Boost Deoler Profits ond Good Will
I?hileyou are buildingextra "footage" W selling the odra "yearage" of Redwood for outdoor lumber, don't forget it is also rdeal for interior panels, tnm, beams, etc. Sell Redwood for ALL exposed placesinside and out. Order irours as Palco Redwood.
PauI Bunyan
Yesterday and Today
Pcrul won his lcure with cn cxe cmd En ox. The lumber industry oI todcry is more compliccrted but Pcul Bunycn gtill stcn& cs the symbol of crchievement.
Red River's logging includes selective cutting, conservction qnd forest proteclion Bed River's production requires cccurcte cnd unilonn milling, lciln-secsoning crnd grcding to Aesociction standcrds.
"Pcrul BunycnS'
Venetiqn Blind Slcts cnd Peacit Stoclc
For Southern California, stochs inchding Sash and, Doors are carried, in the Los Angeles Wholesale Warehouse. Truck Deliaeics.
461 Msrtet StreeL Sqn Frcrncirco DOuglcn 2561
?14 W. Olynpic Blvd. 1285 Hcrbor St
PRorpect 8231 FBcnhlin 723{ PHOENI& f,ilz
612 Title & Trurt Bldg. Telepbone t!3121
This mark is your assurance of thoroughlyt properb, and unifonnly Ki&r Dried Pon' derosa Pine Lumbet, Mouldings, and Cut Stock EVERY month of EVERY Year.
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Central California Reprcsentative Pyranid Lumber Sales Co., Oaldand
tAdicmirneno .ppe.r in alternate irsuer.
Anerican Lumber
Anglo California
Arcata Redwood
Garnerton & Gteen-------Gorrnan Lunber Co.------------------
and Trerting Co.-----------* Lumber Co.------------------------12 Hell, JaneeL Co.---------------------------------25 Hallinan Mrcl
Att<inron Stutz Co.------------------
Baxter & C.o., J. H.----------------------------..----29
Booth-Kelly Lumber Co----------------------------------L
Bradley trtnbc Co. of Arlenr.t-------------------- | Buru Lunber Co.------------ ---------------------.-----22
Cedwallader-Gibron Co.' fnc.----------------- ---------22
California Builderr Supply C,o.--------------------*
Celifornie Door Co., The------------------------------ 7
C,elifornia Panel 6! Veneer Cr.--------------....---- 5
Carr & Co. L J.--------------------------------------27
C,eloter Corporation, The-----------------
Hgltinan Meckin Co.' Ltd.-------- ---------------------27
Flammond Redwood Co.-----------------Hill & Morton, Inc.---------Hogan lrnber Co.--------...------floover, A. L----------
Johnron Lumber Corpotation, C. D.---------*
Koehl & Son, fnc., John V.-----------------------21 Kuhl Lumber Co., Carl H.------------------...--*
Lamon.Bonnington C;onpany--- ---- --- --- --- ------ ---2O
Lawrence-Philipr Lumber C,o.-------------------15 Lumbermeo'c Crcdit Arrociation
Pacif,c Vood Produce C.orp.-------
Pope & Tdbot, Lutnbet Divirion----------------- t Fortland Cement Arcocietion--------------------11
Reem Compann Geo. E.--------------------
Red Cedar Shingle Bureru--------
Red River Lumbcr Co.--....-------------------------------- 2
Sarnpron C,onpany
Schafer Bror Lumber & Shingle Co.----------19
Santa Fe Lumber Co.---------------------O3.C.
Shcvtn Pine Salee
Southwertern Portlend Cement Co.....-----------*
Stanton & Son, E. J.------------
Sudden & Chrirtenron ---.-----------17
Tacoma Lumber Salee------------------------------------- 9
Cooper, W.
Cobb C-o.' T. M.-.-------* :| *
Curtir C-onpanie Service Bureau--------------------
Dant & Rurrell, Inc
Douglar Fir Plywood Accociation-
* I
MacDonald & Harrington, Ltd.--------------------- t Mactlanburg-Duncan C,o---
Marchalt Inc., John A*---------------
Michigan California Lumber C,o.----------------*
Monolith Pordand C,ement C,ompany-----------* Moote Dry Kiln Co.----------------------------------19
Eubank & Son, L. H.-----------------------------29 Mutual Moulding & Lunber Co.----------....---*
Paciic Lumber Co, The---------.------------------------ 2
Wendling-Nathan Co.----------- ----------------------25
Ve* Coart Screen Co.-----
Weot Oregon Lunber Co. ------ ------------------O.F.C.
Vestern Doot & SasL Co.------- -----------------------26
Vertern Flardwood Lumber Co.--------------O.F.q
Veyerhaeueer Saler Conpany-------------------.-- t
Vheelet0cgood Salec C.orporation.-- -------------12
Fir Door Inrtitute--....-
* * Fordyce-Crorret Saler Co.--------
Pacific Mutual Door C.o.-------- ----------------------14
Pacific Wire Produco Co.---------------- -------------25
Vhite Brothers--....--------------- -----------------------------23
Wood Lumber Co., E. K.----

Price, $2.00 per Yecr Single Copies, 25 cents each.
How Lumber Looks
The Government announces it will make new stock pile purchases of 171,000,@0 feet of Southern Pine, all No. 2, for future army camps and defense construction. Bids will be received at Dallas, Texas, November 4, f.or 66,000,000 feet from Texas, Arkansas and West Louisiana mills. The balance will be awarded at Augusta, Ga., for mills east of the Mississippi River.
Lumber production during the week ended October 18, 1941, was 4 per cent less than the previous week; shipments were one per cent less; new business 7 per cent 1ess, according to reports to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from regional associations covering the operations of representative hardwood and softwood mills.
During the week ended October 18, 456 mills produced 267p80,0M feet of hardwoods and softwoods combined, shipped 271,m4,0ffi feet, and booked orders ol 237,589,000 feet.
Lumber orders reported for the week by 381 softwood mills totaled 228,4c5,W0 feet, shipments were 259,L95,0W feet, and production was 257,468,000 feet. 89 hardwood mills for the week gave new business ab 9,184,0@ feet, shipments 12,7W,W feet, and production 9,672,@0 feet.
The Western Pine Association {or the week ended October 18, 94 mills reporting, gave orders as 74,12[0@ feet, shipments 88,680,000 feet, and production 89,613,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 337.359.000 feet.
The Southern Pine Association for the week ended Octo18, 118 mills reporting, gave orders as 28,628,000 feet, shipments 33,OD,OOO feet, and production D,43lffJft. feet. Orders on hand at the end of the week totaled 118,081,000 feet.
The California Redwood Association for the month of September, 1941, reported production of 11 operations as 43,703,nO feet, shipme.nts 39,068,@O feet, and orders received 28,089,000 feet. Orders on hand at the end of the month totaled 44,532,00O f.eet.
Lumber cargo receipts at Los Angeles Harbor for the week ended October 25 totaled 11,139,000 feet as compared to 17,593,000 feet the previous week.
Lumber deliveries to California ports for September totaled 65,627,5@ feet, according to reports by 13 companies to the Pacific Lumber Carriers' Association, San Francisco. This compared with 82,3O4,n0 feet shipped by water in September, 1940.
Deliveries to the various ports were as follows :

The oldest plywood house in the West stands ready as always to furnish your requirements. Our company was founded on service years ago, and our progress has been due to our rendering an intelligent, far-sighted, constructive service to our many friends ever since. This policy has gready benefited our customers during these trying times and we are anxious to serve you too.

During the past month, when for the first time the lumber industry began feeling the pinch of war restrictions, a great many lumbermen have asked me concerning the effect of the First World War on the lumber industry. Which promptly brought to mind the fact that at least one-half of the active lumbermen of today were not in the business in 1917 and 1918 when the First World lVar was in progress; and most of those who WERE in the business then have rather hazy and, indefinite recollections of what happened during those two momentous years, particularly as to dates and details. ***
I found that I could syrnpathize with the latter very fully, because even my e:<cellent memory failed me when I tried to recall with any sort of exactness just what DID happen to the lumber industry by reason of that war. But I had available the bound files of THE GULF COAST LUMBERMAN
Assurance was given the Government at that meeting that the materials and ships could be had very rapidly.
MERCHANT was not born until 1922), so with those before me f sat down to read the record of the waCs effect upon the lumber industry in 1917 and 1918. As I read I made notes. And when I finished I had a fairly accurate picture of those trying days.
An impressive fact O-*na ,J* f"o- that reading was that there were no building restrictions of any sort imposed upon the industry during the First World War until we had been actively fighting the Hun for fourteen months; and no really severe restrictions until the war was practically over.
The United States declared war on Germany April 6, 1917. The previous month of March the U. S. Shipping Board called a meeting in Washington with the prospective and active wooden ship builders of the nation, and likewise with the representatives of the lumber industry, at which meeting they discussed ways and measures that would enable the United States, in case we entered the war, to build one thousand wooden cargo vessels in the shortest possible time. It was reported at that meeting that the steel ship builders were already working to their highest capacitn and wooden ships must fill the necessary gaps caused by the submarine warfare of the Germans.
As soon as we a""ur"aLral ttie Natiorral Lumber Manufacturers Association held a special meeting to discuss the lumber industry's part in the emergency, and the entire industry tendered the Government every resource of its mills to build ships and training camps, and for any other purpose to help win the war. Immediately a great demand for softwood lumber to build ships and cantonments, arose. The mills throughout the South and West were loaded to capacity with Government orders. A lumber boom started that was tempered at once with the greatest car shortage in history, and throughout the first year of the war the delivery of needed lumber was severely retarded by the transportation shortage. There was no shortage of lumber, the mills of the country being equal to any possible demands at that time, but there was a bottleneck in transportation.

One of my editoriar" irl altii 1917, reads like it might have been written today, saying: "Our quarrel is not with the German people. It is with the Evil Spirit that today in Germann as in the Napoleonic days in France, has emerged from the shadows of the Dark Ages and is running amuck through civilization, and endangering American principles of F'ree Government."
The various sawmill associations throughout the country now had active committees working with the Government committees and authorities, working cooperatively night and day to solve the great problem of furnishing the Government with its lumber needs. In May, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson caUed on all good citizens of the nation to plant and produce a maximum of food and feed. He urged that every acre and every nook and corner of tillable soil be planted with the food and feed that the world needed.
The Council of Natiorl"t L.i*"e appointed a lumber committee to work with the lumber industry generally, and Robeft H. Downman, of New Orleans, a famous Cypress manufacturer and a man of great personal power, was made Chairman of the Committee. He called on the lum-
(Continued on Page 8)

(Continued from Page 6) ber industry for a census of its possibilities, and every mill furnished the Government with a statement of its facilities, eguipment, and production, so that they might assist in solving the lumber problem. The Northern Hemlock and Hardwood Association at this time met and offered the Government the entire product of its mills at cost. On May 15, 1917, the Government announced its plans to buy two billion feet of common softwood lumber to build 32 military towns, and for army camp construction. There was a very excitable lumber market now.

