3 minute read
Sudden t, Ghristenson
Lunbcr end tblpptng
7th Ftoor, Alaska-Commetcid Bldg.'
Allrcicu ilill C.o.
Hoquiro Lrnnbc C Shiarlc Co.
Hulbct Milt Co.
Vilhpr Hrtbc trrobc MilL
6tO Bo.d of Tr.dc Bl4;
310 Sansome Street, San Francisco
Abdlo' Vrf. Ry&r Heaify lloqui.-, \Prlb Dorothy Crtill
Abdn, Vr& Jenc Chrincaro
. frynoA Vti. Chdcr Cbri*roro
Btrrch O6ccr: SEATTIT
Netioorl Brnl of Concrcc Bldg.
Ando Chrirteoroa
Edvia €hrirrcaroo
Cethcrinc G. Sudda
Elcrnor Chri*coro
20o HcnrT Bldg.
Ten of The
Years Ago Today
From the ftles California Lumber Metchant, November 1 , 1929
This issue carried Nolan of The Pacific a personality sketch of Albert J. Lumber Company.
(Al) Peoples Lumber Company opened its new offrces and yard at Oxnard which attracted many visitors.
W. E. Cooper Lumber Co. of Los Angeles reported a strange coincidence in that the same freight car arrived at their yard twice during the year. On January ?3, l9n, a carload of maple flooring shipped in car, C&NW 104980, was receir.ed, and on Septembet 8, l9D, another car of maple fiooring shipped in the same car was unloaded at their plant.
R. R. Leishman, Los months' trip to Central America.
Angeles, returned from a two America, Panama, and South
Members of the Orange Belt Lumber'men's Club, together with other retail lumber dealers from various sections of Southern California, were guests of the Southwestern Portland Cement Co. at their Victorville plant on October 12.
Flayward Lumber & Investment Co. opened its new lumber yard and supply warehouse at Phoenix, Ariz.
Emil F. Swanson, Eagle Rock Lu'mber Company, Eagle Rock, held his third annual venison barbecue at his plant on October 22. A total of forty-one, including friends, customers and employes, enjoyed the feast. Emil shot the deer in the hills back from Malibu in the Santa Monica district.
Hugh P. Alderman, formerly with A: L. "Gus" Hoover, Los Angeles, left for Honolulu to become associated with Lewers & Cooke, lumber and building material dealers.
Hill & Morton, Inc., moved their offices from the Builders' Exchange Building, Oakland, to Dennison Street Wharf. The new office building adjoins their warehouse.
C. H. White, White the convention of the Chicago.
West a yard in
Brothers, San Francisco, attended National Hardwood Association in
Bay Lumber Company opened a retail lumber Redwood City.
Thomas Jefferson Sappington
Thomas Jefferson Sappington, only son of the late F. P. Sappingtoni died at his home in El Monte on October 19, from a heart ailment.
Mr. Sappington followed his father in death by but six months, Frank Perry Sappington having passed away on April 10.
He was born in Sappington, Missouri, in 1894. lle came to California with his parents in 19)4. lle was operating the El Monte Lumber Company, having been associated with his father, F. P. Sappington, rvho had opened this yard in 1904. He was a talented violinist.
Mr. Sappington is survived by his wife, Mrs. Allie Sappington; his mother, M{.. Fanny Sappington; a son, Stephen Perry Sappington, and a granddaughter, Joyce Sappington.
Municipal Judge William H. Dinning, of South San Francisco, passed away on October 13 in South San Francisco after a long illness.
Prior to his retirement from business several years ago he was manag'er of the South San Francisco Lurnber & Supply Company. He came to South San Francisco 26 years ago. He has been 'municipal judge for the past four years and had f'ormerly served on the city's school and library boards.
The late judge was a native of Ker.rvood, Canada. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mary Dinning, a son, William Dinning, a daughter, Miss Elva Dinning, and a brother, Robert Dinning.
He was a member of the Francis Drake Lodge, F. & A. M. of South San Francisco.

Delbert L. Westover, pioneer California timber owner and lumberman, died in San Francisco, October 21, at the age of 81. He was the owner of large stands of Redwood timber in Sonoma, Mendocino and Humboldt counties. A native of Massachusetts, he started his business career in Bay City, Mich. He came to California in 1888 and entered the lumber business, his early operations being at Guerneville. Calif.
Showing the pctented single instcrllcrtion unit for double hung windows. I
We invite lumber decrlers to tcrke crdvcurtcrge of our well crssorted stoqks oI POIIDENOSA