1 minute read
Mni*f, dag:
Work is progressing rapidly on the Cadwallader-Gibson Lumber Conrpany new yard at Fifth and Brannan Streets San Francisco.
The main building will be 155 feet long and 6O feet wide, and will contain a mezzanine floor which will be used exclusively for panel stock; they plan on carrying about 500,000 feet of this stock. A new dry kiln wlith a capacity of 30,000 feet is being installed and will be ready for operation in about thirty days. Their new yard will havo capacity space for about 1,500,000 feet of lumber.
Heretofore the company has landled only their own products, but vfith completion of the new San Francisco yard they plan to carry a complete and full stock of domestic hardwoods. In the near future yards will be opened at