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Long-Bell to Build Fine Hotel at New Columbia River Mill
Fine L4ORoom Hotel to Be Built by Long-Bell Lumber Co. at Longview, Washington
In cieveloping its tremendous nerv loeging and milling project in the Northrvest the Long-Bell Lumber Company is setting its face firmly toward the far future and is preparing for. a perntanent and well-orderecl city adjacent to the rnill-site at the confluence o{ the Cowlitz and Columbia Rivers in the State of \\,-ashington, about 40 miles from n". rreen narrecr Longview, in honor oi
It. A. Long. head of all the Long-Bell enterprises and on 'account of the comr.nanding view that it enjoys up and down the river and of the surrounding green-clad hills.
'lhe town is being laid out in accordance with the plans and ideas of experts. It will not be built up in haphizard iashion. The streets are -1o be arranged with the object of accomodatins a city of fully 25.0C0 persons ; parks, plar'grciuncls, inclustrial clistricts and residence sections are to be marked and sg preserveci.
'fhe first important project in connection with the city development will be construction of a modern fireproof hotel. Plans already have been prepared and work soon will be under u'ay. It will be six stories ip height and have 140 rooms, each with a private bath.
. Even before the giant mills are complete and ready to cut, their quota of 2,000,000 feet of fir and hemlock lurnber evcry dar', the hotel will be reacly and open for occupancy so that visitors to Lor.rgview, for sight-seeing or business, will have arrrple accomodations.
Look upon your job as a TONIC, not an ANAESTHETIC. Supply For
LUMBER YARDS anticipating the sah of PAINT, not as a sideline, but as a leading building material, should first consider a line of paint that is made BY the contracting painter and contracting builder, and FOR the contracting painter and builder.
Our materials are made for the contractor who knows what materials wi[ do to assist in so painting the lumber as to improve its acceptability.
WE HAVE A PAINT PROPOSITION FOR LUMBER YARDS. Will bc plcarcd to rubnit it on requcet.
Owners of and Operators of Fleet of Lumber Vessels