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Thg lgna+elr IJlrntter Cornpanrl
R, A. Long Bldg. - Lumbermen since 1875 - Kansar City, Mo.
Southern Pine Lumber and Timbers; Creosoted Lumber, Tirribers, Posts, Poles, Ties, Piling and Wood Blocks: California White Pine Lumber, Sash and Doors, Standardized Woodwork; Southern Hardwood, Oak Flooring
Members of the newly formed Los Angeles District Lum'bermen's Club consider themselves extremely fortunate in their recent selection of E. D. Tennant as secretarv and manager of their organizatio'n.Mr. Tennant, rvho probably is known personally to as many iumbermen as anyone else in this country, went to Los Angeles from San Francisco, immediately after the .sta.te convention with ihe intention of returning directly to his home in St. L,ouis. But he was pre- vailed upon to remain and assist the new organization, and inasmuch as he had begun to like California -iglt{. well anyrvay, he _was happy to take up the work. While Mr. Tennant- is a priciical lu-berriran, h;"i;; had wide and suc,cessful expeiience in both the manufacl llltlC,i"d selling ends of the game, he is best k"r;;,;;;_ haps, pn account of his accomplishments on behalf of Fioo- H6o- tln l9l5 he was elected Sr"ir.,iirre lJniverse and,as the Order at that time neededi a capable hand to *"**. the general office at St. Louis, he *as i"d;..;J, ;1 ih;';; qf hig term, to become secretary-manager. His su.ce.s in that- important office now has blcome 3ne of the traditions of the organization. , More.recently he engaged in lumber new_spaper work and early in the Fall was"in-vited to come to California t,o manage fhe state convention at San Fran_ cisco,-penling the- perfection of a permanent organi zation.
Mr. Tennant has established timporary offiies for the l.:y,br Angeles ,District Lumbermen', ilub ^l-+O/ iiy burtdrng.and probably will have his permanent offices in ihl same buildinE.
}{ar-ry- T. Nicolai, head of the Nicolai Door Company of Portland, has rettrrned to his home after a month's business trip_ through Calif,ornia and the East. He "i.ited N.i" York, Boston and other cities along the Atlantic coast be_ fore ,coming to Los Angeles and Sa"n Francisco. 17, Mr,. Nicolai^re.p-orti the demand for doors through,out the east and in California excellent but shipments are" helcl
What will you give us for them in whole or part car lots?
Can frll car with anything in REDWOOD
Practically /Vo hffer Refuseil (On the LATH)
Albion Lumber Co.
HOBART BLDG., SAN FRANCISCO Mills at Albion and Navarro up greatly owing to the shortage of equipment.
While in ttre Bay District he called on his San Francisco representatives, the Nicolai Door Company of California. of which F. S. Bu*ley is Manager and- J.'C. Haring Secretary. The Nicolai Door Company of Cilifornia ari now located in their new oflrces and large warehouse at Ninteenth and Harrison Streets, where t[ey are carrying a large stock of doors, veneers, panels, and open glazed win"dows.
While in tl-re souih, Mr. Nicolai called on his Los Angeles representative, Mark Lillard.