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livin$ ftin$
Loved Ones Are
Illustration Tells a True Story of the Old Mother Cat Who Lioed on Ane Side of the Street and the Airedole Dog Who Liaed on the Other
Ordinarily, when thi dog wandered across the street to where the cat lived, the cat promptly ttbeat it.tt
But now and then there came to visit the mother cat an occasional batch of kittens. When {hat happened, and the Airedale dog wandered into the cat's back yard, things were difiersnt-imtnsdiately there was activity, resentment, a dominating stand against invasion, which always resulted in the dog making a hasty retreat.
Why the change? Because with the RESPONSIBILITY which those kittens brought came the vision of her rights as a mother; faith in her ability to defend her young; courage to face the otherwise fearsome intruder; and the energy to go through with the charge that brought victory.
And folks, that's what HOME does for a man.
The responsibility of I HOME; a HOME to live in, to work and save and sacrifice to pay forl a HOME of his own with all the world outside; a citadel where he is KING.
It brings to him, also, the proper vision of his citizenship; faith in himself and his opportunities; courage to meet his daily problems; energy to gol through with his responribilities as a REAL ho-e owning citizen.
What a Grand Choracter Builder Is Home
We have had our artists illustrate this one of Jack Dionne's favorite stories, and are offering you an opportunity of using it in your local paper.
Original str[s-si2s as shown-will be furnishd at,$3.00; matrix at $2.00.
This is a human interest story that cannot help but go over big, create favorable comment and instill desires for Home Ownership.