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Planing Mill Meeting-S. F. Nov.23-4-5
Planing mill operators from all parts of the great West will gather at the P,alace Hotel, San Francisco, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, November 23,24 and 25 for the initial meeting of the Western Planing Mill and Wood Working Congress.
It is the intention to organize the wood working industries of t\e entire territory west of the Rocky mountains in one great association for the promotion of their mutual interests; uniform cost accounting; industrial problems; relations with the lumber manufacturer; relations with the retail dealer; safety conditions and other problems commonto the industrv will be discussed.
C. D. LeMaster of Fresno, manager of the San Joaquin Valley Mill Or,r'ners' Association, is the temporary president, and George M. Cornwall, editor of the Timberman of Portland, temporary secretary.
Invitations have been extended to reDresentative mill owners and operators in every state wesi of the Rockies and advance indications point to a large attendance.
The tentative program, which will be subject to some changes, is as follows:
THURSDAY, NOV. 23. 9:30 A. M.
Addrcss of Welcome.
Newton Lynch, Vice-President San Francisco Chamber of Commerce.
Objects of Western Planing Mill and Woodworking Oongress.
C. D. LeMaster, Manager San Joaquin Mill Owners' Association, Fresno, Calif.
Lumber Seasoning.
Representative Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis.
Discussion led by M. S. Warren, California Barrel Co., Arcata, Calif.
Question Box.
Appointment of Committees.
Orgenization (20 Minutes).
E. C. Pitcher, President San Francisco Mill Owners' Association, and Manager National Mill & Lumber Co., Oakland, Calif.
Discussion led by Geo. X. Wendling, President Pacific Wire Bound Box Co., San Francisco, Cal.
How Can We Interest Young Men in the Planing Mill Business? (20 Mtnutes).
C. E. Cowdin, President N,icolai-Neppach Co., Portland, Ore.
Discussion led by C. E. Reinhart, Reinhart Lumber & Planing Mill Co., San Francisco, Calif; P. J. McDonald, President, Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., Los Angeles, Calif.
Glue (1 H'our).
Representative Forest Products laboratory, Madison, Wis. Question Box.
Foremanship Training (2D Minutes).
William'Hobart, Wheeler, Osgood Co., Tacoma, Wash.
Discussion led by T. E. Whitmer, Whitmer, Jackson & Co.,
Albuquerque, N. M.; Fred S. Spencer, Eureka Sash, Door & Moulding Mills, San Francisco, Calif.; H. G. Klopp, Manager White, Pine Sash Co., Spokane, Wash.
Apprenticeship Training (20 Mirnrtes).
Raymond Titus, Puget Sound Manufacturing Co., Tacoma, Wash.
Discussion led by Earl D. Minton, The M,inton Co., Mduntain Vicw, Calif; Fred C. Bliss, M. A. Disbrow, Cheyenne, Wyo.; Clyde Pierce, Southwestern Sash & D'oor Co., Phoenix, Ariz.; Dan E. McAllister, The McAllister Lumber & Supply Co., Boulder, Colo.; Frank Tregoning, Tregoning Manufacturing Co., Seattle, Wash. Adjournment. FRIDAY NOV.24,9:30 A. M. Veneers (l Hour).
Representative Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis. Question Box.
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Three cars a dav of this stock.