A tremendous Red Crol" ii.l was put on at this time, with lumberrnen everywhere playing prominent parts. One of the largest individual contributions in the nation was made by R. A. Long, of Kansas City. He gave glOO,0O0.
By midsummer of rsi lh":" were in operation big emergency lumber bureaus representing all parts of the country, engaged exclusively in allocating lumber orders to the mills in such fashion as would facilitate the securing of materials by giving each mitl what it was best fitted to deliver. These bureaus remained active until the end of the war and performed splendid services. There was wonderful cooperation and good will between Government bureaus and lumber committees in all these efforts. Bernard M. Baruch, Chairman of the War Industries Board, said to Chas. S. Keith, of Kansas City: '.f wish you would say to the lumbermen wherever you find them that they are not under criticism at Washington. I think they have rendered a great service to their country."
(Mr. Baruch, in his recent book about the World War, especially emphasizes the sptendid cooperation that took place between Government and industry, how everything was done in open and friendly fashion, without ill-will, hostility, or crack-down methods.)
By September, 1917, drJr.l,"Jtak in Washington about the possibility of the Government putting a ceiling price on lumber for its own use, but nothing was done for several months. The year ended with no building restrictions having been imposed. Business went on as usual, with only the car shortage to bother the lumber industry. Home building campaigns were conducted all over the country, building and repairing was encouraged, and the industry generally used the slogan: "Let's build while we fight." The Twentieth Forestry Engineers Regiment was announced in the fall of 1917, and was recruited entirely from the ranks of the lumber industry, 7,500 strong. Experienced and capable lumbermen between the ages of 18 and 41 were taken into this regiment and sent to France, where they set up sawmills in the French forests, and manufactured lumber and timbers for the Allies. In September,
1917, the Government announced the purchase of 300,000,000 feet of lumber to house the American army in France.
Early in 1918 the Government began the plan of entering into a price arrangement with the lumber industry covering Governmen't purchases, and continuing these prices for ninety days at a time. Every ninety days these prices were again fixed and arranged, altered when necessary. In the spring of 1918 the matter of fixing the price of all lumber-that is, the maximum price-came up again, and a great mass meeting of lumber manufacturers from the entire nation took place in Chicago to debate the proposition. One faction, led by John Henry Kirby, took the stand that the Government could fix prices for lumber for its own use as much as it pleased, but that to fix the price of lumber for private sale was an infringement of the Bill of Rights. R. A. Long and R. H. Downman led the argument that in time of emergency patriotism should supplant legality, and that the Government should fix prices if it was deemed necessary. The latter opinion prevailed and a committee was sent to Washington to say that the lumber industry would gladly cooperate if price fixing was found vital to win the war. About June first the first prices were fixed on Norlfiern Hemlock. Late in June the ceiling on Southern Pine and Fir were likewise fixed, and prevailed until the war ended. Thus, fourteen months after we entered the war, restrictions on lumber began to appear. ***
On June 6th the first restrictions on building appeared in the form of an order from the War Industries Board forbidding the sale of pig iron or steel products except under priority certificates. Nails were excluded from this order and were never restricted in their use during the war. But other steel products were. And soon came other similar orders affecting cement, lime, brick, and tile. With regard to cement and lime the rule was that they could be used without priority order for jobs under $2,500, and for essential purposes. Sidewalks, driveways, and garages were not considered essential, but silos, vats, and other small farm units were. Homes were not considered essential in this cernent order. On July 3rd the War Industries Board issued another order elaborating on that of June 6th. *r1.
Excitement came in September, 1918. On the 3rd day of that month Circular No. 21 was issued by the War Industries Board. It said that no new building would be permitted without a priority permit, and that a priority permit would be given only for a building to be used DIRECTLY to help win the war. But it permitted without priority or restriction repairs or extensions to existing buildings, the new work to cost in the aggregate not more than $2,500. Thus, construction of new buildings was cut off entirely, but repairs and improvements up to $2,5{X)
\pere left wide open. To construct a netrr building you had to ask the local County Defense Council for a permit; if they granted it, it had to go to the State Council; and then, to become effective it had to go to the National Council at Washington. The war ended before many people tried to secure such permits, so it is difficult to say whether they could have been had or not.
As soon as Circular oi". lt 1t", .rrrro,rnced the retail lumber dealers got busy. There was a meeting of all retail lumber associations in Chicago in September, and they organized the Retail Lumber Dealers War Service Commission for the sole purpose of working with the Government officials in all matters pertaining to the retail building ing material business. They sent a Committee headed by Jim Moorehead, of Kansas City, to Washington at once to plead for some modifications of Circular No. 21. On September 27, I|/[r. Moorehead announced by wire that the Priorities Commissioner had given them one modification. In addition to permitting without priority certificate repairs and extensions amounting to $2,500, new construction on farms only, totaling in cost not more than $1,000 per job, was permitted, and this was made an immediate amendment to Circular No. 21. The Retail Lumber Dealers War Service Commission likewise pledged itself to put this order in the hands of every retail building material mer-
chant in the country. This was immediately done through the various retail lumber associations, and every building material dealer was asked to place Circular No. 21 on the walls of their office, and in other manner and means inform the public of the restrictions. They were asked by the Government to say to their customers that building was not forbidden, it was only deferred.
So, at the beginnirrg oi d,ol"r, 1918, all the commercial building permitted in the country was repairs up to $2,500, and new farm buildings up to $1,000.

During ttre summe, "rri tit l, ,nt, ptedge cards came into general use. Whenever a sale was made, either wholesale or retail, of materials covered by the priority orders, the buyer was called upon to sign a pledge card guaranteeing that the materials were to be used only for purposes specified by the Priorities Commissioner as DIRECTLY helping to win the war.
This was the situation on November llth, when the war suddenly ended. Two days later the War Industries Board issued liberal modifications to all building restrictions. One week later all restrictions were removed, and building went into high. Such is the story I gathered from a rereading of the stuff that I wrote during the World War years of 1917 and 1918.
Ne* Plant \(/ell Located for Serving Customers
The new home of The California Door Company, announced in an advertisement on another page of this issue is located at 494O District Boulevard, Los An' geles, "District at 50th." This location is most convenient both for dealers' pickups and for deliveries by the company's trucks, and plenty of parking space is reserved for customers.
The building, which was recently purchased by the company, is 103 by 210 feet, of reinforced concrete con-
Gtenn O. Fogleacn struction, and completely fireproof. It is served by a private spur track on which two cars can be spotted for unloading.
An important feature of the building is the truck indenture, with room for four trucks to load at one time under cover.
All merchandise is on one floor. All doors and plywood are handled from the cars to the warehouse with hydraulic lift trucks, and of course lift trucks are used when loading trucks from the warehouse. This method results in the saving of much time in getting customers' trucks away with all possible speed.
The private office is paneled in ribbon grain Philippine Mahogany and the door of this office is also Philippine Mahogany.
All the woodwork in the general office, including the doors, is quartered White Oak. The ceilings in both private and general offices are of Armstrong Temlok Insulation panels, and Armstrong Asphalt Tile is used on the floors of both offices.
The glass in both offices is frosted Aklo glass, which eliminates all glare and prevents heat penetration. Glass blocks are used surrounding the main entrance doorway of the general office.
Glenn O. Fogleman, resident manager of The California Door Company, has spent most of his business life in the sash and door business, having been with this concern since 1918. He started his career in this line in 1904 with the Cresmer IVlanufacturing Co., Riverside, Calif., and from 1911 to 1918 was associated with the Bisbee-Fishburn Co., wholesale sash and door firm of Los Angeles.
Les Breiner, office manager, has been with the company for many years.
The three salesmen iarho cover the company's sales territory are R. V. Pye, who travels Ventura County and the Long Beach district; Russ Castell, Orange County, Kern County and Coast Counties, and Duke Calori, San Fernando Valley, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, and part of Los Angeles County.
The history of The California Door Company covers a period of 91 years.

Bartlett Doe, about 1850, received by vessel from Boston via Cape Horn the first cargo of doors and windows to be landed at San Francisco, and in co-partnership with his brother, John S. Doe, began business as the firm of B. & J. S. Doe at 3G4O Market Street.
About the same time, George O. Wilson arrived on the Pacific Coast, going first to Puget Sound but returning to San Francisco a year or so later to establish with his brother, Nathaniel Irving Wilson, a business in doors, windows and blinds at the corner of California and Drumm Streets, under the firm name of Wilson & Brother.
In the 6O's, Charles Franklin Doe, a brother of Bartlett and John S. Doe, who operated a lumber yard at Spear and Howard Streets, acquired the business of John Hall & Son, which firm conducted a door and window business at ll+116 Market Street. E. H. Kittredge, who was associated with C. F. Doe, took charge of the business and the nime was changed to E. H. Kittredge & Company.
During the seventies these three pioneer firms combined, but retained their individual identities until July, 1884, when their separate interests were consolidated and merged
under the corporate name of The California Door Company. Following this consolidation, the largest plant west of the Rocky Mountains manufacturing doors, windows and blinds, was built and operated at 15th and Wood Streets in Oakland, Calif., the output of which through its distributing branches in Oakland, San Francisco and Los Angeles, reached markets from the Pacific Coast to the Atlantic Seaboard, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa.
At the turn of the century, to insure a future supply sufficient to meet its growing requirements in Sugar and Ponderosa Pine lumber, the company purchased in El Dorado County, California, a tract of some 30,000 acres of heavily timbered forest lands, and in 1924, f.ollowing the destruction of its sawmill at Caldor, built the present large, electrically equipped plant at Diamond Springs, its products now being distributed by carload, as well as truck and trailer, to local and interstate points.
The company's first Los Angeles warehouse was established in 1887 at Second and San Pedro Streets. The business was moved to 237-241 Central Avenue in 1905, and the recent move to the present location was made just 3(r years later.
Urge Action in "Famine Area s" ol Build'ng
For the past two months Northern and Southern California Homes Foundations have warned that suspension of non-Defense home building would be a calamity of nationwide proportions, particularly in small population centers in which building is the major source of employment, Bernard B. Barber and Orrie W. Hamilton, Chairmen of the Foundations, declare, in urging organized emergency relief action in California towns and cities which are not official Defense housing areas.
"Serious partial suspension of non-Defense home building is now in force, with the SPAB order prohibiting the use of steel, copper, bronze, brass and aluminum on projected non-Defense construction," they state. "OPM officials have already predicted a minimum 6O per cent reduction for 1942below L94l,in this construction category. Experience has taught us that the small town suffers most in a situation of this kind, and that the small businessman is commonly required to make, proportionally, the greatest sacrifice.
"The building industry is made up,nationally,of 250,000 enterprises. Typical of these is the building materials store of the average American community and the building contractor who works with his own hands in carrying on his business of making new homes for families of moderate or small income, or of erecting new farm buildings and repairing old ones.
"Thousands of these men are facing the threat of business extinction and thousands-even millions-more carpenters, mascss, painters and others of the building trades are f'acing unemployment. The great majority of them are ready to make extreme sacrifices for national defense, but they have the right to know all the evidence that may be had to prove the sacrifices absolutely necessary. And they have the right to complete assurance, on the basis of demonstrable fact, that other groups are not profiting from the famine of business and employment they are asked to undergo.
"The OPM has estimated that 800,000 persons will be thrown out of employment in construction under the new order. This, of course, is a figure of utmost optimism. Estimates from the Associated General Contractors of America are that 1,500,000 will lose employment in non-Defense construction and that 3,000,000 persons now producing, marketing or shipping noncritical materials will be idle.
"This blow will fall the hardest on the farm and small town which is located so as to derive comparatively small benefits from the Defense program. We of the building industry in this region can bear the blow, if the Defense program is furthered thereby, and if it is proven to us that we must bear it for the good of the country.

