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This space is at your service for want and for sale advertising. Advertisements for help, for employment or for sale can be run in reading form. The rate on this advertising will be $2.50 per column inch.
Accountant And Office Manager Wanted
Old established Retail Lumber Yard in citv of 25.000 wishes to infuse some new young blood into its organ- ization. We solicit app.lications from young men i"ho can measure up to the following specifications: Clean- cut persona.lirty,. en.ergetic," and arnbitious, thoroughj accoun,tant, (not just ,an tordinary bookkeeper) neai penman,_ orderly and systematic in executing the work -and capable of taking full charge of office.
Good opportunity for right party to advance to responsible position. If you are looking for a ,,soft job', this will not suit you. We expect to pay well for mhn who can deliver the goods. Ans*e. in'own ha,ndwriti-ng a1d give full particulars as to past experience. Confidential if requested. Address C. L. B. Care California Lumber Merchant.
Fxperrenced lumber ,isalesman, car and cargo, #ith Southern California retail yard acquaintance. Bo:c'ALO, Cal. Lumber Merchant
Experienced Lumber Woman Seeks Position
"Young woman with five years retail and wholesale lumber experience in book-keeping and stenographic nrork would like position with lumber concern as private secretary to Salesmanager or in sales department." Address MJ care The California Lumber Merchant 804 Fife Building, San Francisco, Cal.
Experienced Yard Manager Seeks Position
Wanted; position with some good lumber com,pany or manager of yard, 43 years of age, 20 y,ears experierrce in retail yards. Make plans and blue prints; speak American and Scandinavian; central California preferred. A E. Blycker, Hector, Minn.
IVAN'TED, by established wholesale lumber company, Sales Manager with extensive experience in Fir and Weste_rn.!ing. 4pply with references and details to No. 542; california Lumber Merchant.