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How Lumber Looks
Lumber buyers are willing these dayr to pay a premiurn for lumber that they can get delivered.
And they are not willing to pay anything at all for lumber that hes no chance to reach its destination for 6O or 9O or 12O dayr.
That is about the way the present situation sizes up, and this situation is due to the car rhortage that has prevailed in the West and South for the last two monthr or ten weeks and which still is tte importent consideration in the entire lumber market.
Cars are ar rcarce in the Dowlas frr industrrr today 'as they have been at any time this Fdl, and the scarcity may get ivorse before it gets better. The mills keep merrily on cutting lumber end piling it up in tfie hope of shipping it rome time in the futtrre. Last week t'hey cut 35'O0O'OOO feet more tfian ttey shipped, and there rhipmentr included rail and water busineec both.
They have been running up a surplur of approximately thir size for the last t[ree months. How long ttey are going to keep it up ir h'ard to ny but t'he approachins cold weather may shut down rome of trhem.
It ir apparent that the mills are accumulating a considerable rurplus of lunber, although their rtockr were far chort wheo tte cer shortage started, ar the heavy run of nationwid+yer, world-wid+burine$ of the Spring and early Sunmer depleted ttrem far below nornrd.
But it ir very likely trhat if tte railroadr were able to deliver carr right now tte market would weaken, ar everyone would be wanting to ship. On the other hand, the country ia hrmgry for lumber, and more lumber, and it might not teke ro long ar you think for the prerent etockr to be abrorbed.
As if in sympathy with tLe car dtuation, the water-bormd movemerit ir euffering from a rcarcity of space. The tre mendous demand for lumber in California continuer and the cargo rhipperr are having hard timel to meet requirementr. Just u buyerr in the rail trade are willing to pay a prenium on luurber that can be delivered, tte Cdifornia merket has grown fittner on account of tight tonnage.
There ir no record of Cdifornia paving premiurnr for dctveriel ht it b vcry noliceablc tbat the rirarket today b much firmer than it was the 6nt of the month. There has been no distinct advance, with the exception of normal fluctuationr in individual itemr, but buyers are more wining to pay prevailing prices than two weeks ago.
Despite the apparent scarcity of boat space, cergo rhipmentc continue through the ports of Southern California as well ar through those of tte,North in almost record-breaking volume. The month of Novembe,r hes started to keep pace witlr the other big months of the yeer and the receipt of a billion and a quarter feet through the combined pqts of the los Angeles dirtrict for the yean probably will be accomplished.
Building operations throughout the rtate are not letting down on account of the rearon and the demend for lum. ber promirec to keep right up through the Winter.
With the emphatic defeat of the Houri4g bill and the reecue of the shingle indurtry from annihilatiorq the market for shingler took a decided jump lart week. Deelerr apparently had been holding off their orders awaiting tte reeult of the voting. On the day after the election, when the results became known, the demand for rhinglec began. Some rhingle dirtributorr were literally deluged with orderr.
T[re publicity that had been centerred on ahingles throughout t{re campaign put many people in the mind of buying shingles who might not have bought thenr at dl before, with the reeult tlrat many entirely new marketr were opened up.
So chingler are dirtinc{y firmer and probably will continue firm.
Redwood contiiruel to enioy a brisk and rteady demand. Dederr throughout the rtate are buying heavily and the manufacturers are having rome difrculty in clling orderr due both to the heavy accumulation of qdcrr and the cer shortage.
Novelty redwood riding and many otter riding patterlr are mort etlractive right now. The campaign of education conduc{ed by many redwood manufacturerr for a more gencral ure of rhortr has created a good market for rhort rtock, in comrnon grader ar well ar in riding and vuiour upp€r itenrr. The manufecturerr continue to make many Crllfornia ehipmcntr of rcdwood upp€r. in open cerrt covered with i fbw tayeri of cornmonr, ar the car rhortagc hnr robbcd thcrn of ctoscd cquipmat
Shop Lumber
Elevation, climate and the fertile soil of the high Sierras have not only grown the largest Sugar and White Pine trees in the world, but they have produced a lumber with softness of texture and easyworking qualities. A lumber that will not warp or shrink, therefore of immense value to the pattern worker, shopman and manufacturer.
Superior equipment and immense facilities of our mills assure Prompt Shipment and Satisfaction Always.