"But we must know these things. Because the building industry exists in small local units, this is a question of concern to all the citizens in every community in California. The Foundations urge organized local action on the problem; first, to find the facts; second, to take action on whatever course the facts dictate to be best for the community in its duty to national defense, and to its own men, women and children; and third, to devise measures of relief within the restrictions of the SPAB order."
STUCC0 JOBS that keep looking "rike a million" BUILD BUSINESS FOR YOU
NOICE the way the goodIooking gtucco jobs stand out on any street Clean, $nartJooking and with an air of permanence, you juot know they build new businesg for plastering contractors.
Help insure future volume by keeping a cloge chech on quality. Juat follow these aimple rules:
See that tfie struchlre is rigid and well-framcd . . . that the base is o. K. . that protecfivc structural detaile are properly designed that only stucco made with PORTLAND CL MENT or WATER-PROOFED PORTI-AND CEMENT is uscd for all coatg. and that it is mixed, applied and cured according to approved methoda.
Write for NEW EDITION of our ..Plastere/s Manualrt' covering latest specifications and methode for making good etucco.
l'lV alatc'nife Sharl
82 locl Sioaac
Age not guarantced---Some I have told jor 20 ycars---Some Less Home
Told with the proper sentimental emphasis, I think the following was the greatest and most effective colored soldier story of the First World War:
The colored regiment was coming home in the troop ship, and she pulled into New York harbor at night. One home-sick darkey had watched all that day for the first glimpse of his native land, and when they finally approached the harbor he could hardly stand it, he was so
Pope & Talbot, Inc., Lumber Division, and the McCormick Steamship Co. announce the removal of their Los Angeles offices on November 1 from 601 West Fifth Street to Suite 532, Petroleum Building, TI4 West Olympic Blvd. The new telephone number is PRospect 823I.
We invite lumber declers to tqke qdvcrrtctge oI our well qs' sorted stocks ol
excited. He pushed just as far forward on the ship as he could get, straining his eyes toward the lights of home. And as he looked up to where the grand old Statue of Liberty was casting her beacon rays out over the water, a great lump came up in this darkey's throat, and those near-by heard his yearning cry- ..TAKE DOWN YOU' LAMP, HONEY AH'M HOME!''
Charles L. Cheeseman is now with E. J. Stanton & Son of Los Angeles and is connected with tl-reir Fir and Pine department. Charlie has been associated with the lumber business in Los Angeles for a long period and is well known in Southern California lumber circles.

Administrator Signs Lumber and Furniture \(/ase Orders
Washington, Oct. 22-General Philip B. Flenting, Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division, U. S. Department of Labor, announced today that he had signed a wage order requiring pavment of at least 35 cents an hour in the lumber industry, and another requiring payment of at least 4O cents an hour in the wood furniture industry. Both of these orders r,vill go into effect November 3.
The minimum wages established by these orders were recommended by industry committees appointed under the Wage and Hour Law. On September 30 General Fleming informed the industries that he would approve the recommendations.
The minimum rate of 35 cents an hour in the lumber industry will increase the wage rate of about 168,000 workers. The 40 cents an hour minimum rate in the furniture industry will increase the rate of about 43,000 workers. Most of these workers in both industries are employed in the South.
In issuing the wage orders General Fleming also made public his Findings and Opinion. His Findings in the wood furniture recommendation draw a line between dimension stock and "furniture parts" produced in establishments other than furniture factories. The first is under the lumber wage order requiring at least 35 cents an hour; the second is under the wood furniture wage order requiring at least 40 cents an hour. General Fleming's findings in this respect read:
"ft was deemed advisable in order to minimize cutting across plant lines to place within the Lumber and Timber Products fndustry, the manufacture of dimension stock normally produced by lumber mills even if such stock eventually found its way into the manufacture of furniture and to place the manufacture of furniture parts under the definition of the Wood Furniture Manufacturing Industry. Under this principle of demarcation between the industries, wood parts are considered to be furniture parts if the manufacturer has gone beyond such processes as ripsawing, cut-off sawing, moulding, planing, resawing and edge glueing, and they are produced for a furniture manufacturer or there is reasonable expectation on the bgsis of business experience that such parts will be manufactured into furniture. If the parts are not destined for ultimate manufacture into furniture or if the manufacturer limits his production to the enumerated processes, the Lumber and Timber Products Industry definition applies. In the event the products are furniture parts and subject to the Wood Furniture Manufacturing Industry definition, they are covered beginning after the delivery of the wood from the kiln or air-dried dimension shed whether produced by a furniture manufacturer or a dimension stock manufacturer."

Fir-Tsx of Northern offices to 123 Kansas vember 1.
The new quarters for Fir-Tex products.
Douglcs Fir and Cclilornia Pine WcllboardShecrthing
Pcrnels -Concrete FormC. C. Stock Vertical Grain Fir cmd Lcucrn
Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the AsEociation gradc and trade mark certify to your customers t'he quality of the etock you handle" Buildera quit gueccing about what they'rc buying, and buy wherc they know what thcy're getting.
California announces removal of its Street. San Francisco. effective No-
General Sdes Oftcq Eugene, Ore.
Mille: Wendling, Ore., Springfield, Ore. include a large storage warehouse
Paciftc Lumber Co. lstues New Manual on Frozen Food Locker Plants
Featuring the fact that over 1,000 locker plants have been insulated with Palco Wool (redwood bark insulation), The Pacific Lumber Company's new 2o-page Frozen Food Locker Manual just off the press is meeting with wide interest among the trade, according to Edric E. Brown, manager of the bark products division.

The introduction, which stresses the importance of frozen food locker plants as a factor in national security and defense, as well as in our national economy, mentions the fact that Palco Wool insulated locker plants now protect fresh ftozen foods valued in excess of $10,000.00, r,r'ith a yearly turn-over of $25,000.00.
From cover to cover the new manual is crammed with illustrations of interiors and exteriors of Palco Wool insulated jobs. The first section deals with the operation of the locker plant, explaining each step in customer service and also lists authorities and various phases of locker construction and operation.
The next section discusses the operation of lockers in connection with food markets and butcher shops and shows how locker plants help to build patronage for other lines.
The latter portion is given over to photographs and testimonials and includes a partial list of Palco Wool insulated locker plants in 3l states and Canada. Another feature is the "X-ray" draw,ing of the model plant of the Frozen Food Locker Co., Memphis, Tennessee.
The back cover illustrates typical Palco Wool insulated jobs in the general cold storage field, including Hormel's newest addition, the new Tobin Packing Company plant, the California Walnut Growers and Dayton's "Minneapolis" fur storage.
Copies of the new manual are available to anyone writing to The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco.
The Hom e Delense
Since Dad has joined the Home Defense
He's all slicked up and looks immense. He walks with military stride
His chin is up, denoting pride. He's not round-shouldered any more Nor weary as in days of yore. His burdens do not worry him
For he is full of pep and vim.
He's got a uniform that fits
And one of those new service kits. When he goes out upon his beat, Patrolling up and down the street, He's straight in body and in limb
And we are mighty proud of him. He seems fifteen years younger than He was back, when the war began.
He's got a brand-new slant on life
Since Uncle Sam joined in the strife. He's lost the grouch he used to wear
When things went blooey anywhere. We never have a family row
He's fighting for his country now.
He's trained until from head to heel
He's mighty fit and hard as steel.
He's got us kids all standing straight
The way he drills us nights is great. He even makes the cook salute
That's going some, for she's a beaut.
He is so full of fighting pep
He wants to go and make a rep.
And, were all others on the shelf
He'd win the war all bv himself.
West Coast Lumbermen's Association
Northern California Retailers Elect Offtcers Promotes More Farm Building at Annual Convention
With the farm policy of the Government geared into national defense for increased production of grains, beef, pork, eggs, butter, lard, and other basic foods, expansion of existing farm plants is a nation-rvide need, says the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, in announcing its fall and winter program on farm building.
A farm-building issue of Big Trees, an Association publication for distribution to consumers by retail lumber dealers, is the first move in this drive. Showing that only 1.3 cents of the farm dollar is expended for home-building materials, while but 2.8 cents goes for service-building materials on the farm, lumbermen believe these percentages can be increased.

