3 minute read
Here Is One Lumber Firm that Can Write Interesting Selling Letters
An interesting selling letter to your trade is a means of producing small business during the fall months that has been used successfully by hundreds of lumber merchants. Let your particulbr letters fit your particular stock, trade, or situation; but be sure that they contain some interesting building IDEAS in them that will set ,the recipient of the letter to THINKING of building and building improvements: It may not be rthe particular thing that you men'tion that he buys, but your letters shoulcl aim to convert him to the idea of ,mal{ing building improvements before winter comes.
The following are two cir,cular letters recently sent to its trade by the O. E. Woods Lumber Co., of Parsons, Kansas, a very live and active lumber merchandising firm. One ro,f these le.tterS, :q6s6s.-ing home and ihome improvements, went to their list of home owners, and the other went to rtheir list of farmers.
They are wnrth reading as a suggestion to others: Dear Sir:
Fall is the ideal time to paint and fix up around the farm. Crops have been laid aside and the weather is pleasant.
Paint is building insurance just as much as fire insurance. Decay costs much more than good paint. Chicago Paint Works Paint is guaranteed quality paint. You save about sixty-five cents per gallon because it is not in the paint trust. Paint and save by trading with us.
The name Poland China does not necessarilv mean a good hog. Likewise, there is a world of difference in good brands of Extra Star A Star and Extra Clear Shingles. A difference of twenty-five cents per thousand may mean ten years difference in the life of your roof. Quality shingles only are sold by Woods.-
What kind of improvements do the best farmers have ? Implement sheds, g.arages, granaries, chicken houses, hog houses, barns, etc., are essentials to good farming. Get them built now before they are nleded most.
One farmer near Parsons has had his v/heat yields increased five to seven bushels per acre by using- lime. The quickest way to get results in liming is t-o drill in hydrate lime with your seed wheat ,and oats.
You are cordially invited to get estimates on the cost of whatever improvements you contemplate, without obligation on your part.
See Woods for lumber, paint, glass, cem€nt, etc., the next time you are in town.
Sincerely y'ours,
Here is the other letter:
Dear Sir:
Are you satisfied? Is your home as ,comfortable and as pleasant as vou would like to have it this winter ?
Is paint needed inside or out ? If you cannot point with pride to a rvell painte(l or stucco house or welcome your friends into freshly decorated roollls, you will be keenly interested in our guaranteed quality paint at reducecl prices.
And yotrr floors. Are you proud of good floors, an essential of a real home ? C)ak flooring can be laicl directly over your old floors giving added w'armth an(l satisfaction, while requiring less care. The cost of oak flooring for a twelve by twelve: room will vary from ten to thirty dollars depending on the quality. Our floor varnishes and paints of quality r.vill make better either new or old floors.
Then your roof. Surely you would not risk a leaky roof in winter. Good, non-curling asphalt shingles can be laid over your old shingles or you may obtain quality cedar shingles here at prices no higher 'than is often asked for inferior brands.
There are many ways to improve your horne. Magnesto,nie stucco will make an old home' look like new and also make it much warmer. Numental weather-s'trips, which keep out cold, prevent rattle and save fuel can be installed by a handy man rvithout removing the sash. Porches, steps and sills should be repaired, garages and outbuildings constructed or cement walks laid. More rooms rnay be added, attics lined with wall board, openings closed with french doors or the roof can be altered to bungalow style.
And if there is no other way to improve your hon.re you can alu'ays build a new one. See us for plan books and estimated costs.
If your family is not comfortable, happy and satisfied with their home this winter it will be your fault not ours. We are doing our part by carrying a large stock of quality building material, keeping the latest plan books and by selling at reasonable prices consistent r,vith wholesale costs.
Just talk it over with the remainder of the family today; find what they want done, step to the telephone and ask lor 578 or visit us at 201 1 Broadway, acrclss from the Y.M.C.A. Do it now !
Yours for a lvarm, comfortable, happy winter, we are' very truly.

One of the most effective pieces of publicity offerecl on behalf of the lumbermen in their figh't aeainst the Housing Bill and its vicious anti-shingle provisions at the recent election was the original poem conlposed by }{rs. F. E. Conner of the Sacrat.uento I-umber Co.. at Sacramento.
The clever little verse r,vas printed on the llack of a rniniature shingle ancl circulatecl at the state convention at San F'rancisco late in (Jctober, but it r.nade s'rch a hit 'ivith the lupbermen there that great quantities of reprints were 'crclerecl {or general circulation ovcr the state.
Here is the r,erse cor.nplete : Said the little wocdeu Shingle, "Httlly smoke ; Hully Gee ! After all my years of service. Are you going to otttlaw me ?"