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Arnong the Dealers
- -Starting November 1, W. E. Rampee became manager of the Hart-Wooci Lumber Company-retail yard at FiTth and Bgrry streets, San Francisco.
The Hart-Wood interests in this yard have been bought by R. A. Hiscox, one of the originai owlners, who retiied from its active management a two-months ago. The yard will continue under the same name, but Mr. Hiscox'will devote his own time 'to his new wholesale concern, the Western States Lumber Co. Mr. Rampee will ha.i'e direct charge of the yard.
The DeN[und Lumber Company is the newest retail yard enterprise at Yuma, Ariz. The principals are C. E. DeMund, president; H. E. DeMund, vice president, anl L. H. DeMund, secretary, treasurer and general manag'er. C. E. DeMund, who now lives in Los Angeles, is an old-time Iumberman and formerly operated a yard at Phoenix. He is well known to most of the lumbermen of Arizona and Southern California. Business has been good in the territpry surrounding Yuma and the tte* y"id is starting out rvith promising prospects.
Scholfield Builds Mill In Hollywood
Herbert Scholfield, who recently sold his interests in the Sunset Planing mill in Hollywood. has arranged to build another planing mill on Santa Monica boulevard in the industrial section of Hollywood. A handsome brick structure, fronting on the street, will house the offices and also will contain a ferv stores. The mill will be in the rear.
Seattle Manufacturer Visits California
Among the recent visi'tors to California from the Northwest was Walter B. Nettleton, president of the Nettleton Lumber Company at Seattle. He came south to attend the hearings of the Federal Trade commission in the case of the Douglas Fir Exploitation & Export Company, at San Francisco, and then proceeded to Los Angeles to visit the company's southern office, which is in charge of Paul W. Masters. Mr. Nettleton reports that the car shortage in the Northwest still is quite severe. The mills that ship by water, of course. are not badly affected and they are having all the business they can handle.
Palo Alto Yard Makes Improvements
On account of the in,creasing volume of its buisiness the Palo Alto Lumber Company is making extensive improvements to its plant at Channing Avenue and Em.erson street in Palo Atrto. A new warehouse for accommodation of cement, roofing and other building material has been cornpleted. Other improvements are under way. A. C. comprereo. \Jtner U. and E. R. Ellis established this yard at Palo Alto lesg than six months ago and have built up a wonderful business in that brief period.
Waterman Buys Yard At Monrovia
Henry Waterman has bough,t the interests of the L. W. Blinn Lumber Company in the Monrovia Lumber Company at Monrovia and will at once reorganize the business and change the name to the Monrovia ,Lumber & Mi'lling Company. Mr. W;rterman has been man'ager of the business for nearly 12 vears and has had an active ,part in the dc'r,elopment of Nlonrovia. FIe plans numerous important inrprovemeuts in the property.
Upton & Hale, who recently began erection of buildings and assemblv of equipment for their nerv yard at South Pasadena are making rapid progress with their work and soon will be ready for operations. l'he yard will be on El Centro street and have direct access to the Santa Fe tracks. A spur track now is being buil,t.
Wc rpccializc in rhinglcr and can meke quick rhipmGnt-ctf or cargo-from our own millr. Watch our wccLly quotation rhectr for pricct. Northcrn Crlifornia ordcn rhould go to Scattlc. Southcrn California and Arizona to Loe rA,ngclcr Officc.