"There will also be more farm dollars this year than in any year since 1929," the Association points out. "The condition of farm plants has gone steadily downhill during the past decade.
"Farm building repairs are a nation-wide need. Increased farm production requires new buildings as well. There is promise that farm building will be put on a par with defense housing, in relation to priorities on critical building materials.
"These are metals. There is no shortage in lumber, and lumber and nails are the basic materials of barn, hoghouse, poultry house and granary.
"There will be shortages in other products which commonly take a large share of the farm dollar. This is another factor of promise for farm building, as it will tend to divert more farm income into improvements on the farm plant."
Single copies of Big Trees may be had upon request to the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Stuart Building, Seattle, Wn. Retail lumber dealers may obtain free copies for consumer distribution, on the basis of 100 per yard, through their retail association secretaries.
Seth L. Butler, Northern California representative of Dant & Russell, Inc., Portland, is moving his office, effective November 1, to rooms 600-601, Marine Building, 214 Front Street, San Francisco.
The telephone number remains the same GArfield,0D2.
As we go to press the Lumber Merchants Association of Northern California are holding their annual convention at the Del Monte Hotel, Del Monte.
A telegram from convention headquarters states that at the Thursday afternoon (October 30) business session, the following Association officers were re-elected: Ray Clotfelter, Visalia, president; F. Dean Prescott, Fresno, vicepresident; and Ira lforton, South San Francisco, treasurer. Bernard B. Barber, Fresno, was elected secretary. All the directors wer'e re-elected.
A complete report of the convention will appear in the November 15 issue.
Wood Plane Aircraft Industry's Answer to Bottlenecks
A laminated mahogany airplane, unveiled September 23 at Roosevelt Field, New York, may be the aircraft industry's solution to bottlenecks and metal priorities.
Designed by Martin Jensen, who placed second in the Dole flight from California to Hawaii in 1927, the plane is built like a miniature transport. Powered by two 65 h.p. motors, it will carry four persons, cruise at 125 m.p.h. and maintain altitude on one engine with a full load. The designer claims for it an hourly operation cost of $1.65 in fuel and oil.
Tissue-thin sheets of wood are molded over forms to make the fuselage, wings, control surfaces, and cowling. Backing of asbestos sheeting insulates the points where fire might occur. While this construction is not fireproof, it is fireresistant as tests demonstrated when a blow-torch burned through stainless steel and aluminum alloy sheets in two seconds, but the asbestos backed laminated wood stood up for 30 seconds.
Arthur F. Draper, former Navy pilot, directed construction of Jensen's design, which will be produced by the Langley Aviation Corporation, headed by Caleb S. Bragg, World War flyer. The company states that the price for production models will set an "unprecedented low for any aircraft of similar size and performance.t'
Construction Materials Under The Priorities System
The National Retail Lumber Dealers Association's release of October 11 commenting on the statement of policy of the Supply Priorities and Allocation Board is further clarified by the address of John L. Haynes, Chief, Lumber and Building Materials Branch, Division of Civilian Supply, Office of Production Management.
The real purpose of this address, the Association states, was to assure the building industry that the SPAB release of October 9 does not propose any new program, but merely formalizes conditions that have existed for some time.
Below is quoted copy of a telegram received by the Association from Bruce Caytton, assistant to Donald Nelson, in reply to an inquiry as to whether or not local private building can proceed where materials are available:
"Construction policy ruling does not mean that material suppliers cannot sell stocks on hand and does not call for arbitrary stoppage of building programs, such as you describe. Ruling means that priority applications for building materials hereafter will be handled along lines in release published Thursday. Nothing in ruling affects builders who are able to get materials without priority rating."
Mr. Haynes' address which was delivered before the fall board meeting of the Associated General Contractors of America at the Book-Cadillac Hotel, Detroit, Mich., October 14, 1941, follows:
"May I preface my remarks with the statement that the title of my talk (Construction Materials under the Priorities System) appearing on your program was decided upon some ten days before press release SPA-9 was issued. SPA-9 is the one which refers to the stoppage of nonessential construction. I should like to add by way of further preface that I have been in, or closely associated with, the construction industry for over 20 years and that neither I nor anyone else with whom I am acquainted in OPM has any idea that the general contractors of America are the logical persons to bear the brunt of the scarce metals situation in which we now find ourselves. Relatively few of the structures which you build may be classed as luxuries or as unnecessary-or which do not add to the asset side of America's balance sheet.
"Howeyer, the initial successes of Mr. Hitler have forced us to revise some of our ideas. A now frank and open policy of armament, and of resistance to the efforts of Mr. Hitler has caused, as I know you appreciate, a tremendous drain on our national stockpile-on our steel and copper pro,duction-more specifically on our next month's supply of 'rolled shapes and reinforcing bars.

"ft is this situation which sometime ago caused OPM to change its test of whether an allocation should be made or a priority granted. Where months ago we inquired as to urgency, we have been lately forced to require of applicants a demonstration that the proposed structure, or the use of steel and copper is for defense needs or that the building is vitally necessary to the health and safety of
the people. This accelerated tightening-up of grants of priorities has been brought about, not only because of reports of our own economists and statisticians but from reports from the field as to how deliveries under the priorities system were had. Of late, where project priorities were granted, they were made applicable to the minimum structural frame of the building and to certain substitute materials for. those more scarce,-they were not made applicable, for example, to copper pipe, copper flashing, or because of the zinc situation to seemingly unnecessary quantities of galvanized materials.
"fn effect, this treatment gave assistance to the general structure, but not to certain scarce materials. The use of copper pipe was discouraged so there would be left enough copper to make wire. Substitutes by and large for copper wire are not practicable. The owner or builder or rather the owner and builder were still at liberty to scramble for (continuing the example) copper pipe in the open market. It is safe to assume that those with the long purses or the best connections got the copper pipe. It was recognized that such procedure does not do equity-neither does it place strategic materials where they are most urgently needed.
"As a corrective, we have more recently been asking the architect or the designer of an urgently needed structure to come to Washington and to agree upon changes in plans and specifications, looking toward minimizing the use of critical metal. He is asked to take off the bronze doors, take off the copper downspouts, etc. Not until this 'strip-tease' has been performed is the project granted a priority rating.
"But these measures have obviously been only of stopgap character. Some contractors instead of applying for a project priority status have applied on Form Pd-l-for say only the structural steel or perhaps only structural steel and reinforcing steel. The idea seems to be that more expedition was expected in a particularized request and the job would be got under way. Once in that status f presume the feeling rvas that the great government would have to see that the job was completed. Tossing a PD-l request in the grab-bag along with the 1,999 others received that day is no sensible procedure. For one thing, it does not assure the contractor the receipt of the hundred or perhaps thousand and one other items necessary to get the job under roof and finished. It does not assure the completion of the Hospital or say the manufacturing plant. There is no merit in the first come-first served system.
'OPM has ever been wary of unnecessary interference with free enterprise,-but there is not much to be said for the unrestricted bidding for materials in a market where the demand exceeds the supply by 5O/o and in some instances by well over fiO/o. Many of you must be acquainted with bootleg prices, bid and asked for steel and copper. These are matters of common talk. You must also be acquainted with numerous jobs half completed and bogged down for lack of deliveries of critical materials
and equipment. Ifundreds and hundreds of construction jobs are being choked, choked here and choked there because of the shortage I have been describing. I am informed several munitions plants under construction, (and by the way blessed with the highest of priority ratings) are having difficulty in obtaining among other thingsstructural steel. Cement as you know is not yet on the priorities critical list, but there are already two extremely tight spots in the country. This period of delayed deliveries when construction labor 'goes on slow motion' and the overhead just 'goes on' cannot help but make the low bidder feel he is going to turn out to be the unstrccessful bidder.
"It is with these things in mind that SPAB issued the statement of policy that 'no public or private construction project which use critical materials may be started during the emergency unless these projects are either necessary for direct national defense or are essential to the health and safety of the people.'
"The prime consideration in such policy is obviously the diversion of steel and copper to those works most deserving at this time,-a more equitable distribution of material in the light of the emergency. Some people, and of course some contractors, are bound to be adversely affected, by this program and other features of the National Defense Program. Business as usual is an impossibility. The proportion of our output of steel which is being taken for defense is steadily rising. In recent months it has risen from 45/o to 57/o. The backlog of unfilled steel orders is likewise rising, from 34O,000 tons only a month ago to 600,000 tons today. The copper situation is much worse.
"But by and large is not the construction industry as well off today Tuesday, October 14th, as it was Wednesday, October 8th, before release 9 was issued ? As a practical matter, does not the proposed program merely formalize conditions as they existed last week with the ragged edges trimmed off ? I fully appreciate words 'projects may not be started' is strong talk, but was not that, as a matter of practical fact, just the situation we had yesterday? Was the gamble, and you must admit it was a gamble, that you MIGHT be able to perform your contract for a 5 story apartment house of any material benefit to the construction industry ? Was it of any benefit to the contractor to get his bridge piers up only to find that his order for steel for the span was delayed by another bridge order
carrying priority assistance? It certainly does not appear so. I suggest that there are many benefits to A. G. C. in SPA release 9. There should be better deliveries, much better deliveries, to that large amount of construction work still to be undertaken. With the mad scramble for materials curtailed, with some of the speculative builders out of the rvay, prices should be better, and the danger of ruinous inflationary tendencies lessened.
"The newspapers argue that Auto production has been cut only 50/o while the construction industry has been stopped dead in its tracks. In the first place, the auto cut is not accompanied by any priority assistance at this time. The auto program releases some 3,000,000 tons of steel to the national stockpile of which the general contractor will get a share. Similar programs will soon affect other manufacturers. On the other hand, the construction industry is now getting defense priorities to the extent of. about 45/o of its dollar volume of business in the year l94l-and l94l is no lean year. It is the largest since the late '20's. In addition, it is now estimated that non-defense construction will be held to slightly less than half of '41. This would add (again using '41 as a base) some 30/o. So in all probability, in 1942, the construction fraternity even under the new program will get priority assistance for somewhere around 75/o of the dollar volume for '41. This alone would be larger than the year 194O. In addition, it is estimated that an additional 1,200,000 tons, or if you please another billion dollars in defense construction projects will be let, again with high priority assistance. Is this a gloomy picture? 75/o of. '41 is not a volume to bring complaint.
"On the other hand, the United Kingdom is devoting about 5O/o of all their resources to war efiort while we are currently devoting about tS/o. This picture fore-shadows some difficult times ahead.
"I have discussed SPA 9 with Mr. Henderson. As you all know, Mr. Henderson is the director of the Division of Civilian Supply as well as a member of SPAB. He has authorized me to state he will not see civilian life cut off, and that he is determined that necessary civilian construction shall go forward in an orderly manner. As you know, he is dedicated to the proposition that inflation should be prevented. To you gentlemen who represent purchasers of about l/6 of the nation's steel, f say that the so called dark cloud may have a silver lining."

NOT ME (Author Unknown)
Cose Ah ain't sayin' Ah won't do Des whut mah country wants me to, But dey's one job dat Ah fo'see Ain't gwine to 'tach itse'f to meNuh-uh! Not me!
Dass dis heah ai'plane stuff. No bosq
Ah'll bear some oddah kine o' cross, Lak drive a mule, er tote a gun, But Ah ain't flirtin' wid no sunNuh-uh! Not me!
If Ah mus' do a loopde-loop, Let mine be roun'some chicking coop; H'it airft gwine be up whah de crows
Kin say Ahse trompin' on dey toesNuh-uh! Not me!
H'it sho look sweet, Ah doan deny To be a'oozin roun' de sky, But dat's fo' folks whuts in de mood
To pass up love, an' gin, an'foodNuh-uh! Not me!
Down heah I fust saw light o' day.
Down heah is whah Ah'm gwine to stay. Folks, Ah doan keer to have Mah feet Git too blame proud to walk de streetNuh-uh! Not me!
So Ah'll des wait til Gabriel brings, Dem good ole-fashioned angel wings.
Den, as Ah pass dem ai'planes by In pity Ah'll look down, an sighNuh-uh! Not me!
And then, of course, there was the fellow who said he thought he was the one man who could cope on equal terms with bootleg liquor; he was a fire-swallower, and his wife was a snake charmer.
Who does his duty is a question
Too complex to be solved by me, But he, I venture the suggestion, Does part of his, who plants a tree.
When two men are fighting, the maddest one generally gets licked.
Be fair with your competitor, but conduct your business in the interest of the consumer and the community.
Prices are always competitive, but good service creates a monopoly.
Compete with your own past record, and let your competitor alone.
Greater foolishness hath no man than this-that he cuts wery price he meets.
Don't waste your time fighting your competitor for business that neither of you helped develop. What your town needs is dealers with buitding FACILITIES, not building HOSTILITIES.
Taking an order away from the other fellow doesn,t help the situation a bit-in the long run. Creating an order that would never have appeared without your work is what makes building prosperity.
We heard a man say of his competitor, one time. .,He is the sort of competitor who puts money in our pockets, brains in our heads, and character in our lives." Isn't that SOME recommendation?
The wife of the traveling salesman decided to go into the chicken raising business. When her husband got home from a long trip, she had already started. Her first equipment was a hen and two roosters. ',Why two roosters?" asked her husband. "That," replied his wife, ..is in case one of them might decide to go on the road.',

Hatty-"She dresses sensibly and modestly.,' Catty-"Yes, that woman will do anything to attract attention."
Home Office-AberdeetL Wash.
Manufaclurers ol Douglas fir and Red Gedar Shingles
Wcrter cnrd Rcril Delivery
Stecmrers-Annq Schder and Mcrgcret Schder
Buying Office-Reedsport, Ore.
Sdes Represenlative ol Robert Gray Shingle Go., Inc. and Gudiner Lunhr Go.
More Trailers Authorized (or California Federal Timber Sales Set All-Time Record Defense \(/orlcers and Families
San Francisco, Oct. l5-President Roosevelt, upon the recommendation of Charles F. Palmer. Coordinator of Defense Housing, today authorized construction of an additional 300 trailers in California for defense workers and their families, according to Washington, D. C., advices.

