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Northwest Ships More Than 1,000,000,000 Feet to State in Nine Months
Cargo shipnrents of lurnber from C)regon, \\rashington ancl British Colunrbia to California for the lirst nine morrths of. L922 aggrcgatetl 1,106,536.336 feet, accorcling to cor.r.rpilations just con.rplete<l bv the Pacific Lumber Inspection Bttreau.
'lhis is au increase o[ 84 per cent over the correspontling record {or last 1'ear u'hen the shipments totaled 599.927,627 tect.
The totai of all rvater shipments' from the Northwest {or the nine months lvas 2.381,203,785 feet as cornpared with 1,2+9,057,310 feet for first nine months of iast year, an itrcrease of 91 per ccrrt.
Exclusive of Califoltria carsoes, deliveries to other United States don'restic markets increased ll7 per cent. The movement, through Panama Canal, to North Atlantic Coast markets increased 183 per cent. o\rer the first nine months of last 1'ear.
In the export tracle Japanese buying increased I22 per cent. Australia iucreased its purchases 157 per cent.
The East Coast of South America which has been dominated by Southert.r pine for many years, has at la,s't started buying heavilv irr fir and spruce' increasing its use of Pacific Northrvest lntttber 42.i per cent. Culta has also been active rvith an increase of 150 per cent.
Europe also is beginning to show a keen interest in Pacific Northrvest fclrest products, purchases for the United I{irrgrlonr antl Continent in the nine months having increasetl 58 per cent.
South Africa, taking about half the volttme purchased bv Etrrope, shorvs an increase oI 241 per cent {or the comparative nine-month period.
The nine-months' cargo shipments to various clomestic and foreign markets this year and for the like period to the same markets last year follows:
Bv districts the water shipments of lurnber for the first nine month s of. 1922 were as follows :