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Douglas Fir Plywood Popular for Multiplex Saw Agency Changes Name Concrete Forms

One of the important developments in recent years in concrete form construction is the increasing use of Douglas fir plywood, reported the Forest Products Division of the Department of Commerce.

The special advantages of plywood panels have been demonstrated on hundreds of large concrete construction projects throughout the country. In the construction of the Jefferson Memorial in the Tidal Basin at Washington, D. C., it is estimated that trvo carloads of Douglas fir plywood, amounting to 75,000 square feet, are to be used in constructing the forms for the concrete decks and bases of the ornamental columns in the edifice.

With the increased demand for this specialized material, attention to plywood mills has been focused upon improvement in manufacturing technique so as to obtain satin-smooth surfaces and the adaptation of new and improved moisture resisting glues.

Douglas fir plywood concrete form panels are now used in the construction of bridges, viaducts, towers, monuments, public buildings as well as small dwellings. The smooth panels in these constructions reduce the number of joints, "fins" and other irregular surfaces to a minimum, cutting the cost of finishing. Another important factor recommending Douglas fir plywood in concrete construction is that the panels may be re-used normally as much as fifteen times.

For sharply curved concrete surfaces, with a radius of not less than fifteen inches, one-quarter inch Douglas fir plywood panels of ordinary wallboard grade are commonly used, and a wide variety of architectural effects, as well as design simplicity, is easily attained.

Announcement is made that De Walt Machinery, Ltd., has changed its name to Dependable Machinery Co. The addresses are the same, 1011 Harrison Street, Oakland, and 1061 Folsom Street, San Francisco. and the telephone numbers are unchanged. Oakland telephone number is TEmplebar 1273, and the San Francisco number is MArket 1913.

Dependable Machinery Co.. sells a complete lihe of woodworking machinery including saw mills, Atlas lathes, Multiplex Saws and used De Walt saws.

V. Z. Hazen, ,manager, is Western sales manager for Multiplex Saws.

Opens Branch Office at Dallas

The Paraffine Companies, fnc., San Francisco, has selected Dallas, Texas, as headquarters for the Southwest District which includes Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Oklahoma, according to R. H. Shainwald, executive vice-president. Eugene F. Corbin has been named district manager.

All Pabco floor covering products-felt base, inlaid and ptain, and Jaspe and Mastipave-will be handled by this office. The office will be located in the Liberty Bank Buildirg.


The Nutter Lumber Company, 198 North Gordon Street, Pomona, held an opening of its new yard and office on Saturday, October 21, which attracted many visitors. The opening featured a manufacturers' display of building materials and home accessories.

Southern California Retail Yard For Sale

70 miles from Los Angeles on main highway in fast growing community. Railroad lease, established trade, clean stock, god eguipment. For full particulars address Box C-773, California Lumber Merchant.

Position Wanted

Experienced Lumbcrman-Yard and Transportation Manager. 16 years' experience. Fully familiar with all phases of production and sales. Desires location. Will go anywhere. Adress Box C-775, California Lumber Merchant.

Experienced Retail Lumberman

An all around 631-1[essugh-fast and accurate -always ,on the, job; knows Los Angelts trade; wants connection locally, preferably in Valley. Now employed. Address Box C-776 California Lumber Merchant.

A New Development in lce Merchandising

Ice vending machines are now being installed throughout the country to meet the demand for twenty-four hour ice service, a new development in ice merchandising.

When the first S & S Vending Machine was placed on display in San Jose, Calif., seven years ag"o, it attracted wide attention. Today, according to Leslie Scott of the S & S Vending Machine Company, machines have been installed in cities and towns in almost every state.

The ice vendors are built on the principles of a cold storage plant. The most popular model is 20 feet long and 8 feet wide, equipped with methyl chloride refrigeration, operated by a one h.p. motor.

A new feature of recent models is an appliance which sells packages of cracked or cubed ice in addition to the regular fifty pound and twenty-five pound pieces. Coin boxes are provided, and a lever operates the machinery which delivers the ice in chutes. Mechanism of this patented vendor has been perfected to the point where it is ftrlly automatic, operating smoothly and dependably with little attention. The temperature is kept constantly at 24oF,and as much as 12,000 pounds of ice can be stored in the vendor at one time.

Recent tests of the ,machine disclose that power costs for maintaining the 24oF temperature were unchanged over the first year. Tests of the machines after seven years

Sales Agents Wanted

In Seattle, Portland and San Francisco teritory to handle distribution of MOISTURE REGISTER, the best known, most accurate Moisture Measuring Device for the lumber and wood-working industry. MOISTURE REGISTER COMPANY, 1029 N. Sycamore Avenue, LOS ANGELES

For Sale

Retail lumber yard, low overhead, large volume business assured. Write Home Lumber & Mill Co.' Phoenix, Arizona.

Situation Wanted

Accountant thoroughly experienced, desires position with lumber and logging company. Adam R. I{unter, ,t05 North Central Ave., Glendale, Calif., Telephone CItrus 2-2211.

Lumber Yards For Sale

We have a number of good yards in Southern Cali' fornia for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.

of operation again revealed no noticeable decrease in power efficiency. This is attributed by Mr. Scott to the use of Palco Wool (redwood bark) insulation, which due to its practical lack of capillarity, its low thermal efficiency (.255 B.t.u.-Peebles, Armour Inst. Tech.), and the fact that it does not settle over a long period of time has proved an ideal insulation for the ice vending machines. In addition, Palco Wool's freedom from odors and its non-absorption qualities have been winning a wide acceptance for it in recent years in the cold storage as well as the house insulation fields.

Among the nationally known concerns who have used Palco Wool are Hormel Packing Company, in the new addition to their plant, California Walnut Growers Association, Tobin Packing Company, Dayton's (Minneapolis) ' fur storage, National Ice & Cold Storage Company, Union Ice Company, Kraft-Phenix Cheese Corporation, and RayMaling Company, frosted foods storage.

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