Two hundred trailers were authorized for San Diego and 100 for Camp Roberts, in the San Miguel-Paso Robles area. The War Department requested the latter trailer project be established near Bradley, California, but if utilities are not available there a site adjacent to the military reservation should be selected so that the camp utilities can be used.
Farm Security Administration has been assigned to construct both projects.
In the San Diego area the government has previously approved the building of 5,700 family dwellings, 1,750 dormitory units and 500 trailers. In the San Miguel-Paso Robles area approval had previously been given for the construction of 150 homes and 74 trailers.
Pacific Coast to Build 646 Vessels
Contracts for the construction of. 646 vessels, costing $L,ffi6,952,IO7 have been let on the Pacific Coast since the start of the present merchant and naval shipbuilding program, the Marine Exchange, San Francisco, reported in a special bulletin to its membership, October 22. Contracts are divided among the shipbuilding districts as follows:
San Francisco Bay area, $678,925,918; Puget Sound, $47 3,155,O29 ; Southern California, $336,452,098, and Columbia River, $118,419,112.
2)/o to 5Oy'o aore capacity due to solid edge.to.edge stacking. Beaer quality drying on low tenperanrrec with a fast rcvcrribic circulation.
Lower ctacking costs-just solid edge.to-edge stacking in the simplest forrn.
National Forest returns to the Federal Treasury from timber sales reached an all-time high in the fiscal year 1941, the Department of Agriculture has announced. Receipts were $4,789,04O, ,compared with $4,389,893 in 193O, the previous record.
The total income from National Forests during the year was $6,681,825, slightly under the record of $6,251,553 set in 1930.
In addition to timber sales, the national forests' l94l receipts included $1,4D,@l grazing fees, and special use fees of. $383,477 for summer home sites, resorts and other private or semi-private developments permitted on federal lands. Water power permits returned $77,587, special fish and game permits conducted in cooperation with the states yielded $2,250, and trespass cases added several hundred dollars.
Revised Directory of Membership
Portland, Oregon-The Western Pine Association has just published a revised directory of membership corrected to September 10, replacing the one issued April 1, 1941. A hundred and forty Western Pine member mills, located in ten Western States and British Columbia, are listed alphabetically by states. The directory shows the location of individual plants and sales offices and percentage of production of Idaho White Pine, Ponderosa pine, Sugar Pine and associated species. Standard and factory products and specialties, as manufactured at each mill, are also indicated in convenient tabular form. Copies of the revised directory of membership will be sent free by the Western Pine Association, 510 Yeon Building, portland, Ore_ gon.
New Trade Agreement M.y Encourage Sales of American Lumber in Argentina
Washington, October 21,---The recently announced trade agreement between the United States and Argentina should create new opportunities to sell more American lumber in the South American Republic, says Wilson Compton, secretary and manager of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association.
Although not all of the industry's recommendations as transmitted to the State Department by the NLMA were effected, Argentina has made important concessions encouraging importation of American lumber. Effective November 15, Argentine duties on unplaned lumber of Southern Pine, Douglas Fir, Hemlock and Spruce are reduced I5/o, and on oak,9/o.

It is further provided'that final duty reductions on these woods, ol 37/o and 24/o respectively, will be made when the total receipts by the Argentine customs from import duties, in a calendar year, exceed an amount r,vhich approximates the I93I-194O average and is about l7%% greater than 1940 receiPts.
The Argentine duty on uny'laned lumber of Ponderosa, Sugar, White Pines and Redwood is fixed against future increase. In the same tariff class as Douglas Fir and Hemlock are European Pine and European Spruce. Presumably these principal European softwoods and European oak will, after the war, receive the Argentine concessions by generalization.
For the woods on 'ivhich the duties are reduced or bound, the agreement changes the basis of Argentine duty assessment from valuation to measurement by square meters. A measurement basis for soft-woods was recommended by NLMA. Although not stated in the agreement, the Argentine tariff schedule provides a thickness base of 25 milli' meters for square meter units of lumber. A thickness tolerance permitting the under-assessment of over-thick sizes still favors overthick South American lumber against Standard-size American lumber, contrary to the NLMA recommendation.
A recommendation to the American agencies that they seek to secure equal or parity duties for all softwoods, all
hardwoods, all cabinetrvoods, respectively, imported into Argentina was not effected but the final Argentine rates on American lumber under the agreement are higher than the Argentine duties on comparative South American woods:
Gold Pesos per Square Meter
Oak (Reduced) Chilean Hardwoods
November 15th .0.428
Final .0.358 Rauli -0.2912
Douglas Southern Fir, Spruce, Brazilian Pine Hemlock Pine (Reduced) (Reduced)
November lSth ...0.147 O.Ln 0.068
In an exchange of notes accompanying the agreement the Government of the United States agrees not to invoke the provisions of the agreement as to unconditional and unrestricted most-favored-nation treatment in respect of any tariff preferences which Argentina may accord to a contiguous country looking to the gradual and ultimate achievement cif a customs union between Argentina and any such country, provided such tariff preferences conform to the formula submitted jointly by Argentina and Brazil to, and recommended by the Inter-American Financial and Economic Advisory Committee on September 18, 1941, pursuant to a Resolution of the Seventh Conference of the American States at Montevideo in 1933. This forrnula stipulates:
1. That any such tariff preferences shall be made effective through trade agreements embodying tariff reductions or exemptions;
2. That the parties to such agreements should reserve the right to reduce or eliminate the customs duties on like products imported from other countries; and
3. That any such tariff arrangements should not be an obstacle to any broad program of economic reconstruction involving the reduction of tariffs and the scaling down or elimination of tariff and other trade preferences with a view to the fullest possible development of internaticlnal trade on a multilateral unconditional most-favored-nation basis.
The Argentine rates on Chilean woods were set in a protocol eifective in October , 1940. The Argentine rate on Brazilian Pine will be bound when Brazil ratifies a treaty ratified by Argentina in September, 1941.
By notes appended to the agreement, provision is made that special quota or exchange facilities granted by Argentina to contiguous countries shall cease at the end of the present war, except as otherwise agreed between Argentina and the United States. While temporary provision is made permitting exchange discriminations in favor of the so-called "sterling area," provision is made for the eventual equalization with the "sterling area" of exchange facilities.
Changes Announced bv Union Lumber Co.
Union Lumber Company announces that Ray Shannon, district sales manager at Los Angeles for the past several years, will be transferred to Fort Bragg November 1, where he will be production superintendent, and that Abel H. Jackson, production superintendent at Fort Bragg will take Mr. Shannon's place in the Los Angeles office as district sales manager, effective the same date.
A. W. Green, formerly district sales manager in the Chicago office, who has been ill for some time has now recovered and is connected with the sales department in the San Francisco office.
lssues New Home Plan Book
The E. M. Dernier Service Bureau of Los Angeles has just issued a new plan book entitled "Distinctive Low Cost Homes," which includes a selection of modern, inexpensive homes, each house being designed with the thought of combining beauty, economy and practicability with the greatest home value. Their planning and designing service is under the direct supervision of Wm. E. Chadwick, registered structural engineer.
Copper and Brass Controlled---Peace-Time Firms Get Big Delense Contract
San Francisco, Oct. 24-Copper and brass were put under rigid control this week, two additional industrial, chemicals were brought under price ceilings, and a major contract for war materials was placed with a peace-time industry which faced industrial dislocation, according to Washington, D. C., advices.
With great quantities of copper being diverted to national defense purposes, the Division of Priorities sets up the following controls over both domestic and imported metal and scrap:
1. Use of copper in more than 100 civilian articles is restricted to approximately 6O percent ol a l94O base period until January l,1942.
2. Use of copper in the manufacture of articles listed is prohibited after January l, 1942, except for non-decorative plating.
3. Use of copper in building construction is prohibited after November 1, 1941.

4. Use of copper in all items not listed is reduced to 70 percent of a 1940 base period.
Seven exceptions were made. These, and other details of the far-reaching action, are on file in the Field offices of the Priorities Division at San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle and Portland.
Acetone and normal butyl alcohol were brought under price ceilings, making a total of six price schedules issued thus far by the Office of Price Administration in the chemical field.
Faced with unemployment due to curtailment of nondefense production, three companies in the household washer and ironer industry were awarded a $12,000,000 contract for anti-aircraft gun mounts, the Contract Distribution Division of the Army advised the Office of Production l\fanagement. These companies will share the work with other members of the industry under subcontracts.
Fire destroyed the sawmill of the Crane Creek Lumber Company at Willow Ranch, Calif., October 11. The mill, which had an annual production of 25,000,000 feet, had been closed for two days before the fire for machine overhaul and parts replacements.
Hoo-Hoo Golden Jubilee Anniversary
Don S. Montgomery, secretary of the Wisconsin Retail Lumbermen's Association, was elected Snark of the Universe to succeed George W. Dulany, Jr., of the Eclipse Lumber Co., Clinton, Iowa, at the Golden Jubilee convention of the Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo held at Hot Springs National Park, Ark., October 8-10.
Other members named to the Supreme Nine were: Senior Hoo-Hoo, Hal R. Dixon, Spokane, Wash.; Junior Hoo-Hoo, Martin J. McDonald, Port Arthur, Ont., Canada; Scrivenoter, Phillips A. Hayward, Chevy Chase, Md.;
Murray B. Mcleod, Little Rock, Ark., state comptroller. The response was made by Mel M. Riner of Kansas City, a former Snark of the lJni'i'erse, in the absence of Julius S. Seidel who was unable to be present due to illness. Snark Dulany addressed the convention reviewing the history of Hoo-Hoo, after which reports of the officers of the Hoo-Hoo Corporation, which includes S. L. Boyd, president, T. 1\{. Partridge, treasurer, and W. M. Wattson, secretary, were given by Mr. Wattson. In the evening the convention delegates met with the Arkansas Asso-
Bojum, H. Mortin Jones, Buffalo, N. Y.; Jabberwock, Kenneth Smith, San Francisco; Custocation, R. E. Saberson, St. Paul, Minn.; Arcanoper, Chas. R. Black, Corning, Ark.; Gurdon, F. Lisle Peters, Lake Charles, La.
The fiftieth anniversary of the Order which was held in the Arlington Hotel was called to order Wednesday afternoon by Snark of the lJniverse George W. Dulany, Jr. Governor Homer M. Atkins of Arkansas was unable to be present and the address of welcome was presented by

