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Portland, Oregon

Manufacturers of OId Growth Douglas Ftr

Rail and Cargo Shippers

New Provisions of FHA Title I Loan Proves Stimulant to Building

Washington, October l4.-With liberalization of the Title I, Class 3 loan of the Federal Housing Administration for new home building costing up to $2500, the home-land program of the building industry has been given the "goahead" signal and the Brentwood-in-the-Pines Realty group of New York is one of the first concerns to move rvith the green light.

This organization, which built several Demonstration Homes during the year on their Long Island subdivision, in cooperation with the National Lumber Manufacturers Association and National Retail Lumber Dealers Association low-cost housing program, has adapted Nation Small Ifomes Demonstration design 2-A f.or construction under the new more liberal financing plan.

The design provides for two bedrooms, a living room, kitchen and bath. The kitchen has been enlarged by four feet increasing the frontage of the house f.rom 25 to D feet. This is the only change made in the original design. The house has a full cellar and a warm air heating unit. The cost of the house only is $2500.

The new FHA plan makes it an easy proposition to buy a home for the man who has a good credit rating. It approves loans up to $2500, over a maximum period of 15 years and 62 days. The borrower needs to have only a five per cent equity in the whole property-land plus buildings. This is a departure from the earlier provision under Title I, which required a clear land title. Now it is possible for

The Builder

He builded a home on a quiet street, And planted a garden trim and neat, A shady pathway led to the door, And golden sunlight fell on the floor; The windows glowed when the nights were dim And spoke to the heart like an evening hymn.

The noise of the world seemed far away And peace dwelt there through the live long day; The doorways smiled as in welcome there And offered a refuge from carking care. The whole house seemed as we passed along Like the tender notes of a happy song.

And with grateful heart the builder knew That the work he had done was fine and true. With infinite patience and tender care He had builded a home that was like a prayer, And it stands by the roadside all day long And speaks to the heart like a beautiful song.

Adeline Merriam Conner.

a person to buy a $2500 house with not more than $125 in cash, or equivalent land value.

This Brentwood-in-the-Pines home, which is to be sold under this financing plan, is the first of a group of ten homes to be built by this organization.

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