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Sacramento Valley Dealers Visit California Door Plant at Oakland
Members of the Sacramento'Valley.Lumbermen's club, to$ether with a number of visiting giests enjoyecl a trip through _the plant of the Catrifornia Door Company at OakIand, following their monthiy luncheon at the-Oaklancl hotel on Fridav. October 27.
Guides were provided ito show the various grot.rp, through the many departm'ents of the factory, and many retail lumbermen who had been selling doors for vears and years 'learned something new aboirt how they are made.
Among the distinguished visitors weie E, D. Kings- j lj)r,_president of the West Oregon Lumber Company, and F. _C. Knapp, President of the Peninsula Lumber Company at Portland. Mr. Kingsley gave his views on the Douglas fir market situation and advised his hearers not to de-..
Mr. Knapp seconded virtually. all of Mr.. (.ingsley's:remarks, and commended the Sacramento Valley deal6rs for their spirit of cooperation ,shown by their willingness to get together, for their regular meetings.
- E. T. Robie, president iof the club, had charge of the meeting dnd called on many members for reports on conditions. Fred Conner of Sbcramento urged attendance at the state convention which:was held the following Saturday. A. X{. S..Pierce told olthe wonderful building activity in Oakland an{ vicinity; Noah Adams gave a similar repott for the'adjacent territory.
Robert S. Grant and Jolur L. Todd of the California Door Company, explained, biiefly, some of the circumstances surrounding the manufacture and sale of doors and extended 'the invitation to visit the plant.
f'oiioviiing is a list of thosi present:
C. G. Corkran, Earl E. White, O. H. Miller, Noah Adams, P. M. Combe, E. L. Fifield, D. A. Williamson, W. A. Glenn, John P. Muller,u A. J. Nolan, E. D. Kingsley, E. T. Roliei H" S. Fuller, $. S. McBride, A. M. S. Pearce, E. E. Bryan, G. N. Whiteside, J. E. Sullivan, Jas. McNab, G. E. DeGoldie, C. A. Sibley, F. C. Knapp, Robt. S. Grant, E. C. Hughes, J. C. Beftholf, Chas. F. Ward, J. L. Todd. Fred Conner, A.'A. Kelley,:H. H. Scoville, A. N. Lofgren, M. S. Hirschfeld.
Acknowledged With Thanks
The Publisher of The California Lu,mrber Merchant acknowledges invitations to address lumber meetings as follows: pend too much on a,possible decline in the price of fir lumber. Better prepare for a strengthening, he advised. Stocks are low and demand is heavy, he pointed out, while at the same time costs of manufacture are not growing any lower,
Mr. Kingsley brought out some very interesting facts relative to the attitude of the manufacturer towards the retailer and vice versa and showed that they were not altogether responsible for conditions which they were quite often blamed for.
Some of the conditions hit upon by the speaker were: lengths, dimensions, quality and delivery. He laid considerable blame on nature for not growfing trees more nearly suited to demands made upon them from the four corners of the world.
The Panhandle-Plains Retail Lnmbermen's As'sociation convention at Amarillo, Texas, November Sth and 9th.
Southern California Retailers, I-os Angeles, November lSth.
The Shingle Congress, Seattle, Dec. 7th and 8th lVisconsin Retail Lumber Dealers' Association convention, in February, in Milwaukee.
Pennsvlvania Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, in February.
Western Retail Lumbermens' Association, Spokane, in February.
Mr. Dionne addressed the lumbermen of Beaumont, Texas, on October 9th, on the subject: "What Hoo-Hoo Means to California."