"*ff t:isill"-" ui,"
ciation of Retail Lumber Dealers for a dinner meeting. A pilgrimage to Gurdon, Arkansas, birthplace of the Order, was made on October 9. Chase G. Stephens, secretary of the Gurdon Board of Trade, delivered the address of welcome to which Snark Dulany responded. Arthur A. Hood read the Code of Ethics of Hoo-Hoo during a brief talk, and Chas. R. Black of Corning, Ark., read a poem fitting to the occasion. The party rvas then taken to a demonstration plot of the Gurdon Lumber Company
which has been operated on a sustained yield basis for some time, and there a lunch which was prepared by the Parent-Teachers' Association of Gurdon, was served. Then followed a concatenation held in the High School Gymnasium, Gurdon, at which seven kittens were initiated.
Two addresses featured the Friday morning session"lfoo-Iloo: Tell Lumber's Story to the Public," by C. C. Sheppard, Clarks, La., Chairman, Southern Pine Emergency Defense Committee, and "Tomorrow's Career Men in the Lumber fndustry," by Arthur A. Hood, Johns-Manville, New York City.
At the Friday luncheon, Miss Dorothy Atwood Yarnell, Little Rock Junior College, Little Rock, Ark., told how her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Anne Smith, then president of the Smithton Lumber Co. at Smithton, Arkansas, had been made a member of Hoo-Hoo, only woman to become a member of the Order.
At the Friday afternoon business session, there were reports of the Committees-Nominations, Resolutions, Administration, Legislation and Good of the Order; election of officers and directors; embalming of the Snark of the Universe; and Hoo-Hoo reminiscences by former Supreme Snarks of the Universe.
The Golden Jubilee banquet was held in the Ball Room of the Arlington Hotel. E. E. 'Woods, secrrtary of the Southwestern Lumbermen's Association, acting as master of ceremonies, J. Carthell Robbins, Stuttgart, Ark., past president of the Arkansas Lumber Dealers Association, was the speaker.
John F. Judd, No. 94, of. Longview, Texas, one of the first members of Hoo-Hoo and who has attended more Hoo-Hoo conventions than any other member, was present and made a brief talk.
East Bay Club Hears Harry B. Smith
An attendance of 90 turned out to hear a talk by Harry B. Smith, noted sports authority, of the San Francisco Chronicle, at the regular dinner meeting of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39, held at Hotel Leamington, Oakland, October n.

A Hawaiian orchestra and authentic hula dancing provided further entertainment.
President Lewis A. Godard presided. The program was in charge of Wm. Chatham, Jr.
Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Meet
The Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club held a luncheon meeting at the Mona Lisa Cafe, Thursday, October 23. Vicegerent Snark J. E. Martin presided.
The annual election of officers will be held at the November meeting. W. B. Wickersham, Pope & Talbot, Inc., Lumber Division; Roy Stanton, E. J. Stanton & Son; Fred Golding, Anglo California Lumber Co., and Hervey Bowles, Long-Bell Lumber Co., were appointed to serve on the nominating committee.
East Bay Club to Hear FBI Chief
N. J. L. (Nat) Pieper, special agent in charge of the San Francisco office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, will be the speaker of the evening at the next dinner meeting of the East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39 to be held at Hotel Leamington, Oakland, on Monday evening, November 24.
Sacramento Hoo-Hoo Club
Sacramento Hoo-Hoo Club No. 109 held its regular dinner meeting on Wednesday evening, October 15.
W. Henry Gilbert, president of the club, presided. The principal entertainment item was the showing of a Redwood "talkie" picture.
East Bay Christmas Party Dec. 19
The annual Christmas party of the East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39 will be held in the Hotel Leamington Bowl, Oakland, on Friday evening December 19.
George Clayberg, Boorman Lumber Co., Oakland, has been appointed chairman of the committee in charge of the party.
National Lumber Manufacturcrs Annual Meeting November 10-14
Washington, October ll-The L94l annual meetings of the stockholders, subscribers and directors of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, American Forest Products Industries, Inc., and the Timber Engineering Company will be held in ttie Blackstone Hotel, Chicago, during the second full week in November and will occupy a period from November 10 through November 14.
These meetings assume unusual importance this year. War-time conditions which face the forest products industries have given rise to a variety of complicated and difficult problems. It is probable that the most important business facing this series of meetings will be the adjustment of collective industry activities to circumstances which indicate that during 1942 more than 70 per cent of all construction activities will be on behalf of the Government, compared with 45 per cent lor 1941.
The first three days of the week-November 10, 11 and l?-will be devoted to business meetings of the Forest Conservation, Standardization, Public Information, Trade Promotion, and Nominations and Recommendations committees.
The general open meeting of the Board of Directors of NLMA will be on Thursday, November 13. The annual business meetings of the stockholders and directors of NLMA and subscribers and directors of AFPI are scheduled for Friday, November 14.
In detail, meeting arrangements are as follows:
Monday, November lO-Committee on Forest Conservation -10 A.M. Manufacturers Standardization Committee10 A.M.
Tuesday, Nov. ll-Committee on Forest Conservation, Manufacturers Standardization Committee, Committee on Public Information (AFPI) 10 A.M.
Wednesday, Nov. 12Committee on Trade Promotion, 10 A.M. Committee on Nominations and Recommendations (NLMA) 10 A.M. Timber Engineering Company, Stockholders and Directors, 2 P.M.
Thursday, Nov. l3-General Open Meeting, Board of Directors, Trade Promotion Committee, 10 A.M. Committee on Nominations and Recommendations (AFPI) 8 A.M.
Friday, Nov. l,f-Stockholders and Directors (NLMA) annual business meeting. Subscribers and Directors (AFPI) Annual Business Meeting.
The General Meeting of the National Board of Directors on November 13, will be open to all committees and to interested manufacturers and distributors of lumber and timber products, and will consider "Lumber Industry Problems Arising out of National Defense," including SUPPLY, PRIORITIES, TAXATION, TARIFF and SHIPPING problems of these industries.
On Thursday evening the Board of Directors will entertain the guests of the Association at dinner. No other evening meetings contemplated.
The Advisory Committee of Managers of the affiliated Associations will meet during the week.
It is expected that the Forest Products Laboratory Subcommitee of the National Committee on Trade Promotion will confer with officials of the Forest Products Laboratory in Madison. Wisconsin. on November 14 and 15.
56 USO Buildinss for California
Washington, Oct. 23.--The War Department announced today that the Quartermaster General's office had awarded contracts in the last week for fifty-six additional USO recreational buildings.
California cities where the buildings will be erected and the amount of the contract for each were:
Chula Vista, $41,190; Inglewood, $64,809; King City, $4O,7O3; La Jolla, $41,190; Monterey, $62,000; Paso Robles, $77,827; Richmond, $41,24O; San Luis Obispo, $68,127; San Miguel, $85,130; San Rafael, $44,85; Sausalito, $13,819; Taft, $41,993; Vallejo, $6,244; Victorville, $39,685; Lancaster, $36,971.
Joins Office of Price Administration Lumbar Staff
Henry J. Eckstein, owner of Foresta Factors, of New York, has joined the staff of the lumber and building materials section of the Office of Price Administration as a business specialist in lumber, Dr. J. K. Galbraith, director of operations, has announced.
Mr. Eckstein will work full time on his new duties, while his organization continues the business of Foresta Factors.
Shevlin Pine Sales Gompany

r tle McCloud Slrrr Luubor Coopoy
llcCloud, Cclllonlc
Ebrvlla-Clarlo Coopcay, Llnltod Fort Frqacor, Gtcrlo
r llr Sbevl|!.l[*oa Conpcly lod, Choiton
r M.Dbcr ol thc Wcrtcm Piac Aerocicdon, Por0cmd, Orcgon
Dlltttltttott ol
U. S. Par. Ofl.
S FLrt ilato.tl 8oo Llsr Bulldtag MINNEAPOI.trI, MINNESOTA
l6lltl Grcybcr Bldo. 1863 laSollo-$raclrr Bldo. Mohswl ,1-Oll7- Telephonc Ccnbql 9l&[
l0ttr Mono&toct Bldg.
EXbrooL 7041
330 Petrolcua Bldg. PRogp.ct 0615
Meets Trouble With a Smile
C. A. (Charlie) Brown, retail lumberman, who has been for many years with Cross Lumber Company, Merced, Calif., has been having some trouble with one of his eyes, serious enough to make an operation necessary. However his cheeriul philosophy is evident from the followirrg lines which he knocked off on the typewriier in a fru:ncl's office in San Francisco just before he entered the hospital: Farewell to $ry pants, my coat and vest, Shoes and "undies" and all the rest.
For fifteen days in "Dante's" jail fn a gown that's split from collar to tail I will lie on my back and eat through a straw And observe every gol-darned hospital law. They will sew up my eyes with a tomcat's gut Which they say is effective to keep 'em shut. And the days and nights will be as one, And you can kiss my foot if you call that fun. All for one eye I take this chance Of going two weeks without my pants.
Mr. Brown, whose service with Cross Lumber Company covers a period of about 40 years, is now in charge of the planing mill at the Company's Merced yard. He spent a number of years in San Francisco when this concern operated a retail yard in the Bay City, and has a large circle of friends both in the retail and wholesale branches of the business.
New Handbook on Garages
"Facts you should know before you build a garage," is the title of a ZLpage handbook just written by Joseph 'Weston, nationally known residential architect, and published by the Fir Door Institute. It offers concise, readable tips for building usable garages, and should be a valuable reference book for retail lumber dealers.

