2 minute read
Hutchinson Lumber Go.
T\ ID YOU ever have a client, with a manner quite defiant, tumultuu ously clamor for a pound of facing brickl Or a gentle little maiden, both her arms with shopping laden, ask for samples of dimension just to match a swagger stick?
T\ O YOUR customers buy lumber by the foot, or brick by numu ber? Are MATERIALS the only things that you have got to sell? If they are, it is no wonder that your trade is going to thunder, and your business and your profits are distinctly shot to hell.
HEN a man desires a mansion or would give a shed expansion, it's the HOME and SHED-the BUILDING, not the WOOD* he.. wants to buy. And by all your trade hereafter, why not sell him wEat he's after?. It's surely not so difficult a thing to try.
All the wild ideas of unbalancd agitators the world over in their ignorant and pitiable quest for happiness through revolution, confiscation of property, and crimg cannot overthrow the eternal truth that the one route to happiness through property or government is over the broad and open highway of service. And service alway.s. means industry, thrift, respect for authority, and recognition of the rights of others.
G. Sibley.
Listing Bureaus (30 Minutes)
. D. O. Druffle, Planing Mill Listing Bureau, San Francisco, Cal.
__ J. P. Larson, Planing Mill Owners' Association, St. Louis, Mo. Value of Time Studies (20 Minutes).
W. G. McHugh, Morrison Merrill & Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. Discu,ssion led by Clark W. Thompson, City Millwork Co., Tacoma, Wash; R. K. Bollerman, Walla Lumber Co.. Walla Walla. W"9h.; A MacCuaig, Exchange Lumber & Manufacturing Co., Spokane, Wash.; J. C. Owens, Owens-Park Lumber Co., Los Angeles, Calif..; Frqd S, Spencer, Eureka Sash, Door & Moulding Mills, San Fralcisco, Calif; A. W. Bernhaeur, Fresno Planing Mitl Fresno, Calif.; H. E. Emmons, Tacoma Sash & Door Co., Jacoma, Was!.;_W. A Lyneis, Columbia Planing Mill Co., Astoria, Ore.; W. P. Flint, Secretary Millwork Cost Bureau, Chicago, Ill.; A. H. Jongeneel, Redwood Manufacturers Co., Pittsburg, Calif.
J. G. Kennedy, Vice-President Pacific Manufacturing Co., Santa Clara, Calif.
Discussion led by Herman Levison, Dean Reversible Window Co., San Francisco, Calif.; E. A. Nickerson, Pacific Sash & Door Co, Los Angeles, Calif.
Tribulations of Small Planing Mill (20 Minutes).
H. E. tsuxton, Central Planing Mill Co., Corvallis, Ore.
Discussion led by Jack Hhrt, Hart & Burmeister, San Francjsco, Calif; R. J. Button, Button & Manning, San Francisco, Calif.; Clark W. Thompson, City Millwork Co., Tacoma, Wash.
Address (3o Minutes). F'RTDAY 2:0o P' M'
, Wm. Sproule, President Southern Pacific Co. Ovcrhead, What Is It? (10 Minutes).
C. E. Cowdin, Nicolai-Neppach Co., Portland, Ore. Strop Lumbcr (20.Minutes).
, R. E. Irwin, Boise Payette Lumber Co., Boise, Idaho
_ Discussion led by H. S. Stronach, West Coast Forest productr Bureau, rpgl-ttle, Wash.; C. W. Brobach, Union Lumber Co., Frrri 9r"gg. Calif.; J. M. Leaver, Sr., The pacific Lumber Co., Scctia. !at!!1 W. R. McMillan, Hammond Lum.ber Co., Eureka, Catii; e. $. Wjs{gm, Red River- Lumber Co., San Francisco; J. D. Spairld- ing,. California Sugar & White Pine Co., Sa_n Franiisco; deorge Weir, Coos Bay Lumber Co., San Francisco.-
Full MiU Bid (30 Minutes).
_ .Discussio! led by George Little, Selma Planing Mill, Selma, Calif.; C. A. Erown, Cross Lumber Cs., Merced, Ctif.; H.aymond Titus, Puget Sound Manufacturing Co_., Tacoma, Wash.; Gco. A. Brown, Builders' Supply Co., Everett,-Wash.;-Dan E. McAilister, The McAllister Lumber & Supply Co., Boulder, Colo.; E. W. Whittington, The Moore-Whittington Lumber Co., Victoria. B. C.
Value of Adequate Working Condition in the Planing t[li[.
Discussion led by .James G. Mclntosh, Electric Planing Mill Co., Stockton,.Calif.; C. G. Chipchase, Lodi Mill & Manufacturing Co.. Lodi, Calif.
Industrial Relations (30 Minutes).
J. R. Millar, vice-president and general manager, Californie Cotton Mills, Oakland, Calif.
Reports .of Committees, Organization election of officers and banquet in the evening.
9:30 A. M.-Report on 'Value of Adequate Working Conditions in the Planing Mi11," by Owen S. King, Chas. R, McCorMick Lurnber Co., San Diego.
Moving pictures of various lumbering and logging operations including those of the Fruit Growers' Supply Co., Susanville, Calif.: The Edward Routledge Timber Co., Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; Pacific' Lumber Co., Scotia, Calif., and Big Creek Logging Co., Knappe, Oregon.