4 minute read
Sell Yourself on Your Home Town
The Lum'ber Dealer will never make the kind of a booster he SHOULD be, until he has thoroughly sold himself on his OWN HOME TOWN.
There isn't any other one man so directly interested in BUILDING up that town as the LUMBER DEALER.
And a man CAN'T and WON'T build constructively except he be absolutely sold HIMSELF on the proposition.
There isn't any other one thing that would do YOU. \,Ir. Lumber Dealer, quite as much good with the people of YOUR town and district, as to be known wherever you go as "THE BIGGEST BOOSTER IN TOWN."
It's a beautiful game.
Play at it thoughtfully; play at it intelligently; play at
"clrs" *tTotti $j{,lt"Hlfl*TtYfikJru"*
it along well selected lines; but be sure you play at it IINTHUSIASTICALLY" Start TODAY.
Sit down and work out a plan for "BOOSTING YOUR HOME TOWN" in such a manner that everyone in the town and around the town rvill hear ab,out it.
Get to talking about your tolvn rrntil people get to talking about the way you've been talking about the torvn, and you'll find it will help you and the town both.
There are lots oi things about YOUR town that yotr pick out to start on. PICK 'EM OUT. 'Go to work.'__ Boost your town in your advertising. Boost it in your talks to your local edit,or. Boost it when your commeicial club meets. Get some good boost phrases worked out and go to boosting.
FEED llhe Kind .n,{F 66lP@nn" that Gets
va a v,ly
"Gus" Russell, of the Santa Fe Lumber Co, gave his thg IEUSineSS annual duck dinner to a party of friends o,n Nove'mber ninth in the Red Room at the Bohemian Club. Gus is just We heard a story the ottrer day that well illustrates the about one of the best duck hunters among-the lumber fra- kind of_vigorous, wo'rkmanship that gets the money in this ternity on the_ Bay and prior_to the_big feed, he always $ay a-nd g-eneration, the sont {hat neakes a killing ivheten., steps out and brings in a nice bag of birds. it is found-and, thank the Lo,rd, it is NOT unlomrrlon in Those who gathered around; the festive board to help the lumrber industry-but which the wlorrld needs a whole him out on the good eats were E. T. Ford, manager W. R. lot mbre of. Grace & Co., W. R. Grace of the \M. R. Grace & Co. ; , A railway bridge had been destroyed by fire and it had Gail H. Carter, president of the Pacific Mail Steamship Co.; to be replaced. The bridge etrgineer jna stiff were o,rdered W. G. Jeffress of Garrett & Co. i J. E. liebert, prominent pos haste to the spot, and two days f,ater the Generai SuOakland ?*gt!t; Joe Mora, artist ; R. C. Newell, Invest- perintendent hopped off a special coach, and rushed upon ment Banker; \ay Coyle, ,{rtist;-Gordon Ha11,_Attorney: t$: old master bridge builder. S"ty Bates,_.Insulange;_. Barnaby_ Conrad, Investment ,,Bill,,, said the Superintendent, ,,I want tlds job rushed Banker, Roy Pik_e, 9apitalist i _and Q H. Baker, Publisher Every houCg .delay costs the cormpany money. "Have you for Shingles, was unable to attend but sent his regrets ,,whedrer or not he has hls picture drawed yetl Uut thi thusly: "Regretinability to.be at dinner. It was a famous bridge is up and the trains #e pa"*irrg over it., victory quoth little Peterkin."
Fred Hamilton Looks Over The State
Fred Hamilton, popular salesmanager for the Benson Lirmber Company of San Diego, took a tr,ip to Los Angeles and other "up-state" suburbs of San Diego last week. Fred has a host of friends through'out the state and they kept him busy renewing acquaintance and exchanging information on the lumber business and other live topics. He reports business in the San Diego territory continuing steadily and the lumberman all prosperous.
Charlie Owen, "7im" Chase, Frank Connolley, J. B. Hall and Phil Hart, Los Angeles lumbermen and sportsmen. set out a few days ago for the lower Imperial Valley for wild ducks.
C. W. Pinkerton, president, and eight members of tfr board of directors of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, met in San Francisco on Monday to plan for the immediate expansion of the organization. A campaign for 100 per cent membership among the retailers of California is to be started.
, Herman Freese of San Francisco resigned as treasurer and M. A. H'arris was electted in rhis plnce. Mr. Freese will contique however as a director.. "
H. S. Stronach, representative of the West Coast Forest Products Bureau of New York, has been in California for the last few weeks interviewing lumbermen, planing mill operators, architects and other wood users on [he fur] ther use Douglas fir and other West Coast woods in ordinary mill work and construction.
The West Coast Forest Products Bureau is composed of a-group o{ prominent lumber manufacturers, Ioggeri and lumber wholesalers of Oregon and Washington and is designed to promote the use of West Coast woods wherever there is a practical call for them.
-Mr. Stronach spoke to the architects of Los Angeles at their monthly meeting November 14 and will spei'k to the San Francisco architects November l6n and-to the Southern California retailers at Los Angeles at their annual meeting Saturday, November 18.
A. L. Porter, secretary of the Western Retail Lumber_ men's Association, lvith leadquarters in Spokane is on a visit to California. He will attend the Southern Califrirnia retailers' convention -i-n Los Angeles on Saturday. Mr. Porte,r is urging California dealers to attend' the amnual ponvention of his ,association at,spokane next Februa,11r...