What is a garage, where should a garage be located, hor,r' large should a garage be, how should a garage be constructed, why is an overhead-type garage door preferable, how you can have a trouble-free driveway, what kind of driveway surfacing, how to use your driveway for games, and how to get extra use out of your garage, are among the subjects discussed. The guide is profusely illustrated.
The book can be obtained by sending 10 cents to the Fir Door Institute, Tacoma, Washington.
lunhr tuom a hifrle nill"
Blueprints of Shingle Application Available to Dealers
problems-proper usage," states W. W. Woodbridge, secretary-manager of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau.
"This doesn't mean that dealers will have to carry special shingle stocks; on the contrary, the various shingle effects are produced by varying the application-the same type of shingle is used." Mr. Woodbridge announced that the Bureau is making available without charge reasonable quantities of the blueprints to dealers who are interested in distributing them to carpenters, contractors, architects and other building craftsmen. He stated that requests should be directed to the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, 5508 White Bldg., Seattle, Washington.
San Pedro Staff Guests of USG Company
The personnel of the Los Angeles office, branch yards and salesmen of the San Pedro Lumber Company were dinner guests of the U S Gypsum Company at Miller Bros. New Cafe, Huntington Park, Wednesday evening, October 72.

Blueprints of red cedar shingle application, presenting an actual "how-to-do-it" story for carpenters, contractors, lumber dealers and other building professionals, have been produced by the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau and are meeting with success as a practical educational feature.
A number of different types and styles of shingle construction are featured in the blueprints, covering roof and sidewall work. These include both the conventional methods of application and the morle unusual and unique styles. Among the featured blueprint patterns are the Standard Roof, Double-Coursing for Sidewalls, the Four-Ply Roof, Over-Roofing, Single-Coursing for sidewalls, and the Staggered Roof.
William J. Bain, A.I.A., who is author of the blueprints, is recognized as an authority on shingle application and architecture. He has shown on each blueprint the maximum permissable weather exposures for various roof pitches, proper size and placement of nails, flashing specifications, proper breakage of joints, and many other essential details of construction.
"These authentic application blueprints, on the basis of the enthusiastic reception they have been given by the men who push the saws and swing the hammers, appear to be the answer to one of the lumber industry's biggest
Following the dinner, Bill Clarenbach, salesman in charge of yards for the U S Gypsum Company, gave an interesting and instructive talk on some of the company's products, including Texolite and Exterior Texolite paints, Sheetrock Insulation Board, Gyplap Sheathing, etc. A sound motion picture, "The Application of Sheetrock," was shown.
This was one of a series of meetings that the company has been holding with retail lumber dealers and their organizations.
Besides Mr. Clarenbach, other members of the U S Gypsum Company's Los Angeles office present, were: H. R. Ring, assistant district manager; Bob Arnett, insulation board supervisor; George Baddour, Jim Manderbach, and George Tatlock.
George Clough, general sales manager of the San Pedro Lumber Company, presided.
One of the largest single cargoes of lumber to be brought into Los Angeles'harbor arrived at Long Beach October 17 on the steamer Mount Baker, rehabilitated gambling ship. The Mount Baker loaded 2,300,000 feet of lumber at Defiance Lumber Co., Tacoma for Tacoma Lumber Sales, Los Angeles. The ship also carried 1100 tons of copper from the Tacoma smelter.
Rcised PcnelRcrised Mould Verticql Grain Fir Philippine Mchogcny
(Write ue lor picturee oI tbeee doors)
Those Wedges
Said the salesman to the millman In a sort of eager way, "Have you got some scraps of lumber I could buy from you today?"
Said the millman to the salesman, "Sure, we got some odds and ends, Long and short ones, thick and thin ones, And we give 'em to our friends."
Said the salesman to the millman, "Wife and I are homey folk; Like to watch a back log burning, Like the smell of good wood smoke. f am well supplied with back logs, So it's kindling that I need. Can I get a load of stuff today?"
Said the millman, "Yes, indeed."
So the salesman drove his trailer To the yard just as directed, And a pile of sure enough right stuff, His eagle eyes detected. So, he loaded up the trailer And prepared to drive away, When he heard a yard hand yelling, "'What th' heck there ! Hey you, hey !"
Said the salesman to the yard hand, "Is the bloomin' yard on fire ?"
Said the yard hand to the salesman, And his tones betokened ire; "Just unload them miner's wedges, Who now do you think you are? 'We've been turnin' out that order For the boys at Empire-Star."
So the salesman dumped the wedges In a baffled sort of way, Then loading up with odds and ends, He swiftly drove away.
Now whenever miners' wedges Come within his line of view, That salesman blushes hotly, Same as you or I would do. -A.
Merriam Conner.West Coast Screen Co. Installs New Machinery
A new door sticker, revolutionary in several respects, with cutting heads turning a 10,000 r.p.fi., has recently been installed by West Coast Screen Co., Los Angeles. One of the large eastern machinery manufacturers collaborated with West Coast Screen Co. in designing this machine which incorporates several of the ideas of F. G. Hanson, and is the only one of its kind in the country. These ideas include plowing for panels and the wire grooves, making for better quality and economy in the manufacture of the Hollywood Door.
Mr. Hanson returned October 14 from a seven weeks' business trip in the course of which he spent two weeks in New York, 10 days in Chicago and visited Washington, D. C., Atlanta, New Orleans, Houston and many other cities.
In line with the company's policy of having a factory that is not excelled by any other in the United States in the matter of modern equipment Mr. Ifanson purchased a new electric double-end tenoner and other machinery while in the East.
There has been a steady increase in eastern sales of the Hollywood Door over an ever widening territory, Mr. Hanson feports.
Wins Golf Play-off
Frank Rowley of Laguna Beach and C. O. Magruder of Los Angeles, who were tied for the Caldor trophy donated by The Califoruia Door Company, at the Southern California sash and door wholesalers' golf tournament, September 26, played, off the tie at the Long Beach Municipal Golf Course, Sunday, October 19, and Frank Rowley was the winner. Earl Galbraith acted as official scorer at the play-off.
Thank you kindly for your splendid editorial in the October l5th California Lumber Merchant dealing with the "Wedding of Wood and Glue." The discussion is both interesting and entertaining.

Douglas Fir Plywood Association
California Building Permits for September

Ten Years Ago Today
From November 1 , 1931 lssue
Patten-Blinn Lumber Company, Los chased the Culver Cit1. 1-umber Company and H. W. Newton Lumber Comoanv dino.
Angeles, purat Culver City, at San Bernar-
The dedication of one of the largest Sequoia Gigantea trees in th.e Calaveras Grove to the memory of Parson Peter Simpkin, late Supreme Chaplain of the Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo, took place on October 11, before a gathering of more than a hundred friends, many of whom had held high office in the Order.
This issue carried a career sketch of C. H. White. vicepresident and general rnanager of White Brothers, San Francisco.
E. A. Ferris rvas elected president of the Westwood, Calif., Hoo-Hoo Club. R. H. Conly was elected vice-president, and Jack Shere was re-elected secretary-treasurer.
The interior of the "President Coolidge," the $8,000,000 turbo-electric express liner of the Dollar Lines, is a distinguished example of marine architecture featured by the paneling of hardwoods on walls and ceilings. These panels were made by the Red River Lumber Company at Westwood, Calif., and shipped to Newport News, Va., where the vessel was built
The San Diego Hoo-Hoo Club at its annual meeting elected John Lupton, president; Mearl Baker, vice-president. and Russell Piersall. secretary-treasurer.
Valley Lumber Co. of Lodi, Calif., remodeled their office and arranged for an attractive display room.
Frank O'Connor, Donovan Lumber Company, San Francisco, was elected president of the Shipowners' Association of the Pacific for the tenth consecutive term at the annual meeting of the Association held in San Francisco.
Jams L. Hall, San Francisco wholesale lumberman, Mrs. Hall and their three boys, returned from a four months' trip around the world.
Oregon-Washington Plywood removal of its general offices Tacoma, Wash.
Willard Lumber & Supply and planing mill in Fresno.
Company announced the from Portland, Ore., to
Co. opened a ,new retail yard
Larue J. Woodson, Wheeler-Osgood Sales Corporation, San Francisco, was elected president of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39. Joseph Z. Todd, Western Door & Sash Co., Oakland, was elected vice-president, and Carl R. Moore, was reelected secretary-treasurer.

Sell lumber thct yields c prolit od lcstiDg Bqtisloction. CZC, the prolected lunber, i8 cleq, odorlegg od pointoble. It ts termite md desoy resist@t od tire retcnding. You cct gell it lor F.H.A., U. S. Governnent, Loa Angeles C.lty snd County md Uniform Building Code jobs. CZC trected lumber ig stocked lor immediqte shipment in comuerciql eizes qt l,ong Beach crrd Alomedcr. Ast obout our erchcurge eeryice @d rnill shipment ploa. clllonla sc0s Aguts. wEsI-GoAsT u00D PRESERYIilG c0.. s0ilflr 601 W. Filth St., Los Aagelcs, Qalir., pl66s Mlchlgca 629{ 333 Montgomery St., SG Frocilco, Ccl., Phmc DOuglcr 3883
Being stock items, these mqntelg sell at a much more reqsoncble price thcnr custom-built mcntels. Sold through declers only.
L. H. EUBAI|K & Soil, II[G, l0l0 Ecst Hyde Pcrlc Blvd. Inglewood, Cclil ORegon 8-1668
Pen Column Inch. Minimum Ad One-Half Inch. FOR SALE
Well established lumber yard. I want a dependable man to take over. Give me 200/6 down and the baLance monthly. Keep your money to run the business. Stock around $10,000. Cars, trucks, and lots of real estate. $66,000 in business last year. No stiff competition. This is my baby and I want to see the new owner make good. Character of more importance than collateral. If you want a yard in the richest per capita county in the state write to Bob Rosenguist, Angwin, California. Yard is located in central Cdifornia.
Salesman-counter trade-quantity survey-full charge bookkeeping - cost finding - graduate accountant - estimator, lumber, sash, doors and millwork-schedule pricing-full mill bid. Single, go anywhere. Address, Box C-914, California Lumbcr Merchant, 318 Centrd Building, Los Angeles.
Experienced retail lumberman, middle age, good health desires position Seven years as branch yard manager. Go any place. Available now. Address Box C-916, California Lumber Merchant, 318 Central Building, Los Angeles, Calif.
Experienced man for fronting in retail yard, general knowledge lumber and building materials, estimating and pricing required. Pay $175.00 per month. Address Box C-917, California Lumber Merchant, 318 Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif.
We have a number of good yards in Southern California for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., Lurnber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect E746.
News Flashes
Seth L. Butler, San Francisco, Northern California representative of Dant & Russell, Inc., recently spent a week in the Northwest where he visited the Portland office and called on a number of the firm's sawmill connections.
J. E. Cool, Smith Wood-Products Co., Portland, was recently in San Francisco and Los Angeles on business, and also paid a visit to his son who is in San Diego with the U. S. Marine Corps.
Ralph Button, mill superintendent of Eureka Sash Door and Moulding Mills, San Francisco, recently spent a few days visiting the sawmills in the Redwood Empire.
W. R. Morris, Eastern Company, has returned to to the head office in San operations at Fort Bragg,
sales manager, Union Lumber New York from a lGday visit Francisco and the company's Calif.
Jim Farley, assistant Western sales manager, The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, made a business trip to Los Angeles last week.
'Warren E. Hoyt, salesman for American Lumber & Treating Co., Los Angeles, returned to Los Angeles October 77 from a two weeks'business trip over the Arizona territory.

