1 minute read
Enthusiasm Is Good Business Getter
Enthusiasm has got the Bubonic Plague skinned a mile when it comes 'to contagion. Spread the germ of town boosting. Spread it every day. Don't overlook an opportunity.
Do it so well that people will come to look upon you, and think of you, and refer to you, as the "BIGGEST BOOSTER IN TOWN.''
It's a mighty good foundation to predicate y,our business success upon, and you will simply be taking the position that you belong in.
Find the good points in your town. Grab.them. Ac- centuate them. Magnify them reasonably. Hold them up high, and let 'em ALL see 'em. Remember,
"Good towns are not made by men afraid Lest somebody else gets ahead ; When everyone wor,ks, and nobody shirks, You can raise a town fromthe dead.
And if, while you make your personal stake Your neighbor should make one, t.oo, Your town will be what you want it to be, ' It isn't your town-it's YOU."