1 minute read
The Best Lathered Face Is the Easiest to Shave
The old idea o,f lumber selling was to put in a stock of building materials, and when John Smith decid'ed he wanted to build some, to give him a "good close figure" on his bilL There was no advertising to create the idea of building, or to pnepare the prorpect for the building idea; nothing to keep the prospect sold on the lumber dealer in the meantime.
In other words, there was pain,ful lack of CUSTOMER PREPARATION. So when the custonrer finally dropped in for quotations, there was nothing to tie him with but a price propogition
A customer rushed into a barber rhop one day, and demanded a quick shave, eo that he might catch a train aE a(x)n as poosible. Did the barber grab his ra:zor and go to ehaving ttrie man who was in a hurry? He did NOT. He lathered the fellow's face thoroughly, and trhen proceeded to rub in the lather on that chin with what looked like great deliberation, until the customer, rvatching the clock, b.gat to get neryous. But the barber knew his business. when he got that beard well lathered, he gnbbed his razor and had those whiskers off in a jifiv.
He understood CUSToMER PREPARATION. And it is iust as important in the retail lumber business as it was with that barber. The retailer who overlooks the theory of working on his trade constantly, ir overlooking a great bet, because preliminary preparation ig the chief s€cret of selling succeta.
Preliminary preparation in the building game means to keep your trade constantly advised of who you are, where you are, what you have to offer, and what you m€an to THEM in a service way; to keep them sold on yourself in your character as a building mercha^rrt so tlhat when the time comer for them to buy anything in your line, it will not be necessary for you to go through all the motions of convincing them concerning yourself and your ability. Have them convinced in advance.
That's custorner preparation. Rememben The best lathened face is the easiest to shave.