E. C. Hallinan of Hallinan Mackin Co', San Francisco, recently spent a week at the company's Los Angeles office.
T. A. Peterman of Peterman Mfg. Co., Tacoma, was a recent Los Angeles visitor on his way back from New York.
Floyd Elliott and Charles Gartin of the San Francisco office of Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., and P. W. Chantland, Rusty Gill and Ray Koltz of the Los Angeles office returned to California October 30 from a sales conference at the company's head office in Aberdeen, Wash.
John Vosmek, Dant & Russell, fnc., Portland, is on a business trip calling on the company's sales representatives in the Southern and Eastern states. He expects to be back in Portland about November 15.
Lmon-Bonnington CoBpuy to Calilomia Strect,.....'.,......,. GAifufd 6ssr
MaeDonald & Hanlqton, Ltd16 Calilomia St. ...............'.'GArfieH E393
Pacific Lumbcr Co., Ths rOC Bulh Strui...................'GArfieH frEf
Poec & TdboL Inc- Lrmbc Divirio, -16l Mrket' StrEt.................DOugtar 2551
GArficld O29Z
""iiil tn"9fl31"Hlfi'S' rtu"-...sUtter ?456

Gamereton & Gren, --- ls6a A;y Strc6t.......'...........Atwatd l30c
Hall, Jemer L.' ---i'ott Mitl" bug..'.. " " " " " "sutt'r ?s2r
Haltinan Mackin Co.r Ltd.' ---t iTd;;e 5ircct" " " "-" " " " "'Doushr rst
"'f ii**[*. ?.Hf:.:........Dou8r$ 33n!
Hobbs Wall Lrnbc Co. ---r3sa'l*ld Avcnrc......... "' " "Mhld ulCl
Hotmcr Ewcka lubcr CP.' '-'iiii -r--oa- co"tc gids........GArfield r9zl
C. D. Johnpn llrnbcr CorPontion' -' iti -c"fii;;;r; sa-i. :...-......... .GAricld 625E
Carl H. Kuhl Lumbcr Co' --b: L.-lt";";; iiz u"it"t strcct...YUlron l{o
Rcd River hmbcr Co.'
315 MonadrocL Bldg...............GArficld 0922
Santa Fe Lumbcr Co., 15 Calilomia Streci.,...,.....'.'..EXbroo& 20?1
Schafa Brcg. Lunbcr & Shinglc Co. I Drurn Strt t...................,.Suttc l77l
Shevlin Pinc Saler Co, r!3l Monadnoc& 8L1t........'....Exbrook flXr
Sudda & Christem, 310 Surmc Strt................GArficld 2tl6
Union Ltmber Co., Crocker Bulldina ...................Suttor 6l?0
Wcndling-Nathm Co.. lro Mrk.t Stllct'...,...............SUtt6 53aC
Wcst OrrgoD Lunber Co., 1995 Eiaar Avc. ...........'......ATsats tt?t
E. K. Wood Lumbcr Co., I Drunn Stret..........,........EX$roo& 37fl
Gancrston & Grcan'-*rii-T"i"' -riir" " " " " " " " " "HIgd' zss
Goman Lunbc Co.t *'rui itdt";trr A"ctnc"""""'ANdovcr lrc
"otot"11ff3,*f"t"." " " " " " " At{dovsr leir
Hogan hrnbcr CoDPUY' '-"r;i EXi; Sti'tt1 1 "" " ""'GLd@urt 6$r *rTtFi"*:f.l%'ff; "t ".......Tllnmatc 34rr
"' Fiffi TtHr?A.r...""FRuitvalc u12
\Veycrhm Salg. Co- 149 cdifrnia Strci...............GArficld t9ll. HARDWOODS AND PAI\TEI.g
Whitc BrothcrqFifth md Biannar Str..t...........SUtt r l3t5
Wbcler Ocgood Salcr Conreratlm, 3045 f$b Str6.t.'....'............VAlcncle 22ll
Americu Lmbcr & Truating Co.' u6 N.w Montgpmery Strot.......Sutts 1225
Biltcr. J. H. & Co,. 333- Montapmcry Stret...........D(hrglil 3EE3
Hall. Jmar L.. iou Mltlr 81dg.......................suttcr 75zr
Vandcr t aan Piling & Luqbcr Co, A6 Ph. Strcct :'....'..'.Exbrook {905
Califomia Bulldcr Supply Ca.
?O 6tt Avcnua '...Hlgalo Oll
Horu Lunbor CooPaaY. -hd & Altcc Strcctr'.............GLcocourt C$f
Wcatm Dor t Sarh Co' '' srb & CyDrc. Strctt.'.........TEmplobu tlll
TYhltc Brcthcrr. 5O Hrgh Sircrt....'...............ANdovcr 160l
Arc8ta R.duood co. (J. J' Rca)
- - -_sa3----rfi atdG-Ai-... .wEbdcr ?tzt
^"1tr"r ?lf-#*HT*ff;. .rHornwal 3r4{
Atklnen-Stutz CmpanY, ' -ltli-F"it l""n g'uc.. 1........... .PRoqcct {3rt
Burnr l-unbr CmPUY'
9{55 Chulcvlllc Blvd.'
iiiJ*iii nmil .......'.......BRadrbev 2-!ltt
"Ti.*.,il*f-JFb'1f,FY. .?]3fif-r.., *'
Rcd Rivcr Lunbcr Co' - - - - ?02 E. Slauon................ -'...CEnturt 29aJf riir S. grcaaway.................PRotPcGt alr
Rcitz C;o.. E. L., --cac phrct.urir Bldg.....'.........PRo.Fd a|0
Rabao hnbd Co., ---ilr So (lrrnlc Drlvc.............IVYonW nn
Su Pcdrc lmbcr Co.r
Cadwalladcr-Gibrcn Coo lnc362t E. Olympic Blvd.............Al{sclu! lUal
Stanton. E. J. & Son. 2050' Eart 3tth Strcct'...........CEnturt Azlf
Wcrtcm Hardwood Lubcr Co., 20f4 E fsth Stret...............PRorpcct 6lcl
-- {3s Chift* of -Comacc Bldg. P8orp*t $43
Can & Go, L J.-(W. D. Dualry),--
CuDbcll-Conrc Lunbcr CG (R- DL E!8ltsrDd)
2|O Bradburv Drlv.'
isi" Goti"f) :..........ATlutlc 2'o751
Coocr. W. E- ---im:eoi nicdficn BHs. ............MUtull 2l3l
Dant & Rurcll, Inco sra E. 39rh su...-...................Altmr tl0l
Dolbcr & Carm Lubcr Co, - _-90i- Fld"iltv 81dg.........'....'....vAnd&c t?92
Halllnan Madrln Co., Ltdr
W. M. Garland BUg.'............TRinitv 36{'
Hemmond Rcdwood ComPmy, mlo So. Alaneda SL .'........PRo.p.ct l:l33
Hobbr \Mall Lumber Co.'
635 Rowu 81dg................'....TRinitv 50t6
Holmer Eurcka Lubcr Co., ?u-?12 ArchitFtr B|dg........ '. '. 'MUtual 9lEt
Hover. A. L925- Wilshirc 81vd.......'..'.........YOrk ll6E
C. D. Johnm Lubcr CcPoration'
606 Pctrcleu B!dg........'...'..PRoepct 1105
Lawrcnce-Phillpr Lumbs Co.'
63it Pctrcteum Bldg................PRorpct El?{
MacDonald & Hanln8ton' Ltd.
Pctrclcum Butldlng ...............PRoqPcd 3r?
Pacific Lumber Co.. Thq
5225 Witghiro Blvd. .,..'.',..........YOrk ff6t
Pattm Blinn Lunbr Co.,
52r E. sth Strcct.................'VAndikc 2321
- rSrE S. Cdtral AYG....."'...'.RIchnond l14l
Suta Fa Lunbcr Co.' iir fnmi"t C6tir Bl.ls........VAndikc {l7r
Schalcr Broa t.rrnbcr & Sbbgb Co, rU W gtb Sbtt....................TR1Dttv atn
Shcvlln Pine Salcs Co.' 330 P.troleun 81ds...............PRo*cct C6lli
Suddcn & Chrietenon, 6E0 Board of Tradi Bldg...........TRilttv tt{l
Taoma Lmber Salcr, s3? PGtrclrm Bldg. .'............PRolPGct U$
Unfun Lumber Co..
923 W. M. Garl'ud Bldg. .'........TRinltv 2az
Wodllm-Natlhu Cr.. '' 5225 -Wikhire Btvd....................YOrt 1166
Wcet Orceon Lubcr Co-
1? PJtrclan Bldg..:........'..Rlchmnd 0z8r
W. Iil. Wilkinsn, 316 W. gth Sircct............'....'TRinitv 46il3
E. K. Wood Lumbcr Co,
4?01 Silta Fs Avonu............JEfrcrron 3lll
tVeyerhaeuser Salcr Co-
-920 W. M. Garlud Bldg.........Mlcbigu 0391
Anericu Lumbcr & Trcating Co.' lll3l S. Brcadway.....'.........'.PRotprct 4363
Butcr. J. H. & Co., 601' Wcrt sth Strct..............Mlchigu 6294
Callfomla Dor ConPuy' Thc {9{l Dtrlrtct Btvd. ..............Klmbdl zrar
Calilomia Pmel & Vas Co., 955 S. Alueda SlrcGt .'..'......TRi!itv |05?
Cobb Co,. T. M.. 5t00 Central Avcnuc...............ADan3 UU?
Eubank & Son. lnc.. L. H. (Inglewod) r0f0 E. Hvdc Park Blvd.."..."ORcgor t'l50!
Kochl. Jm. W. & Son" 65i S. Mycrc Strmt.........'.'.....ANgclu 6lrl
Mutual MouldhS & hnbcr.Co.'
$G! Sc Hopcr Avc......'......L,llfay.tt ltzl
Oregon-lvachirgton Plysod Co. 316 West Nintb Strct............TRinltv {613
Pacific Wood Prcduct. Corporation' 3600 Tybum Strc.t.................Albeny 0lll
Pacific Mutual Door Co1600 E. Warhlngton B1vd......'.PRorpcct 9523
Rcu Company. Go. E'. 235 S. Jlladeda Stret.......,.,..Mlchlgu rt54
Red Rivq Lubor Co.
?@ E. Slaun..
Sampcon C;o. (Paeadcna), -?rs So. Rrymd Aic.........PYranld l-2lr{
West Coaet Sccn Co., ff45 E. 63rd Strect................ADamr llle6
Whclcr Oggood Salcr Corporation' 922 S. Flowor Strcct..'.....'......VAndikc Gl26