new uses for plywood, consolidating its markets, and developing other forms ol wood utilization.

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